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most effective street fighting style?

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  • #91
    Tanto - BJJ refers to its style as Jiu-Jitsu not Jujutsu it was originall translated wrong but this the current spelling.

    I have to agree with 47MartialMan. People constantly try to make MAs more than what they are or were ever intended to be. Studying MAs does not make one invincible or dangerous. What it does is put teh odds, possible, in your favor during a fight or SD situation. The individual has to have teh tenacity to make it work and the heart to execute. People constantly complain about what MA does not do or which style is better and people basically need to look in the mirror, training 1-2x per week 1hr class 1-2 hrs out of teh 168 hrs in a week. Come on the art has not failed you have (just speaking generally). I was taught to train every day in teh dojo out of the dojo. But you have many people that are content with the idea of being a MAist, talk about MAs but do not really have the stomach, heart or to be fighters or even highly proficient. Again that's fine but don't blame the art.

    OK I am ranting $.50


    • #92
      When was this exactly?Yes, it's rather obvious when you think about it.Humans are not always infallible.
      My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input.Now that is saying a mouthful.What is that?Humans are not always infallible.Is that a fact.Where were you taught to train every day in teh dojo out of the dojo?Umm.
      What makes you think I have people that are content with the idea of being a MAist talk about MAs but do not really have the stomach heart or to be fighters or even highly proficient?Again, "Tell me more about easiest MA to get certified you can do it in as little as a weekend seminar in some cases and in some cases there is very high quality instruction" is fine with me too.

      I am glad to hear that you are ranting sorry.
      Right on.Where did you get your $point 50?


      • #93
        Originally posted by IPON
        Tanto - BJJ refers to its style as Jiu-Jitsu not Jujutsu it was originall translated wrong but this the current spelling....


        Exactly, BJJ players refer to it as Jiu-Jitsu. The misspelling is a dead givaway...

        Don't tell "Uncle" Gene he teaches Jiu-jitsu grappling. It's just grappling.


        • #94
          Gene Lebells Grappling methods are still Jiu Jitsu

          Gene Lebells Grappling Methods have incorporated Jiu Jitsu Techniques.
          Ive been to his seminars even asked him questions & yes of course his style is Painful.
          I never disputed that.


          • #95
            Here are some another interesting Links regarding Gene Lebell

            Most comprehensive site for all areas of martial arts related subjects including styles, history, people, movies, books, etc.

            Martial Arts Training Magazine - May 1999
            When you browse through Gene LeBell's new book, Grappling World; The Encyclopedia of Finishing Holds, the first thing that enters your mind is pain. No, not the kind of pain that results from a bad experience. On the contrary, this is a great book. It's just that the techniques he demonstrates look like they cause pain - a whole lotta pain.
            Next, you'll find yourself laughing out loud at LeBell's wonderful sense of humor. Not only are his facial expressions absolutely classic, he has also written some funny descriptions of his techniques. For Example, in the section on "Grips and Handles" LeBell writes: "The pain is much more excruciating if you grab your opponent's testicles rather than his penis." In parentheses, he writes: "(Only works on men.)"

            You'll also be touched by the foreward. LeBell writes: "When a teacher dies, a world of knowledge is lost forever. That's why I have no secrets. So when I die, cast my ashes to the four winds. For as long as my students live and teach, I will live" The book which features more than 1,000 finishing holds, is excellent. Get your hands on a copy as soon as you can.

            Karate/Kung Fu Illustrated - August 1999
            A whole lotta fun. Is there anyone on the planet who isn't grappling? Oh, we're sure you might be able to find somebody somewhere. The next time you go to the mountains look under a few rocks. You might find somebody there. Other than that, forget it. Everybody's rolling.

            If you'd like to get a few more finishing holds under your belt, check out Gene LeBell's new encyclopedia. Don't let the word "encyclopedia" scare you off. This book doesn't have anything to do with the middle ages, chemistry or the geography of Peru. This is Gene LeBell's new book Grappling World: The Encyclopedia of Finishing Holds. This baby has 500 + pages and more than 1,000 finishing holds. It's got everything.

            Unlike some encyclopedias, this one is a whole lot of fun to read. Unless you're a real sourpuss, you'll find yourself laughing out loud at LeBell's hilarious sense of humor.

            Book Description
            The new expanded edition of this best-selling martial arts instructional book is a must for anyone interested in learning the techniques needed to become a successful grappler. This comprehensive encyclopedia features Gene LeBell's champion student, "The Armenian Assassin" Gokor Chivichyan, and many others. It is packed with photos and illustrations, and includes a complete glossary, index, and a list of resources and products.

            Some admirers have called Gene LeBell, a.k.a. "The Toughest Man Alive," the deadliest man on the planet. His wife says sarcastically, "He's just from another world." LeBell wears many hats, having grown up in boxing and wrestling gyms around the world and spending a lifetime studying many of the different martial arts.

