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most effective street fighting style?

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  • #16
    why are people soo obsessed on BJJ not being good against multiple attackers ?? What fighting style is then ? When you have 2 or more people rush you ?? The odds are stacked against you regardless of what fighting style you train in ! Obviously if your stupid enough to grapple with someone when there are 2 attackers then you deserve to get your ass beat..

    Same topics different day


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bil_Jee101
      what style would you train in, if your purpose were to be a good street fighter?
      I was just wondering do you know the Bil Jee form and if so, how long did it take you to learn it?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tant01
        I don't need to imagine it. We used to practice in the parking lot. In the "street" I promise you the car will win no matter how good your Judo is...
        It depends on what kind of car the other fella is driving. There's no way in heck my car-judo honda pickup will work against a humvee.


        • #19
          There is no such thing as one fighting style anymore..

          You use whatever means nessesary to win..

          Grabbing a brick.. throwing knees, kicks, punches, elbows, all strikes, throws, tosses, slams, bjj, wrestling.. what ever it takes ..

          case closed..

          lets' not discuss this anymore..


          • #20
            Originally posted by crazyjoe380
            There is no such thing as one fighting style anymore..

            You use whatever means nessesary to win..

            Grabbing a brick.. throwing knees, kicks, punches, elbows, all strikes, throws, tosses, slams, bjj, wrestling.. what ever it takes ..

            case closed..

            lets' not discuss this anymore..

            YOU BASTARD!
            the brick trick is mine. You gonna owe me royalties if you keep it up, sucka.


            • #21
              How much do i ow you Garland.. hahaha..


              • #22
                Originally posted by EGstudent
                BJJ wouldn't be to good for fighting multiple opponents. I'd say silat because it has knees, elbows, kicks, destructions, throws, sweeps,and locking even weapons. So I'd say Silat.
                If it is not tested in mma/nhb ring, I consider any ma useless when applied in the street.
                Can you name any silat fighter in any mma/nhb event?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by CKD
                  I believe vale tudo and shooto are effective style of streetfighting. I have also heard some good tings about bando but I do not really have much knowledge about it.
                  But they are not style but more a fighting format unless you are Marcos Ruas and decided to call your style vale tudo!

                  When it comes to VT ot shooto, any combinations of styles is vital.
                  But the more important is that is a real fight format not some 'theory' MA propaganda.
                  Trust me, some of my team members fight vale tudo and it is a different world together!
                  Vale tudo has 'informal' fighting format like agreeing on the rules 20 minutes before a fight e.g allowing elbows and headbutts.

                  I think Shooto has a very good formal competition/fighting format in order for its members to progress towards pro mma level if needed.
                  Both styles are above the boring stigma of the topic of this thread.
                  Vale tudo was created to sort out the issue about the best MA by the brazilians.

                  Shooto is a MMA/NHB competition where one person can learn/perform/progress in an international mma/nhb competition at different levels e.g amateur and later pro fight.


                  • #24
                    OK Garland, can I patent the "pick up a bar stool and crack the opponent over the head technique". That one I learned from my father.

                    Or, in Cakegirl-do, we have mastered the art of going up to a man who is bigger than the opponent, flashing a little cleavage, and then asking the bigger man to defend us.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by wardancer
                      If it is not tested in mma/nhb ring, I consider any ma useless when applied in the street.
                      Can you name any silat fighter in any mma/nhb event?

                      That's good sound reasoning there... I think it would be good fun to "test" my knife skills against a professional ARENA fighter.... Just as soon as they make it legal.

                      Actually there is a style of pentjak silat specifically for fighting other martial artists.

                      Pentjak silat Kendang


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tant01
                        That's good sound reasoning there... I think it would be good fun to "test" my knife skills against a professional ARENA fighter.... Just as soon as they make it legal.

                        Actually there is a style of pentjak silat specifically for fighting other martial artists.

                        Pentjak silat Kendang
                        That were you get off topic e.g knife.
                        If you want knife on the street! it is your problem.

                        You just all upset about it becuase I hit a raw nerve!
                        For all I care, I do not even BJJ good for street anyway!

                        I rather look at what fighting/competition make a fighter rather than sticking my ego to one MA style.

                        Now to get to back the point, if it is not proven in the ring I think it is useless on the streets.
                        I simply do not accept any self-defense MA that is only perform in a set of pre-determined moves.
                        In the streets, it just turn into custard! Because you never used such skills against a opponent who just not gonna play dummy-bag but would knock/submit you out.

