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most effective street fighting style?

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  • #31
    You know what NHB still has rules. No eye gouging, no kicks to the groin, no biting, no weapons, and you have a ref to intervene. In real life silat has all the needs for a street fight. especially with multiple opponents. I'm mean its pretty hard to submit 2 or more people in a quick efficient manner. However NHB systems are very strong for practical self defense skills but real life isn't a ring.

    Holy F_ck! We got another winner here J.R.! The same tired old bullshite excuses drummed up against MMA. MMA is as close as it gets to real life (legally). A Silat guy did enter one of the early UFC's and he got clowned - can't handle one, how in the blue hell are you gonna handle two?

    You know what? You're right, MMA isn't real life. MMA has two well trained, well conditioned certified ass whippers competing against each other. Real life has average jabroni's that can't fight for shite. Don't believe me? Download some street/bum fights online and get back to me.


    • #32
      What is a nhb guy gonna do against a guy with a knife? Ground and Pound? Take them down. striking you might have a shot if you don't end up getting cut in the process. I'm no arguing with you i agree NHB is as real as it gets, for competition. Still the street is a whole nother animal. In the ring you're fighting to win and beat your opponent, in the street you fight to survive. In the street you never know what is going to happen someone might have a knife, gun, baseball bat, you never know. NHB training definately will make you a good fighter. Oh by the way I'm not against you, i agree thats as real as it can get, but I'm not dissing it. I'm sure you are a very effective fighter i'm not disagreeing I just hope you understand that there is a difference between the ring and the street. Do you know the difference, honestly?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Tant01
        O kay then Mr. dancer. Funny, you claim I know nothing about MMA and assume to know ALL about my "stuff". by telling readers what I THINK MMA is and that it's wrong... Too funny.

        Not street worthy? You're hysterical... You wanna walk around the block emptyhanded in what neighborhood? Where do you live? Canada?

        ASSUME all you like funny boy...

        I just hope you're not so closed minded that you fail to recognize the threat that weapons present.

        All the best.
        I do not assume anything.

        The topic is about the most effective street effective fighting style?
        A MMA fighter is the only person capable to defend himself on the street because of the competition/fighting format that he chosed to do.

        Actually I live in New Zealand.

        But what makes you think your roleplaying knife MA give you more advantages compare to a MMA fighter?
        After all, it is only a roleplaying knife MA that you do, it is not like you actually ever fight it out for real!
        However, a MMA fighter will be able to KO/submit an opponent (knife or no knife) for real because he has done so due to the rules of MMA events.
        You are just out of your league.
        You might feel safe with your knife, then what next...a gun?

        You are so predictable: go in a BJJ & MMA forum you know nothing about and then I soonest someone try to provide of what is MMA, you get all upset and wanna start your BIG knifes around the tread!!!
        What did you expect?
        It is not like I go the other forums and try to argue with any members that are foolish enough to participate in the tread: you are just trolling!
        What can't you accept that it?

        I find it disturbing that you encourage people to carry knifes on the street.
        I do not have kids yet but I will never advised any kids to carry knifes for self-protection.


        • #34
          Originally posted by EGstudent
          What is a nhb guy gonna do against a guy with a knife? Ground and Pound? Take them down. striking you might have a shot if you don't end up getting cut in the process. I'm no arguing with you i agree NHB is as real as it gets, for competition. Still the street is a whole nother animal. In the ring you're fighting to win and beat your opponent, in the street you fight to survive. In the street you never know what is going to happen someone might have a knife, gun, baseball bat, you never know. NHB training definately will make you a good fighter. Oh by the way I'm not against you, i agree thats as real as it can get, but I'm not dissing it. I'm sure you are a very effective fighter i'm not disagreeing I just hope you understand that there is a difference between the ring and the street. Do you know the difference, honestly?
          Ther is 2 types of NBH fighters:
          They either are specialists in striking arts or grappling arts but do both in order to suceed in NHB events.
          A knife is to be treated as an extension of the opponent arm.
          He will either used it with his leading arm (like a jab) or a back arm (cross arm).
          Because it has become vale tudo (meaning anything goes), I think common sense is to wait for an opening to grab the wrist that carry the knife and go into the clinch and 'attack' the arm by wrist/elbow submissions like americana or even omoplata.
          I will advise not a direct take down ( double legs or single leg takedown) because of the knife but once you secure a good grip with both hands on the arm with the knife, you can go for the sweep (use one leg to 'trip'/make loose his balance).
          Because it is vale tudo, you can even use small joints manipulations and brake his fingers to take the knife away.
          In a NHB ring, you fight to survive there is nothing worst that someone mounting you and pounding you only because he does not want to submit you.
          Because you have done drills of your knife stuff with your mates at the club does not mean you can do it under pressure.
          It actually is useless.
          MMA fighters can at least do their stuff in the street because they have applied it against an unwilling partner.
          Once again, the experience of NHB competition is what make it a real street style.
          TMA do not offer such fighting competition format and their members are missing on the latest MMA progress.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Ronson
            You know what NHB still has rules. No eye gouging, no kicks to the groin, no biting, no weapons, and you have a ref to intervene. In real life silat has all the needs for a street fight. especially with multiple opponents. I'm mean its pretty hard to submit 2 or more people in a quick efficient manner. However NHB systems are very strong for practical self defense skills but real life isn't a ring.

