I got my next rank in my American Karate class which is a Green Belt with a Black Stripe. After months and months of training and class time, I advanced to my next rank. Just to show what I went through here is a list of the testing I had to go through to get my next rank. Cermional and Proper Sitting and Standing. Proper Stances 10 Stances. Stances included: Fighting Stance, Kicking Stance, Back Stance, Cat Stance, American Back Stance, American Fighting Stance, Hour Glass Stance, Right and Left Angle Stances.
4 Katas. Katas included: H-Form, Tiger 1, Tiger 2, Tigher 3, Tiger 4. One Steps 1-18. 3 Steps 1-18. Two-Man Forms. 3 Two-Man Forms include: Tiger 1, Tiger 2, Tiger 3. Bows. 2 Bows. Bows include: Fighting Bow and Ceremonial Bow. 4 Weapons Katas. Weapons Katas include: Bo, Nunchuk, Sai, Tonfa. And last but not least point Karate. First to score 5 points Wins. For the peson who doesn't get the 5 points first even if you get everything else perfectly you fail. My first try and I did it all. I am now a Green Belt with a Black Stripe. Next belt I'm aiming for is Brown.
4 Katas. Katas included: H-Form, Tiger 1, Tiger 2, Tigher 3, Tiger 4. One Steps 1-18. 3 Steps 1-18. Two-Man Forms. 3 Two-Man Forms include: Tiger 1, Tiger 2, Tiger 3. Bows. 2 Bows. Bows include: Fighting Bow and Ceremonial Bow. 4 Weapons Katas. Weapons Katas include: Bo, Nunchuk, Sai, Tonfa. And last but not least point Karate. First to score 5 points Wins. For the peson who doesn't get the 5 points first even if you get everything else perfectly you fail. My first try and I did it all. I am now a Green Belt with a Black Stripe. Next belt I'm aiming for is Brown.