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poor service

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  • poor service

    what is it with atama's email response (or should i say lack of)? i made a simple enquiry about sizing 5 days ago and some follow up emails and still i can't get a single response. i wouldn't necessarily comment for a first time bad experience with a company, but i know there have been other complaints made about atama's customer service (for eg... see jokerjitsu)

    if you are going to offer products online it's my belief you need to be able to respond in a timely manner. luciano machado simon at mkimonos is a good example of how to do it right. (thankyou luciano)... unfortunately, on the down side they don't have any gis available for another 3 months, but i respect the fact she was honest and let me know the situation.

    i know there have been other complaints, and not just about atama but also various other suppliers and online stores. perhaps someone should start up a black list and keep a record of all problems there, for bjj consumers to refer to when making a purchasing decision... and not just a black list but a gold list too for positive experiences with companies. it may work to motivate the various companies to offer better customer service to us consumers.

    any comments or ideas? anyone computer literate enough to start up such a list/page? lol

    keep rollin...

  • #2

    Yeah... You're completely right about online BJJ stores – they have absolutely NO CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! I've pretty much given up on buying things online, especially when it comes to BJJ Gis. Here are some true stories I've faced.

    ATAMA - Last year when I was training purely BJJ, we placed 2 bulk orders for uniforms. I emailed then called for a discount on shipping. No response... Sent out another bulk order 4 months later... Same treatment... No response... – Very worst place to shop!!! BEWARE of this place, I don't believe it exists. I ordered AND PAID for a fight short and Gi and NEVER heard from them again. I paid by money order which was a mistake. That's $200 I'll never see again... Their customer service link says they will contact you within 24 hours - IT'S BEEN NEARLY A YEAR!!! Also the number they provide is unreachable...

    Graciestore – Another dissapointing place is the official Gracie online store. They also promise to reply within 24 hours... NOPE... You won't hear a thing. No e-mail confirmation about your order, no phone call, no nothing... You're just left wondering where the heck your money went. Don't shop here...

    Of the three, ATAMA is the only place that actually sends your order. But that's still no excuse for the poor treatment you get. It is just me or do the Brazilians stink when it comes to business?


    • #3
      sorry to hear about your bad experiences with these companies.
      i buy wholesale from Keiko Raca (Brazil) and Atama (US) and they have been fine in delivering their stuff over to me in Malaysia.
      I would hesitate in dealing with MMAGear and I know too many people with a bad experience dealing with them too.
      Brazilian Fight Wear, Rio Fightwear, Jiu Jitsu Progear, MMA Mart have been great.

      I guess it takes a bit of trial and error before you learn which online companies are good or not. Without them though, everyone will still be wearing fake Krugans and baggy judogi..


      • #4
        MMAGEAR.COM is a RIP-OFF !!!





        • #5
          check out I ordered my GI from there and it arrived in decent time.. got tracking and everything.. they sale atama also.. Check it out..

