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most effective street fighting style?

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  • Originally posted by kungfulee
    i must admit, i though for a while that muay was the dogs nackers, a friend and i trained at it for a while and it seemed the best realistic fighting style. these guys are brutal, let there be no doubt. however when i had studyed wing chun for a while i was able to beat my friend (him using muay thai) fairley easily. i guess it depneds on the situation, i think martial arts only give you a slight edge on the average jo if he wants to rip your head off. but im going for wing chun.
    This doesnt mean that Wing chun is better. You had studied MT, and had sparred with your friend before. See, you knew what tools he was going to use, and how he was going to use them. But your friend did not know what you were going to do. This is why cross-training helps out so much. Its easier to fight someone if you know what they are going to do and have prepared to intercept those attacks. Its really hard to fight someone when you have no idea of what to expect.


    • I do not think Boxing would be the key because they are succeptable to leg kicks and takedowns then its over.

      I think mixing a striking system and grappling system is the key. Muay Thai and BJJ possibly?

      I used to love Kung Fu for like 10 years but grew out of that "phase" and started training in MMA. (blanket term, I know. But I really have no true "style" anymore).

      Kung Fu and Karate are difficult to find realism in because they blindly cling to those 1000 year old kata and classical crap and most need to be modified for use on people who aren't drunk or inexperienced or elderly.

      Sorry if I hurt any feelings, your way of robotic programming is not my way of freedom of movement.


      • well, i would hope that a great deal of karate/KF or K/KF styles are grounded firmly in real fighting. i know some things are "Tradition" ect... but i believe they have plenty to teach us, and some styles have to be legit.

        anyway, im going to agree with the grappling/striking comment. the full-spectrum fighter has to understand how to handle himself on the ground and on his feet. although, there is even more than this, in the grande sceme. preasure points and other things like biting that is hard to train in is also included in a real fight.

        though if your talking aobut a NHB octagon type thing, then yeah learning to strike and learning to grapple are essential and should cover all grounds.

        and yea, boxing is DEFINITELY not good enough, few martial arts are on thier own, it is generally accepted that mixing all different styles and techniques in striking and grappling is the only way to get close to being a full spectrum fighter.


        • you know I'm really suprised about this poll. Silat and most Indonesian arts are street fighting arts, yet sports are taking the lead here. Is it that most people do not know what silat, kuntao, and other indonesian arts are? Or do people firmly beleive that these popular sports would truly fair better in a real streetfight?

          there is even more than this, in the grande sceme. preasure points and ... that is hard to train in is also included in a real fight
          Pressure points are trained in every martial art. You dont just hit someone wherever you want, you hit them down their center and attack the pressure points.

          it is generally accepted that mixing all different styles and techniques in striking and grappling is the only way to get close to being a full spectrum fighter.
          Almost all martial arts (NOT SPORTS) train the full spectrum, and all ranges of fighting. They are complete martial arts, though one systems ground fighting or striking tactics may not be as good as anothers, they are all covered.


          • If you want to see the most effective street fighting style, why not watch some street fights, real unorganized caught on tape ones, and some bareknuckle ones, all @


            --- There MANY more at, wcheck this shit out, and id say, big, mean, intimiating and serious is prolly #1 for steet fighting!


            • Originally posted by Tant01
              "The best training for an event is the event itself."

              I voted for Silat because Pentjakers will make you bleed...Now!

              I do not mind being in the minority. Interesting thing about silat, I've found a number of throws straight out of the Kodokan...

              And I've got an old book that claims Draeger took it there.


              • Originally posted by omnywore
                If you want to see the most effective street fighting style, why not watch some street fights, real unorganized caught on tape ones, and some bareknuckle ones, all ....
                --- There MANY more at, wcheck this (****!) out, and id say, big, mean, intimiating and serious is prolly #1 for steet fighting!

                That's the number one for bullying. Most streetfights are not very artistic. They lack training and the ability to think under the pressure of the adrenal response. Sometimes a big smile says a lot more than the grimace...