                        Now name a fighter from your style that fight in MMA/NHB.
                        The reason is obvouis, there is none because:
                        1. your style members do not have the guts to go out there to fight it out.
                        2. your skills are useless/irrelevant in a ring or any real fight.

                        P.S only punks play with knifes! If you want play with knifes, it is your problem.
                        How can you claim any epxertise in your style if you had never use it in a real fight against other trained persons.
                        I hate all the so-claimed stuff my style is so dangerous it cannot be used in the ring!
                        It is like claiming to be a expert in bicycle racing but you only trained in your room.
                        This is a MMA and BJJ forum, why do we always have to get people talking other MA?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by wardancer
                          That were you get off topic e.g knife.
                          If you want knife on the street! it is your problem.

                          You just all upset about it becuase I hit a raw nerve!
                          For all I care, I do not even BJJ good for street anyway!

                          I rather look at what fighting/competition make a fighter rather than sticking my ego to one MA style.

                          Now to get to back the point, if it is not proven in the ring I think it is useless on the streets.
                          I simply do not accept any self-defense MA that is only perform in a set of pre-determined moves.
                          In the streets, it just turn into custard! Because you never used such skills against a opponent who just not gonna play dummy-bag but would knock/submit you out.

                          Now name a fighter from your style that fight in MMA/NHB.
                          The reason is obvouis, there is none because:
                          1. your style members do not have the guts to go out there to fight it out.
                          2. your skills are useless/irrelevant in a ring or any real fight.

                          P.S only punks play with knifes! If you want play with knifes, it is your problem.
                          How can you claim any epxertise in your style if you had never use it in a real fight against other trained persons.
                          I hate all the so-claimed stuff my style is so dangerous it cannot be used in the ring!
                          It is like claiming to be a expert in bicycle racing but you only trained in your room.
                          This is a MMA and BJJ forum, why do we always have to get people talking other MA?

                          Silat was one of the things on the list to vote for. I didn't put it there but you'd be surprised how many punks carry knives, a guy would be kinda ignorant to deney the fact that right behind guns, knives are the weapons of choice for the criminals that perform violent crimes. Knowing how to disarm one is at least as important as having one of your own. Don't ya think?

                          Who hit a nerve? Re read your last sentence.... This is a Mixed martial art forum.... Why do we always have people talking (about) other martial arts?

                          I don't know.... Why do we?

                          Is there a punch like to this?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Tant01
                            Silat was one of the things on the list to vote for. I didn't put it there but you'd be surprised how many punks carry knives, a guy would be kinda ignorant to deney the fact that right behind guns, knives are the weapons of choice for the criminals that perform violent crimes. Knowing how to disarm one is at least as important as having one of your own. Don't ya think?

                            Who hit a nerve? Re read your last sentence.... This is a Mixed martial art forum.... Why do we always have people talking (about) other martial arts?

                            I don't know.... Why do we?

                            Is there a punch like to this?
                            LOL, please do not comment about MMA while you do not even have a feint idea of what is the definition of MMA?
                            You think MMA is a combination of all flavours of MA!
                            You are wrong, MMA is defined by what works in MMA/NHB event like pride or UFC, the rest of your MA so called is useless.
                            Once again where is your style members in MMA/NHB events?
                            By the way, you still avoiding the fact that you have not disarm a person holding a knife for real: your stuff is all nice and pre-organised, not street worthy!


                            • #29
                              Here's your sign..

                              Originally posted by wardancer
                              LOL, please do not comment about MMA while you do not even have a feint idea of what is the definition of MMA?
                              You think MMA is a combination of all flavours of MA!
                              You are wrong, MMA is defined by what works in MMA/NHB event like pride or UFC, the rest of your MA so called is useless.
                              Once again where is your style members in MMA/NHB events?
                              By the way, you still avoiding the fact that you have not disarm a person holding a knife for real: your stuff is all nice and pre-organised, not street worthy!

                              O kay then Mr. dancer. Funny, you claim I know nothing about MMA and assume to know ALL about my "stuff". by telling readers what I THINK MMA is and that it's wrong... Too funny.

                              Not street worthy? You're hysterical... You wanna walk around the block emptyhanded in what neighborhood? Where do you live? Canada?

                              ASSUME all you like funny boy...

                              I just hope you're not so closed minded that you fail to recognize the threat that weapons present.

                              All the best.


                              • #30
                                You know what NHB still has rules. No eye gouging, no kicks to the groin, no biting, no weapons, and you have a ref to intervene. In real life silat has all the needs for a street fight. especially with multiple opponents. I'm mean its pretty hard to submit 2 or more people in a quick efficient manner. However NHB systems are very strong for practical self defense skills but real life isn't a ring.

