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BJJ rules

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  • BJJ rules

    From reading the official BJJ rules from
    I have a few questions.

    Throws, sweeps, knee on chest = 2 points
    Guard pass = 3 points
    front/rear mount = 4 points

    So far so good, but:

    If you throw and land in full or half guard do you get the same points as if you land in side control i.e. 2 points?

    If you throw, the opponent gets a half guard which you quickly pass to get side control, is that 2, 3 or 5 points?

    Also if you pass guard and go straight in to a full mount, is that 3 (for the pass), 4 (for the mount) or 7 (for both) points?

  • #2
    LOL it's up to the individual referee. HAHAHA.

    Seriously, though, from what I've seen, If you throw and land in full or half guard you get the same points as if you land in side control i.e. 2 points. The points go to whoever initiated the throw, regardless of where they end up.

    If you throw, the opponent gets a half guard which you quickly pass to get side control, is that 2, 3 or 5 points? You get 2 points for the throw, and individual judges will have different opinions as to whether passing the half-guard counts as passing the guard, but you will probably get 3 points for the guard pass, bringing your total to 5 points.

    If you pass guard and go straight in to a full mount, you get 3 points for the pass, plus 4 for the mount, comint to a total of 7.


    • #3
      Takedown point's...

      Originally posted by OneDragons
      From reading the official BJJ rules from
      I have a few questions.

      Throws, sweeps, knee on chest = 2 points
      Guard pass = 3 points
      front/rear mount = 4 points

      So far so good, but:

      If you throw and land in full or half guard do you get the same points as if you land in side control i.e. 2 points?

      If you throw, the opponent gets a half guard which you quickly pass to get side control, is that 2, 3 or 5 points?

      Also if you pass guard and go straight in to a full mount, is that 3 (for the pass), 4 (for the mount) or 7 (for both) points?

      What do you get for take down's?


      • #4
        Yup the refs are b.itches .. Go to a cleber toury.. you'll see the Ref's Coaching their team-mates.. lol ..

        It's like that in all tourys.. you can't let the judges or points deside you gotta tap the muddasucka!


        • #5
          A takedown is 2, same as a throw.

          At a tournament I went to recently, there was a rule that coaches could not dispute the referee - the first time they did it, their competitor got a warning, and the second time, their competitor was disqualified...

          Nobody got warned or disqualified - all the coaches were very well behaved! It was one of the (if not the most) smoothest-run tournaments I've seen in Australia.


          • #6
            Cool, thanks for the replies . Rules doesnt say anything about passing half guard, but it does count sweeps from half guard...hmmmm

            As far a leg/foot locks go, it says 'mata leo with the foot' is illegal. I think mata leo is the rear naled (lion killer) so would this be a figure four foot lock which is illegal?

            Is the straight ankle lock/calf crush the only legal leg/ankle lock allowed at blue belt level?


            • #7
              Originally posted by OneDragons
              Cool, thanks for the replies . Rules doesnt say anything about passing half guard, but it does count sweeps from half guard...hmmmm

              As far a leg/foot locks go, it says 'mata leo with the foot' is illegal. I think mata leo is the rear naled (lion killer) so would this be a figure four foot lock which is illegal?

              Is the straight ankle lock/calf crush the only legal leg/ankle lock allowed at blue belt level?
              You should get points from establishing the side control from passing the half gusrd, anyway!
              About the leg locks, yes the 'straight' leg lock is the only leg lock in BJJ competition for Blue belt in competition, I think.
              You are always better off asking the referees before the competition.
              About the coaches arguing points with the referees, I love the brazilians coaches as they are so vocals and adament about it: nothing wrong, it is their cultures.

