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  • #46
    Thank you

    Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
    Please! Cast the title aside and use my screen name!

    My sig. line may or may not be relevant to any particular thread topic but it reflects my personal bias toward being armed...

    As the 19th-century jurist James Paterson remarked in his Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject and the Laws of England Relating to the Security of the Person:

    "In all countries where personal freedom is valued, however much each individual may rely on legal redress, the right of each to carry arms - and these the best and the sharpest - for his own protection in case of extremity, is a right of nature indelible and irrepressible, and the more it is sought to be repressed the more it will recur."

    Thanks for asking,
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    • #47

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      • #48
        Attorney Generals Office

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          • #50
            Page Stolen from Diary

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            • #51
              Friendship Tournament June 13

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              Originally posted by Whitestar View Post
              I am considering taking Jukado to start in my training in the martial arts. It's a combination of Judo, Karate, Akido and Kung Fu.

              1) Has anyone here trained in Jukado?

              2) If so, is it better than to study Judo, Karate, Akido and Kung Fu separately?

              3) Is it considered an effective system for self-defense?



              • #52
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                • #53

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                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Whitestar View Post
                    I am considering taking Jukado to start in my training in the martial arts. It's a combination of Judo, Karate, Akido and Kung Fu.

                    1) Has anyone here trained in Jukado?

                    2) If so, is it better than to study Judo, Karate, Akido and Kung Fu separately?

                    3) Is it considered an effective system for self-defense?

                    I studied this style, quite a few years ago in Pocatello Idaho. I would recomend it. But, they didn't go much into fancy kicks so when I studied it, the instructor would teach me Jukado, mainly the akido and judo part and I would teach him the more advanced kicking of shoto-kan. This was back in 1987. But, i'm primarily a kickboxer, mostly work on the offensive training, but the little bit of Jukado that I learned I still use as my self defense training. And I make it mandatory training for both my boxing and kickboxing students. They'll go through the jukado self defense course maybe 2 or 3 times a year. And it helps them to deal with issue better if confronted on the outs and keeps them out of trouble.


                    • #55
                      Jukado is a good start for someone new to the arts. It sounds like it offers a little of everything, stand up, take down, and ground. The three key elements to be a well-rounded martial artist.