            LeBell has won national judo championships, wrestled professionally for over 20 successful years, announced professional wrestling on television for 15 years, and refereed professional boxing and wrestling matches all over the world.

            From the Publisher
            Gene's techniques are the most copied in all of the martial arts. This is because there is no one more qualified to teach grappling than the man proclaimed by all to be "the toughest man alive" (Most recently Black Belt Magazine, January 2000 on which he graced the cover and took martial arts into the 21st century.)

            From the Author
            "If you want to get good and sound knowledgeable, purchase this book, a classic in its field and a legend in its own time. I have been to two world's fairs and an all night gas station and I've never seen anything like it. Not all techniques work on all people, so if you learn this entire book and still get beat, I have friends who can get you a discount on machine guns and hand grenades (the bad news is you might have to go to Cuba to get 'em.)"

            About the Author
            Gene LeBell has spent time as a judo champion, unlimited fighter, professional wrestler, teacher, author, television announcer/commentator, actor, stuntman, and motorcycle expert. He enjoys grappling and teaching grappling in the hopes that it might help students to a smoother road in life. He partners with Gokor Chivichyan, "the best student he has ever trained," in a grappling and judo school. LeBell is still working in motion pictures and TV to this day, and has appeared in dozens of movies and TV shows through the years.


            • #96
              "JUDO" Gene....

              Originally posted by LatinoHeat
              Gene Lebells Grappling Methods have incorporated Jiu Jitsu Techniques.

              Really? And you can name how many of these techniques? Better yet, show me something published by him that even uses the word(s) Jiu-Jitsu...


              • #97
                A thread like this is absurd. I've seen non-martial artists be fully combative. It isn't about style, but what was learned and applicable plus attitude.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                  A thread like this is absurd. I've seen non-martial artists be fully combative. It isn't about style, but what was learned and applicable plus attitude.

                  Agreed!! No matter how often it is said people refuse to listen ...... it is very sad


                  • #99
                    Compare Gene lebells Book on Grappling for Combat & Self Defence Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

                    I have purchased both Gene Lebells Grappling Master: Combat for Street Defense and Competition Book & Rigan Machado Book the essence of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
                    The techniques are very close. I pointed this out to Gene Lebell & he agreed.
                    I have all of Gene Lebells Books as well as most of The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Books.
                    And yes Lebell call his form of Martial Art Grappling. But he himself said his techniques have incorporated Judo Jiu Jitsu & Wrestling Techniques.
                    I actually spoke to him after having been to one of his seminars.
                    If you dont believe on the similarities of both Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Gene Lebells Grappling buy both books & then decide .
                    Here are the links:

                    Here are two links you can obtain both books from.
                    Ive no need to misinform anyone People can buy the books make comparasions with both fighting styles thye similarities are amazing.
                    Grappling & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu both took techniques from Japanese Jiu Jitsu & improved on them read your Martial Arts history you may actually learn something.
                    End of discussion.
                    I do not have to prove myself if you dont accept my opinion buy the books & learn prir to making stupid comments. Alternative go to Gene Lebells Seminars and ask him yourself.


                    • Dude...

                      Get a grip!

                      You bore me. I'm tired of trying....

                      You act like you think you know something and you don't have a clue.

                      "JIU- JITSU" is the wrong way to spell JU-JUTSU unless you're talking about BRAZILIAN STYLE grappling. JIU-JITSU came from JUDO which you think would be obvious due to the similarities you point out. JUDO came from JU-JUTSU so of course Gene LeBelle incorporates Ju-jutsu in his grappling system.

                      Saying Gene does Jiu-jitsu is giving credit to the Gracie's for his grappling methods. I'm fairly sure Gene was fighting MMA decades before the Gracie's made it to the USA for UFC...

                      But don't take MY word on it. Try READING some of those links you're so fond of posting.


                      • You Bore me too

                        You Bore me too.
                        So **** off asshole


                        • Kiss off?

                          Originally posted by LatinoHeat
                          You Bore me too.
                          So **** off asshole

                          The "thanks" i get for my efforts! Nice....

                          You're welcome!


                          • Would go with western boxing for learning to use your skills quickly and effectively. But to be a good street fighter if thats your goal you would probably want to train in a few styles.

                            It all depends on you as well. Some people are built for different things.


                            • For the streets I would pick Muai thai for standing and BJJ for groundwork.

                              The Kicking/elbow/knee action of Muai Thai is very effective in every occasion, and working on the floor (I would'nt advice it on the street) use BJJ, because the variety of technique!


                              • Dont make me laugh LOL

                                Tanto you could not even beat a fly asshole