            Holy F_ck! We got another winner here J.R.! The same tired old bullshite excuses drummed up against MMA. MMA is as close as it gets to real life (legally). A Silat guy did enter one of the early UFC's and he got clowned - can't handle one, how in the blue hell are you gonna handle two?

            You know what? You're right, MMA isn't real life. MMA has two well trained, well conditioned certified ass whippers competing against each other. Real life has average jabroni's that can't fight for shite. Don't believe me? Download some street/bum fights online and get back to me.
            I agree with you.
            Look at the chute box team in the early days in Brazil!
            They were challenged by the local capoeira dudes in a vale tudo fight (the VY with no gloves and no rules).
            The challenge had 4 fighters from each group.
            Back in the days because anyone challenging your club is a big thing in Brazil, W. Silva took part in it even if his master thought he was not ready!
            What were the Capoeira dudes thinking?
            Capoeira vs Chute Box (Muy Thai a la brasilienne!)
            Chute Box won all the fights and Silva is still doing what he knows best!


            • #36
              Originally posted by wardancer
              The topic is about the most effective street effective fighting style?
              A MMA fighter is the only person capable to defend himself on the street because of the competition/fighting format that he chosed to do.

              Actually I live in New Zealand.

              But what makes you think your roleplaying knife MA give you more advantages compare to a MMA fighter?
              After all, it is only a roleplaying knife MA that you do, it is not like you actually ever fight it out for real! ...However, a MMA fighter will be able to KO/submit an opponent (knife or no knife) for real because he has done so due to the rules of MMA events.
              You are just out of your league.....
              .....I find it disturbing that you encourage people to carry knifes on the street.

              You do not ASSUME anything and yet here you are again telling everyone what you think you know about MY art? Hilarious...

              Wake up and smell the rotting carcass of your Jiu-Jutsu, PLAYER...

              You might want to pull your head out of "Grand Master" Helio's butt before you start thinking like him.(MORE) You see, he thinks his Jiu-Jutsu is some kind of bullet proof shield.

              To quote:

              "If someone points a gun at you, of course, you will be scared. But jiu-jutsu gives me the equivalent of a bullet proof shield. It protects me from head to toe, plus it gives me the ability to take a gun away."

              Helio Gracie. via Doug Jeffrey. (From the April issue of GRAPPLING magazine)

              Care to comment on this Mr. dancer?

              Since you brought up the gun thing, it's only fair that you have the opportunity to go first... I'm sure you know ALL about my gun skills too, right?

              Hojutsu...Might be a bit out of YOUR league.

              This is great fun, Thanks for the entertainment and the opportunity to confirm the rediculous dogma behind the Neo Judo Machine. (GJJ/BJJ)

              It's a riot!

              "Hey, you're bleeding!!"


              • #37
                I understand the effectiveness of MMA brazilian jiu-jitsu is a truely brilliant system, Muay Thai extremely effective system, shooto great system, and kind of vale tudo anything is a very effective system. But when you fight you have time to train for a fight, you study your opponents fights, you have time to warmup and stretch, you have a ref to stop the fight if it gets out of hand. NHB training doesn't make you invincible in every situation if you think that you are prepared for every situation you might encounter in real life, then you truely have no idea about the meaning of martial arts, self defense. Real life is the ultimate nhb match. Life or death. I myself train in JKD, Filipino Martials, Muay Thai, and silat but i also intend to train in bjj and a nhb system called Combat Submission Wrestling a system created by lightheavy weight Shooto Champion Erik Paulson. All these systems have important things to contribute to any martial artist.

                Oh and the reason you never see a silat guy in NHB is because your not allowed to destroy the guys knuckles, nerves, kick to the groin, gouge his eyes or anything of that nature. In a street fight you can do whatever want if it allows you to survive.



