Originally posted by Garland
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how would the rock do if he were to compete in mma?
Originally posted by EmptyneSsso what do guys think should be the next thread about speculating if a certain person who we think may or may not be tough in real life would do good in mma. I was thinking mabye Arnold the Governator.
The Cookie Monster vs. Royce Gracie??
Will Farrel vs. Crocop?
Originally posted by Tom YumDaniel LaRusso (Ralph Machio) from the Karate Kid vs. Vanderlei Silva?
The Cookie Monster vs. Royce Gracie??
Will Farrel vs. Crocop?
Registered User
- Jul 2004
- 1865
"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
I'd like to see a bunch of rappers fight in the UFC... weight classes of course, always talking about how tough they are and how they'll stomp anybody... and I quote from a 50 cent song "cause ill break your face"... thats in between a whole bunch of rambling about how huge he is and how he fucks shit up.. now breaking someones face isnt doing a driveby shooting or anything like that, you actually ahve to fight them....
So I propose (and im guessing on weight classes here)
50 Cent Vs Vitor Belfort (well see whos face gets broken)
Eminem vs Vanderlei Silva
Big Pun Vs Tito Ortiz or Tank Abbot
Tito could stand on top of him screaming WHOS THE BIG PUNISHER NOW!!
(Punishment is Tito's brand name)
how about Mick Foley(Mankind) vs. some UFC guy (I don't follow the fighters, I just watch the fights)
Now, we all know Mick Foley could take some punishment (ever watch his ECW vids? or hell, his PPV performances) and he can dish it out pretty well. Plus he was Collegiate and High School wrestling champ, so he does have some competitive wrestling experience. hmmmm...
Originally posted by HtTKarCookie monster -v- Keebler elves
The elves have a fortress and molten chocolate, but is that enough to stop the raviging cookie monster?
We may never know
See the cookie monster just ravage their shit...
Pickin' up elves and just eating their asses, complete choas....mad crazy shit, yo, word is bond, yo, some elves just got they mufuckin' heads bit clean the **** off, yo, word is bond, yo........
That cookie monster ain't nuthin' to **** with, fo real.
Genki Sudo used to be a fake wrestler (with long dreadlocks no less) before he went into MMA. Genki Sudo is perhaps the coolest fighter in the universe too.
But back onto the original thread topic:
Q. What would happen if The Rock went into MMA?
A. I would watch a lot more MMA.
Originally posted by MatthewAlphonsohow about Mick Foley(Mankind) vs. some UFC guy (I don't follow the fighters, I just watch the fights)
Now, we all know Mick Foley could take some punishment (ever watch his ECW vids? or hell, his PPV performances) and he can dish it out pretty well. Plus he was Collegiate and High School wrestling champ, so he does have some competitive wrestling experience. hmmmm...
btw, rappers cant fight without weapons. this is a fact, their pants, rediculous jewlery and clothes are just too big to allow them to fight effectively bare handed.
Originally posted by EmptyneSsmick is pretty old now, but yeah he is still pretty hardcore. he used to compete in japan in crazy ass matches that included barbed wire around the ring, and thumb tacks and small explosives to drop your opponent on. even though the matches were most likely fake, all those falls, cuts, thumbtacks, and explosives were real. he took more punishment than most people every do, and if he had a real trainer he woulda probobly done great in mma if he was younger.
btw, rappers cant fight without weapons. this is a fact, their pants, rediculous jewlery and clothes are just too big to allow them to fight effectively bare handed.
That be like some Godzilla shit...
See the cookie monster just ravage their shit...
Pickin' up elves and just eating their asses, complete choas....mad crazy shit, yo, word is bond, yo, some elves just got they mufuckin' heads bit clean the **** off, yo, word is bond, yo........
That cookie monster ain't nuthin' to **** with, fo real.
Originally posted by HtTKarThe keebler elves are pretty fortified in that tree. They have molten chocolate and who know what other elf trickery they have up their little sleeves. They gotta have some backup, they are the richest, most popular elves around. If the cookie monster gets past the elves fortification, it's all over, but those elves are tricky I tell you, and the monsters a little slow.