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Freindly JeetKuneDo vs. Kyokusin Karateka

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  • Freindly JeetKuneDo vs. Kyokusin Karateka

    who would have the advantage if both trained for about 5 years based on thier art and its techiniques.. i might side with jkd this time.

  • #2
    What sort of rules?


    • #3
      rules of survival. but in this thread itll be freindly


      • #4
        One vote for Kyokusin. Unless it's the SBG type of JKD.


        • #5
          I vote for Beans.


          • #6
            SBG? ? i dont think i am familiar with this jeetkunedo phrase,


            • #7
              5 years training Would still boil down to which person could better use what they learned. In a fight its what you can do not what style or way you trained.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rank7
                SBG? ? i dont think i am familiar with this jeetkunedo phrase,

                Straight Blast Gym

                Do you Google?


                • #9
                  i guess that jeet kune do as well?????/
                  i know them kyukushins can take hits but then again jkd is good for avoiding hits both have good attack techniques. im not sure who to go for anymore. well ill ssay jkd still..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rank7
                    i guess that jeet kune do as well?????/

                    Here, maybe this will help...

                    You could say that SBG is one of the things that JKD became. Is it still JKD?

                    You decide...


                    • #11
                      jeet kune do

                      kyokushinai dont punch to the head in tournament combat and their self defense moves are out dated . karate will always lose to systems like jeet kune do and pfs. ive trained in kyokushin and quickly picked it apart. things like defense against a wrist grab !! ive never seen a grown man walk up to another man and grab his wrist in an altercation. i was a bouncer in a 1200 person capacity night club and witnessed literally hundreds of fights. this doesnt happen. usually a right haymaker or straight right. ive seen martial artists(mostly tae kwon do and karate) get their ass handed to them by competent street fighters. another thing im noticing is all the rage about grappling. well its good in sport use but in a street fight it would be a huge mistake to go to the ground at all. the guy you have in a choke hold on the ground probably has a friend you didnt see who is now gonna boot f@#c your head into the concrete. stay off the ground!!!! grappling is only useful in sport combat.


                      • #12
                        Thank you for yoru generous post,


                        • #13
                          the guy you have in a choke hold on the ground probably has a friend you didnt see who is now gonna boot f@#c your head into the concrete.
                          I never thought of that! You better let Paul Vunak and Danny Inosanto know that about how bad all that ground fighting is.


                          • #14
                            not all bad

                            dont get me wrong. grappling is not bad but in a street situation (where most fights happen in and outside of bars) i think its a good practise to maintain an upright fighting stance at all times . especially in crowds this way you are much better able to defend yourself against possible multiple attackers. if the fight becomes a wrestle then trapping is the way to go. elbows, knees ,biting and gouging all work well. kyokushin doesnt teach combat like that. SBG JKD and PFS does. i think vunak is just beginning to shine the light on real world combat. primal offence . simple and direct. eastern martial arts on their own are fading in terms of validity in real world combat. most MA are realizing you need combinations of east and west to be more effective . i love traditional kyokushin, by far the most brutal of all karates . but not as effective as JKD(SBG) or PFS.


                            • #15
                              yea jkd is str8

