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Bjj vs striking

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  • #16
    how grapplers deal with strikes

    as my mma coach liked to say we learn how to hit so we don't get hit, sometimes the best way not to get hit is to hit, thus many grappeling schools now do punching drillls on focus mitts at the begining of class including bjj as for which style of the choice would you use to learn for cross training in striking either mt or western boxing or kickboxing would be good. stay away from tma other than judo (I know from which I speak, wasted many years doing b.s. stuff, before I really came to understand reality, not my fault i didn't know any better at the time )


    • #17
      Tameo the idea in bjj is to close distance. So you have to wait for the right moment to shoot in for a take down. Yeah most likely you will take a couple of punches, but once you get the person on the ground and you are in a dominant position to strike yourself its pretty much history.. BJJ does have some techniques on how to shoot in and protect yourself in the best way to deflect some punches thrown. Now obviously its not 100% going to work but I'm sure it helps avoid what could be more punches when you are closing the distance. Yeah that would be good if TMA showed some striking on the ground.. Then again they would have to invent a new style for ground striking right ? They would most likely have to incorp grappling into it, which defeats the TMA itself.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mixwell
        Tameo the idea in bjj is to close distance. So you have to wait for the right moment to shoot in for a take down. .

        You don't "wait" for the right moment to shoot, you "make" the right moment by properly setting up your shot.


        • #19
          Originally posted by jubaji
          You don't "wait" for the right moment to shoot, you "make" the right moment by properly setting up your shot.
          Yes.. I meant wait for the right moment / create it.. my bad..


          • #20

            the rule of thumb for takedowns is dont shoot in unless you are close enough to touch your opponents head, which makes getting hit all the more fun to avoid. But the guy a few posts up was right, some schools train with gloves and practice getting hit or hitting your opponent when they shoot in. My friend used to train alot with Dean Lister, he said Dean was a horrible striker, and my friend, who was a blue belt at the time, would pummel Dean with blows, a brown at the time, and humiliate him


            • #21
              Originally posted by OmaPlata

              the rule of thumb for takedowns is dont shoot in unless you are close enough to touch your opponents head,

              Sweet! So if you just lean your head waaaaaaaay back you can't be taken down!


              • #22
                Originally posted by jubaji
                Sweet! So if you just lean your head waaaaaaaay back you can't be taken down!
                if you were "leaning" your head back, then your body is still close enough, so yes, you will still be taken down, duh


                • #23
                  If I'm standing with someone & its obvious I'm gonna get ktfo if I stay on my feet..
                  Then I'm gonna work for a takedown:

                  Any takedown that works for me single/double.....
                  Assuming I don't get KTFO


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by OmaPlata
                    if you were "leaning" your head back, then your body is still close enough, so yes, you will still be taken down, duh

                    Wait a minute, you said you had to be able to touch their head.

                    Or did you mean something else?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jubaji
                      Wait a minute, you said you had to be able to touch their head.

                      Or did you mean something else?

                      -stop on by and Ill show ya


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by OmaPlata
                        -stop on by and Ill show ya

                        Show me what?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by jubaji
                          Show me what?

                          how to take somebody down without being able to touch their head when they lean back and then how to twist them into a pretzel


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by OmaPlata
                            how to take somebody down without being able to touch their head when they lean back and then how to twist them into a pretzel

                            Well, I'm sure I'd benefit greatly from your expert instruction on takedowns.