                • #38
                  No system has it all. But Silat is a more complete system that these others. It has great over all grappling and striking on the ground, they have kicking techniques, boxing techniques.Also has very good in fighting skills. As well as weapon training . And by looking at the poll silat is the only system that has a better chance in the street.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by EGstudent

                    Oh and the reason you never see a silat guy in NHB is because your not allowed to destroy the guys knuckles, nerves, kick to the groin, gouge his eyes or anything of that nature.

                    Oh yeah, that's the reason.


                    • #40
                      Oh and the reason you never see a silat guy in NHB is because your not allowed to destroy the guys knuckles, nerves, kick to the groin, gouge his eyes or anything of that nature. In a street fight you can do whatever want if it allows you to survive.

                      BUT HEY I COULD BE WRONG YA KNOW?

                      I have a small hunch that you might be wrong. Soooooooooo f_ckin' wrong. When you sign up with Erik Paulson, see if knuckle destroying (WTF is that? Some Street Fighter/Tekken move?), nerve shots, groin shots and gouges will save your ass against someone with great base and proper training ("Aliveness" and Position training). Hey, all that shite is great in a SD/life or death situation, but if you don't have the proper training and platform to bring it forth, then you're just another "2-day Rape/Women's Defence" graduate.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by EGstudent
                        Oh and the reason you never see a silat guy in NHB is because your not allowed to destroy the guys knuckles, nerves, kick to the groin, gouge his eyes or anything of that nature. In a street fight you can do whatever want if it allows you to survive. BUT HEY I COULD BE WRONG YA KNOW?
                        There was a silat fighter from Spain in either UFC 1 or 2, but he fought in an alternative bout against a pankration fighter and lost by decision.

                        Eye gouges and nerve strikes have their place, but whether you can pull them off under fight pressure against an unpredictable opponent is something else. MMA techniques can be executed against aggressive and resisting opponents. You can execute them effectively in the dojo and out of the dojo. You train the way you want to fight.

                        If you have fundamental MMA training, you could add groin/eye/nerve strikes to help against more difficult opponents.

                        Silat's defense can hold up against the average person and definitely against other TMA-ists. I'm a fan of the tjimande system. I don't think it could handle MMA empty handed, but it depends on the contact and training you do at the school. Silat's biggest strength is in its weapons training.

                        [Notice Tom Yum's inability to write coherent, meaningfull sentences ]


                        • #42
                          Like I said i could be wrong


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Tom Yum
                            The Wright brothers were bicycle mechanics with a natural curiosity in math. You can't be a mechanic AND a mathematician, that's just impossible and you end up being mediocre at both.... ]
                            Speaking of Orville and Wilbur, did you know they were also Scientists? That's right. They invented the wind tunnel and were pioneers in aerodynamic research.

                            Good thing they didn't listen to all the critics back then... sheesh!


                            • #44
                              In silat there is a move called Higot ug siko, its not a "tekken" move or whatever you said . All you do is you guide the guys punch directly into an elbow spear and believe me you can destroy a guys knuckles that way. If he pulls the punch it may not work so well but if there really throwing a hard powerful punch, they basically destroy there own knuckles. However after all this senseless arguing, the question is most effective street fighting style, and i stand by my answer of silat because it is the most complete system out of all of these. It covers all ranges. If i had to choose one system to train in for purely self defense, or for a street fight silat would be the system i pick. Thats my opinion though. This is a forum right? we're supposed to express are opinions right? I actually NHB especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a really amazing and powerful system. I train also train muay thai that is a very effective system. I have great respect for mma fighters and mma systems they all have something to offer.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by EGstudent
                                In silat there is a move called Higot ug siko, its not a "tekken" move or whatever you said . All you do is you guide the guys punch directly into an elbow spear and believe me you can destroy a guys knuckles that way.
                                The western name for such techniques is called a destruction. These are popular with silat and FMA, which is why I respect these arts. Destructions are legit, against kicks too.

                                The argument that Ronson is giving is that you need a base system of fighting with simple techniques, defense and footwork rather than techniques. All too often, TMA styles offer alot of techniques but no base which makes for a sub-par fighter.

                                That's why boxers bang up most karate guys in style vs. style matches. I don't want to drag this into a TMA vs. MMA thread, because there are a few aspects, techniques and fighters of TMA that I respect.

                                On average though, TMA lacks modern training methods and a simple fighting base offered by boxing or muay thai.

