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striking the neck and throat

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  • striking the neck and throat

    whats the deal with striking the neck and throat? supposedly its pretty effective, but i dont have any experience with hitting people in the neck and throat in a real situation. does anyone here have any experience with this and was it pretty effective or not?

    btw, is striking the neck or throat allowed in mma and ufc ?

  • #2
    yeah, its a killer. I doubt it would be permitted in any sanctioned event cause it can cause so much damage. A slight chop to the adam's apple will drop anybody. It doesnt take much to collapse the trachea, and thats nothing to mess around with. The spine at the back of the neck can kill. Any of it, spine, arteries, windpipe. The neck is full of pressure points. I wouldnt advise ever hitting someone there unless its truly self-defense.


    • #3
      sure if your opponent is stupid enough to keep his chin up and expose their neck/throat. But anyone with 5 days of boxing classes will know enough to keep their chin down and hands up so that throat striking jazz won't really work against someone who has had the most basic stand up training IMHO.


      • #4
        In muay thai the kick to the neck no just the head. Punching to the throat would definately work in a street fight.


        • #5
          Originally posted by EGstudent
          In muay thai the kick to the neck no just the head. Punching to the throat would definately work in a street fight.
          [translation] In Muay Thai they kick to the neck, not just the head.' This is true, the side of the neck between the shoulder and the jaw, specifically.

          Try ridge-handing yourself on the side of the neck, you'll get a sense of how it feels.


          • #6
            Fractured traecha

            it happend to my mma coach while in a choke,it took months to heal and he couldn't talk for a while


            • #7
              Pressure points and hitting joints and the throat in general is enough to put a fighter out even if he trains in BJJ. People need to start training by using pinches, and finger strikes. Grappling is simply not the same without them. Its a totally different game.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Andrew WA
                People need to start training by using pinches, and finger strikes. .



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Andrew WA
                  Pressure points and hitting joints and the throat in general is enough to put a fighter out even if he trains in BJJ. People need to start training by using pinches, and finger strikes. Grappling is simply not the same without them. Its a totally different game.
                  How about tickling, I bet that would throw you off your game.


                  • #10
                    If you think strikes to the throat might not hurt... try this... take two fingers.. and put them together.. lightly poke yourself in the throat (front of the neck) anywhere on under or around your adams apple.... just do it lightly, youll feel it... if you dont ... poke REALLY REALLY hard.... but have a phone in the other hand to call 911 or something....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                      If you think strikes to the throat might not hurt... try this... take two fingers.. and put them together.. lightly poke yourself in the throat (front of the neck) anywhere on under or around your adams apple.... just do it lightly, youll feel it... if you dont ... poke REALLY REALLY hard.... but have a phone in the other hand to call 911 or something....

                      No, why don't you try to find some big, angry son and see how close you get to 'fingering' his neck before you find yourself leaving via the window?


                      • #12
                        In the neck, you have a muscle linked to the CNS that if hit hard enough will put somebody under (Sterno-Cleido-Mastoid). You have the trachea or windpipe up front, and several arteries and nerve systems in the can collapse an artery if you hit it hard enough (same principle as a pinched nerve) but the more reliable targets should be at the base of the throat with a half-punch or a chop of some sort to the windpipe. Grabbing just behind the trachea and squeezing while tearing back could pull their throat out.

                        Any pressure to the front of the throat, or BOTH sides will eventually cause unconsciousness. (by shutting off the air (windpipe, short choke, collar choke, or any mean choke you can apply with your forearm) or blood supply to the brain, i.e. via the carotid artery.

                        At the base of the back of the neck, you have the nerve center of the brain, or the brain box, and several smaller vertebrea that can be broken, probably with downward elbows or an impact weapon. Hitting the back of the head hard enough will cause a concussion. Hit at the base of the spine where the atlas vertebra would be...this way if you don't break the spine, you at least have a chance of that nice whiplash effect to the occipital lobe.

                        That's what happens when people used those black-jacks on people back in the day...people would either slip under, or would come to with blurred vision and minimal motor function. (occipital lobe is also the vision center of the brain)

                        Throat strikes work...that's why nobody allows them. In a life or death situation, you can also, if so inclined, use your incisors to rip out the artery, or crush the windpipe with your teeth if your hands are being held down. Also, ears, nose, eyes...groin, tail bone, knee caps, fingers...fishook the mouth...grab under the armpit and try and finger off the brachial artery with your fingers, or try to rip the clavicle away or cave it in with a punch or elbow. Headbutts work.

                        So does grabbing any sharp or heavy thing in sight. Just about anything, with the right mind behind it, can be used as a weapon. You can make a fucking shiv out of heating and cooling celophane wrappers, and a pretty heafty club out of super-tightly bound magazines or newspapers. Choke somebody with a T-shirt or bludgeon somebody with a shoe...broken (puncture the Carotoid artery), keys...a roll of quarters...a credit name it, chances are you can use it as a tool.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Garland

                          Throat strikes work...that's why nobody allows them. In a life or death situation, you can also, if so inclined, use your incisors to rip out the artery, or crush the windpipe with your teeth if your hands are being held down. Also, ears, nose, eyes...groin, tail bone, knee caps, fingers...fishook the mouth...grab under the armpit and try and finger off the brachial artery with your fingers, or try to rip the clavicle away or cave it in with a punch or elbow. Headbutts work..

                          Ai-ya, this again. Yes, its all wonderful and irrelevant. Its the false hope of the weak and unskilled.


                          • #14
                            You are just to proud to admit it because you want to believe BJJ is the end all to every MA in the world and no one can ever defeat you if you train in it. You are the one with the false hope.
                            How about taking a huge grab and rip at your balls while you try to wrestle around your oponent? You dont be doing so well after that!


                            • #15
                              lol to the guy who said "yeah and try to poke his throat when this big guy is throwing you out a window"....

                              k first of all I was just showing him how much the strike to the throat can hurt... with the very little poke.. cause he wondered how much damage it would do... so yeah thats the whole point of my post.

                              Now you took it to mean as Im gonna try and poke someone in the throat... not likely.... if it presented itself.. I would definetly PUNCH someone in the throat... if it was a self defense situation.. the thing is, with what I do, being Krav Maga... we learn to punch like 8 times to make sure at least one gets through... there would be no direct punch to the throat, but one of those may get through, just like the knees to the face, hammer fists to the back of the neck, head butts, eye gouges or w/e....

                              you need to read the question and then read the post... I answered his question.. I didnt say what I would try to do if some big fuckign guy was trying to throw me out a window...

