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Nooby question/comment

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  • Nooby question/comment

    yeah so ive been doing bjj for only about 3 months now, everythings going great i love it...but there is just one thing that really pisses me off. whenever i roll with this one guy, if he gets me in the side mount he just lies flat o n me with all 180lbs..just flat like a (*^*&^*&ing pancake...and yes i have no idea how to get out of that, he just stays there trying to do that paintbrush thing(i forgot what its called) i try to shrimp away but its hard with all that weight flat on me...maybe its because i still suck? i duno

  • #2
    i have been doing it for about a month and i also have a hard time with this. i try to bridge and then scoot my hips outside but its hard because most of the time my hips are blocked.. its very hard for me to get my leg inside in front of there stomach or get to my knees.. im a big guy too 5'11 225lbs and even smaller guys keep me there. i would like to hear some suggestions also !! good post !! how often do you train apc ? i go about 4 times a week.. used to go 6 times but its too tiring..



    • #3
      yeah same im going four times a week right now....more in the summer once im off school.


      • #4
        OK, you are shrimping and it's not working. Very simple, do not allow them to put you there. Joking! The good side to this is that your training partners have a strong base for there side mount (100 kilos) as you will. If you are caught in a side mount and shrimping is not working, try the opposite!
        I will try and keep it simple:
        1. Both hands go under your partner (across the chest) one in the armpit the other on the waist or belt.
        2. Using both your arms and legs (you have to sink your heels into the mats and pull) PULL yourself through (you will be under him - on the chest) until you get to the other side.
        3. WHEN you pull yourself through (this is the hard part because he will be moving) you must either A. quickly roll unto your knees or B. roll into him and unto his back. Obviously, you want B, but at least get A (you are out of the side mount) and see where it goes from there.
        Good luck and let me know what happens! Train with heart and technique!


        • #5
          Get these dvds:Roy Harris Bjj 101ositional escapes and Bill Cogswell's positional escapes.


          • #6
            If you are on a tight budget I just wanted to share some news on dvds as far as price is concerned. Century is closing out there panther line. About four years ago these were $30 - $50 each, but now they are only $10 each (dvd or vhs). Carlson Gracie Jr. has a set of 8 that is pretty cool. It is full of details you can't beat the price.


            • #7
              I also have trouble when side mounted... I just work for the half gaurd then the full gaurd, or sometimes I even try to just bench press the person off depending on how much they weigh, I know it sounds kinda funny but it can work engouh for you to shift under them. Now you have to have a pretty good bench to do this, and maybe you do but dont be afraid to try it, it can surprise people.

              If I'm really stuck, I roll onto my stomach. Now your all thinking, NOT THE BACK DONT GIVE UP THE BACK.

              well you roll onto your stomach, when they mount you and try to put the hooks in, just keep rolling you will end up in their gaurd or in their mount, Id rather be mounted then side mounted.


              • #8
                If I'm really stuck, I roll onto my stomach. Now your all thinking, NOT THE BACK DONT GIVE UP THE BACK.

                well you roll onto your stomach, when they mount you and try to put the hooks in, just keep rolling you will end up in their gaurd or in their mount, Id rather be mounted then side mounted.[/QUOTE]

                I roll unto my stomach as well and the moment they go for my back I Monkey Roll, the momentum of the roll pushes the guy off with my legs. This is something we teach and it hasn't failed me yet. I like your way too. We train our guys to fight from the side mount more than the mount and guard for very reason of this forum, many people have a hard time defending and getting out of the side mount. Good luck men!


                • #9
                  ok, bench pressing is just gonna expose your elbows and armpits. Sure it may work against lesser skilled opponents, but use good jiu jitsu not strength. Get the inside elbow (the one that should be goosnecking the opponent's hip/belt) to your inside knee. The most effective way of doing this is a modified shrimp in which you do a skiers hop (both feet together move toward the outside then quickly pushing with the balls of the feet move your hips toward your feet, this creates the space for a more effective shrimp) From there it should be a much easier task getting to gaurd or half guard. If you do choose to roll to a turtle position maintain some point of control of your opponent so that he/she does not hustle around you toward your back.


                  • #10
                    And gonna expose your elbows and armpits is bench pressing.

                    I hear you.How can I help you? Then again, it may not.Where can I get the inside elbow the one that should be goosnecking the opponent's hipbelt to your inside knee?Is that a fact.I will let you know if I do.


                    • #11
                      I love when people benchpress me. instant armbar...

                      I don't like side control either. I used to try to shrimp out, all that other stuff, but these days I just wait for the oppoonent to move and give me something to work with. More often than not I can get my knee in to at least get half guard.

                      Well, often the other guy jumps to knee on belly too, wich I find easier to escape from than side control.


                      • #12
                        You love when people benchpress me. What do you like about when people benchpress me so much?
                        I've been waiting for you.It goes without saying.
                        Tell me a story.By now you do not do try to shrimp out all that other stuff but these days he or she just wait for the oppoonent to move and give him or her something to work with anymore?You want more?Interesting.

                        My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input.


                        • #13
                          ^ like someone else once said, "time for your meds?"

                          What's weird is how fast you replied... I had barely even clicked on submit..



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ahoym8e
                            ^ like someone else once said, "time for your meds?"

                            What's weird is how fast you replied... I had barely even clicked on submit..



                            • #15
                              Try Both Hands Under Your Partner's Chest With Your Elbows In Tight To Your Side. Then Bump And Try To "elbow Escape" Into Guard.


                              Be Like Water
                              Attached Files

