Originally posted by Superdude
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Recognizing martial artists
On the other hand...
Originally posted by betall View PostI think you can recognize them by whether or not they kick ass. I know guys who don't look like much, but they'll whip your ass if you mess with them. I know tough-looking guys who don't amount to anything. You recognize them by whether or not they can win fights.
If a guy is REALLY an artist I'd say he would blend in perfectly. He would go completely UNNOTICED. He might even seem invisible.He would appear to be unthreatening, unremarkable and unarmed if you actually took notice of him at all.
In a confrontation he is cool and calm. There is no posturing or taking some stance. He does not square off or push obstacles out of the way...
If he should actually fight there ain't much to see but you may be left wondering what happened... Did anyone really catch what he did?
No? To me THAT'S ART. Maybe he just fell down and struck his own face? LOL
Yeah! It could happen.
Originally posted by Tant01 View PostIf a guy is REALLY an artist I'd say he would blend in perfectly. He would go completely UNNOTICED. He might even seem invisible.He would appear to be unthreatening, unremarkable and unarmed if you actually took notice of him at all.
In a confrontation he is cool and calm. There is no posturing or taking some stance. He does not square off or push obstacles out of the way...
If he should actually fight there ain't much to see but you may be left wondering what happened... Did anyone really catch what he did?
No? To me THAT'S ART. Maybe he just fell down and struck his own face? LOL
Yeah! It could happen.
"You become invisible. What the ninjitsu refer to as ‘invisibility’, I don’t think they’re talking necessarily about actually disappearing, but if you have a huge amount of confidence, because you’ve built up your physical ability, then you become invisible to threat. You’re not seen as a victim to people who want to attack, so the martial arts are very good in that respect. You have to do the martial arts properly and train very hard and go through a forge so you get a tempered blade. And if don’t go through the forge, then there tends to be a lot of insecurity. And being in the martial arts can actually perpetuate trouble, because if your confidence isn’t mature, people tend to go looking for situations to prove themselves."
- Geoff Thompson
Originally posted by Superdude View PostIf you see some random person on the street, is there any way to tell if he has martial arts training? Something about the way he looks or acts perhaps that might indicate it?
Easy. They will be the person with there ego tucked in there pocket, walking away from the untrained, drunk imbicile trying to start sh*t.
And should the imbicile persist... then they will be the person walking away while the imbicile is being carried away.
Originally posted by Tant01 View PostIf a guy is REALLY an artist I'd say he would blend in perfectly. He would go completely UNNOTICED. He might even seem invisible.He would appear to be unthreatening, unremarkable and unarmed if you actually took notice of him at all.
In a confrontation he is cool and calm. There is no posturing or taking some stance. He does not square off or push obstacles out of the way...
If he should actually fight there ain't much to see but you may be left wondering what happened... Did anyone really catch what he did?
No? To me THAT'S ART. Maybe he just fell down and struck his own face? LOL
Yeah! It could happen.
Originally posted by Lotar-4-Life View PostEasy. They will be the person with there ego tucked in there pocket, walking away from the untrained, drunk imbicile trying to start sh*t.
And should the imbicile persist... then they will be the person walking away while the imbicile is being carried away.