how grapplers deal with strikes
as my mma coach liked to say we learn how to hit so we don't get hit, sometimes the best way not to get hit is to hit, thus many grappeling schools now do punching drillls on focus mitts at the begining of class including bjj as for which style of the choice would you use to learn for cross training in striking either mt or western boxing or kickboxing would be good. stay away from tma other than judo (I know from which I speak, wasted many years doing b.s. stuff, before I really came to understand reality, not my fault i didn't know any better at the time
as my mma coach liked to say we learn how to hit so we don't get hit, sometimes the best way not to get hit is to hit, thus many grappeling schools now do punching drillls on focus mitts at the begining of class including bjj as for which style of the choice would you use to learn for cross training in striking either mt or western boxing or kickboxing would be good. stay away from tma other than judo (I know from which I speak, wasted many years doing b.s. stuff, before I really came to understand reality, not my fault i didn't know any better at the time
