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Wrestling/Boxing vs. Wingchun

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  • Wrestling/Boxing vs. Wingchun

    Comments? Critiques?

    The wingchun guy waited too long. He should have moved forward from the start with chain punches or something, but was helpless against a well executed double leg takedown and could not fight from the ground.

    I still think wingchun has good self-defense technigues, but this video shows where the art needs strengthening.

  • #2
    That's got to be disheartening. Years of training and conditioning. Then you just stand there with your hand sticking out like you want to shake the guy's hand instead of beat him, and then you just look down dumbfounded as the guy tips you with one of the most basic and well-known techniques in the world. Then you do nothing as he easily mounts you. And then you barely attempt to defend yourself as he pounds your face.

    Against someone my own weight...would *I* win? No. But I'd at least try to stay alive for more than 45 seconds


    • #3
      If you train for someone to throw one crooked haymaker at you and cooperate so you can dazzle your class with 5 follow up strikes, a low kick and an interesting looking takedown, you are training to fight somone with the intention of just that (throwing a crooked haymaker and leaving themselves open).

      I think Dave Benetau was a competitive collegiate wrestler with backgrounds in judo and boxing. Naturally, his training was against someone who is trying to constantly throw him down or knock him out.


      • #4
        I was suprised I was able to see the fight on this old stupid anticquated p.c. Just a basic doubleleg takedown. The wing chun guy was obviously lost while on his back. It's easy to say what someone should have done or should not have done.

        I don't really think this fight reflects on the system of wing chun;more so it reflects on the fighter. Wing chun is a traditional art. When you study a traditional art; you must cross train. Those who do not cross train will be left behind. This is 2005 not 1205.


        • #5
          Ah yes, the beauty of the old UFC's where it's style vs style.


          • #6
            chain punching won't really work against someone who has done boxing/kickboxing/muay thai very well... but if you are fighting some drunk punk in the street it will work just fine. but then again one learns how to charge in boxing/kickboxing and muay thai also...


            • #7
              Wing Chun is an art not ment for the ring. Its a good close quarters,street fighting style but it isn't rounded enough. Chain Punching can work if you use it properly. Muay thai has more realistic trapping in it (the clinch). Wing Chun doesn't have the proper training methods to be ready for a ring fight.


              • #8
                Jeet kune do is basically wing chun + boxing

                it is also proved to be the most powerfull style


                • #9
                  Are they exactly the same?


                  • #10
                    sorry i dont understand the question

                    use quotes to refer to were your asking about

                    i hope u wernt asking wether boxing and wing chun are the same, but if you are no their different stlyes.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Smallwood2000
                      Jeet kune do is basically wing chun + boxing

                      it is also proved to be the most powerfull style

                      Are you sure? How exactly has it been proven to be the most powerful style?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tom Yum

                        Comments? Critiques?

                        The wingchun guy waited too long. He should have moved forward from the start with chain punches or something, but was helpless against a well executed double leg takedown and could not fight from the ground.

                        I still think wingchun has good self-defense technigues, but this video shows where the art needs strengthening.
                        this guy did not use any wing chun tech. wutsoever. He also i assume b/c of his stance (or ateempt of a stance) practices the modified lineage of wing chun (not william cheung's). His hands were also very low whihc also indicates the modified lineage.


                        • #13
                          I have to go with the previous post - There isn't any Wing Chun in that fight. Heck, you could just as easily say that he was a thai boxer or a Yellow Bamboo instructor - he didn't do anything.

