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too fast...

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  • too fast...

    I think Bruce Lee is just too fast and accurate...and knowledgeable.

    Also, more aggresive.
    Hide head in beer...

  • #2
    Couture or Lidell would hand bruce his ass... Bruce doesnt have the speed of superman or something hes still human, jeez I watched a show on some Muay Thai legend (well in Thai Land he is a legend) and he was moving faster then I've ever seen Bruce Lee move... sure Lee was an accomplished MA practicioner, but most people base what he could do from his movies.. hell if it was based on the movies Uma Thurman would be the fucking UFC undisputed champion... not many people have seen all these Bruce Lee street fights and everything like that which is supposed to be out there... however we all have seen Lidell and Couture fight.. and trust me Lidell and Couture could stand up to Bruce Lee's strikes... watch Lidell Vs Quinton Rampage Jackson.. id say rampage hits harder then Bruce... and Lidell gets caught so many times, Couture has never been knocked out.. they both have amazing chins.. bruce would get shitrocked.


    • #3
      how about everyone chills out on this fantasy bruce lee vs this mand and bruce lee vs that guy. about who would win...... NO ONE KNOWS HE ISNT ALIVE SO STOP ASKING.

      that being said he was amazing at martial arts.

      and id kill to be able to fight like him.


      • #4
        Bruce Lee didn't know BJJ and BJJ is the best thx bye.


        • #5
          lol ok. bjj isnt my style. i prefer striking


          • #6
            I thought bruce would be actually disabling here: not conforming to your unwritten rules of what constitutes a fair about that...would they step !outside! of the octagon w/ bruce????????????????????????


            • #7
              my little idea...

              ...was that bulk is for the ring: and therefore only useful when able to corner someone!!
              .. bulk will not allow you to chase someone down and therefore a guy like bruce lee isn't worried about bulk at all- 'cos they will never tag him unless he is cornered...
              ..that is the spectacle that people pay to see...

              it's all evil

              So my (fantasy) contest involves- no fakes


              • #8
                hey c'mon...

                now let's party!!?


                • #9

         my (fantasy?1) fight i am not considering the law either: hmmmn


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bbbb
           my (fantasy?1) fight i am not considering the law either: hmmmn
                    I want some of what you are smoking because it got you all tripping really good!
                    Unfortune but Bruce never fought NHB so..
                    Maybe the day some JKD students will represent his style/school in Pride and UFC, you can continue this conversion until then it is just only smoke in the air!
                    I surely admire Bruce Lee for encouraging people to crosstrain but a style/team is only good as its fighting record e.g BTT or Chute Box!


                    • #11
                      You aren't willing...

             place bet's on the other guy r you!? (Outside the ring-not inside)

                      Bruce would be too fast.

                      ...the ring is for ground and pound!!

                      People want to see blood; for twelve round's-not something that's finished in 2 second's.


                      • #12
                        I'm gonna go with Bruce Lee because there is no way he didn't know how to fight on the ground. That guy was all about being a perfectionist and I can't see him not training on the ground. Oh well guess we will never know how good ol Bruce would be in today's matches.

                        Retarded movie actors that would get wooped would be people like van damm and segal. Movie people I would like to see fight are snipes and bolo young. While they would get beat they would at least put up a good match I think.


                        • #13
                          OMG-another this person vs that person.

                          One could only speculate.

                          Bruce was a ever-so changing tactician


                          • #14
                            Did you hear the news? Bruce lee died!
                            Dead men dont fight very well.

                            ...was that bulk is for the ring: and therefore only useful when able to corner someone!!
                            .. bulk will not allow you to chase someone down
                            That is just an opinion, and not true at all. If you'd ever played football (American football), you'd know those big lineman can move faster than most people you'll ever meet outside of sports. Not only that, but when they hit you while running, it's like being hit by a train.


                            • #15
                              Well sense you know how it feels to get hit by a linemen and then a train YOU must be dead right so stop talking for Bruce Lee.

