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  • drills

    I'm looking for drills for to help me train in BJJ. I'm a newer BJJ player and i want to know if a there are any good websites with drills. Or maybe some drills for judo and throws. I'm going to a NAGA event soon in about 3 months. So i got to get ready.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Whitedeath31
    I'm looking for drills for to help me train in BJJ. I'm a newer BJJ player and i want to know if a there are any good websites with drills. Or maybe some drills for judo and throws. I'm going to a NAGA event soon in about 3 months. So i got to get ready.
    Analyse your strengh (attack for e.g. and weakness like position for e.g and drill them untill you drop..)
    For me at the moment:
    Try arm bar from inside the buttom guard (10 each side).
    Escape (10 each side) from a side control.
    then triangle from inside the buttom guard (10 each side).
    Escape from bottom 10 times.
    Do it twice..
    Put some push up and sit-up in between..
    First set do it slowly with perfect techniques then next set to do versus a resisting opponent for real. Work-out without a break and be continue..for 20 minutes non-stop..
    Now the exercises can be about your favorites attacks (e.g omoplata etc..) and positions you most dislike to get yourselves ready for the best and the worst.
    Then, you also have to increase you rolling time to 10 minutes if you are getting ready for a 5 minutes fight at the tournament.
    try to spar for multiple opponents to increase the pressure: give 2 minutes versus each without stoppage..
    Also running up hill for explosive stamina.
    Try to talk strategies with seniors, they might point out some of your weakness.
    Go to the NAGA with an open mind, nobody is a born champion (not even the Gracies) just take it as another day at practice..the only difference is that you gonna get to roll with new partners without the boring warm-up etc...Have fun..
    Fight are won at practice not in the mats..


    • #3

      I appreciate It I'll definetliy try that out


      • #4
        Definitely do shrimping drills at home. It's a great way to get your body used to doing it instinctively, and you can do this on the floor in front of the TV.

        Practive upas and turning over on your shoulder while bridging. Very useful when an opponent mounts you.


        • #5
          Jean-Jaques Machado's new book has some good one-person drills in it.


          • #6
            I was scrolling down this thread real fast and saw you were the last person to post and I thought it said

            "cake drills"

            Drill tha cake!!


            • #7
              Drilling the cake???


              • #8
                Try Stephan Kesting's new grappling drills dvd, he has a bunch of solo and partner drills on it.


                • #9
                  Purchase a 100 lb or 150lb heavy bag and use it on the ground. Put it on your chest and practice bucking, rolling, shrimping, airplaneing and basic bjj skills with it. It does not replace a partner but very good for supplemental home training. Also, there are grappling dummies on the market but I prefer the heavy bag approach.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hardball
                    Purchase a 100 lb or 150lb heavy bag and use it on the ground. Put it on your chest and practice bucking, rolling, shrimping, airplaneing and basic bjj skills with it. It does not replace a partner but very good for supplemental home training. Also, there are grappling dummies on the market but I prefer the heavy bag approach.
                    That is a good idea.
                    I found pressure on my chest painfull.
                    that should help.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wardancer
                      That is a good idea.
                      I found pressure on my chest painfull.
                      that should help.
                      What do you think you are going to feel when you get into a match? LOL

                      What size bag are you using?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wardancer
                        That is a good idea.
                        I found pressure on my chest painfull.
                        that should help.
               you usually post in haiku?
                        you've got some untapped talent there.


                        • #13
                          Haiku are 17 syllable poems, usually broken into verses of 5-7-5 syllables.
                          No haiku here.


                          • #14
                   it doesn't fit inside the restrictive syllable structure...SO WHAT?!!!
                            That's what makes it cutting edge, man, real. We got a Kerouac on our hands, all, on the road n' shit, no fo real, a real Charles Whitman guess...I don't really know....

                            ...don't taste test the things under the sink...I just read the label, I think I might need to call poison control....

                            oh well, at least my english are improving.
                            Ever wear a turtle neck and a's like a weak midget's trying to take you down, man...
                            That stand up comic sucked. Whiny, big nosed bastard.
                            I will NOT buy that juice master, and I will SHOW you where to put that avacodo, thank you very much, call again.
                            PEACE, NINJA.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cakegirl
                              Jean-Jaques Machado's new book has some good one-person drills in it.

                              -1 armed push-ups?