                I prefer to watch so called professionals do their jobs. They get beat and killed sometimes but I think COPS is better for real violence. Extreme videos? There's tons of real stuff on tape these days. Too many "fight clubs" and backyard brawls. Street thugs beating their victims is not really a FIGHT, is it?

                I didn't see your clips, takes too long to load...


                • I keep seeing these NHB comments, exactly what is NHB and how does it differ from UFC?


                  • street fight style

                    Someone mentioned boxing a while back, um, right, all you know is punching within rules, and even with my short time of training I could spot a boxing stance a mile away and know what I'm up against and destroy it. BJJ is rather useless in the street, I mean, the LAST place you want to be is on the ground, and that's where you go all the time in BJJ. Karate seems rather pointless from the demonstrations I've seen, I mean, I'm not going to throw a straight right, then wait 5 secounds for you to make your move, it also doesn't seem to have much as far as close quarter goes...close the distance and karate is lost. I've done some Vale Tudo training, and am now taking Senshido..I'm yet undecided about it. Lots of moves that are somewhat illegal, yet effective. Best I can think of is, the best fighting style for the street, is no style at all...predictability is dangerous. Mix and match, plus experience. Either way, a street fight isn't really a desired situation.


                    • Originally posted by CanuckAmuk
                      ... Best I can think of is, the best fighting style for the street, is no style at all...predictability is dangerous. Mix and match, plus experience. Either way, a street fight isn't really a desired situation.

                      So unorthadox tactics and deception seem to fit there. I might take a stance just to see how you try to destroy me... LOL Bait.


                      • Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        I keep seeing these NHB comments, exactly what is NHB and how does it differ from UFC?
                        no holds barred, ie no rules....but of course they have some rules, no eye gouging, biting...things that if u did on the street would get u maimed by a BJJ fighter for trying that crap


                        • Originally posted by OmaPlata
                          no holds barred, ie no rules....but of course they have some rules, no eye gouging, biting...things that if u did on the street would get u maimed by a BJJ fighter for trying that crap
                          huh i would have never guessed that it meant No Holds Barred...
                          so i wasnt aware you guys trained alot of illegal how does that work, that you are better at things you dont train than those who do train the those techniques? i was always taught train like you want to fight because thats how you WILL when you are in street fights, you fight differently than in the ring and the way you train for the ring...COOL i wasnt aware of that...i feel one taught me any of the street gjj
                          Oh well, enjoy being one of the most feared fighters in the history of the world...


                          • hehe

                            Originally posted by Tant01
                            So unorthadox tactics and deception seem to fit there. I might take a stance just to see how you try to destroy me... LOL Bait.
                            YIKES! hehe...well, you know what I mean, so, yeah.


                            • Originally posted by OmaPlata
                              no holds barred, ie no rules....but of course they have some rules, no eye gouging, biting...things that if u did on the street would get u maimed by a BJJ fighter for trying that crap
                              so youre saying that if a streetfighter used a spinning neck break when a bjj guy shot in (you know the spot where you guys grab each other in guillotines) the bjj would do what in return? oh his family would sue and finacially ruin the other guy...well i dunno in court you could say "...hey was a GJJ guy omg they are so deadly...just go to defend .net and read about em!...they can Kill anybody in a fight...even navy seals!...."

                              i think if you want to develop Actual NHB there would be a great benifit to the martial could get an asphalt "mat" a barbed or razor wire fence for the cage matches as level 1. then in level #2 they could fight between two parked cars! level 3 in a bar full of fans and tables and chairs...hell man the possibilities are endless...yeah man some real no rules, anything goes... you know like the hype. oh hell that'll never happen someone might get hurt! maybe it should be called alot of strikes all weapons and mean things barred.... nah no one would PAY to see it if you called it that.


                              • Originally posted by CanuckAmuk
                                Someone mentioned boxing a while back, um, right, all you know is punching within rules...
                                I guess you've been in boxing long enough to know about headbutting, biting, stomping, elbowing, shoulder butting and gouging...

                                ....yeah, and punching from well trained boxers is completely ineffective ....

                                not to mention people have been cross training for years.

