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  • fight vid NOT WORK SAFE SITE

    wannabe badass get PWNED by guy with some skills...

    click here


  • #2
    that guy in the blue wasnt bad at all. his hands were kinda low, but hey it worked for him. he landed some pretty good shots and it looked like he knew how to grapple cause he sprawled and countered the skinheads weak attempts at takedowns and also used ground n pound techniques. this guy has some experience under his belt. im glad he beat the crap outta that peice of garbage skin head.


    • #3
      Originally posted by EmptyneSs
      that guy in the blue wasnt bad at all. his hands were kinda low, but hey it worked for him. he landed some pretty good shots and it looked like he knew how to grapple cause he sprawled and countered the skinheads weak attempts at takedowns and also used ground n pound techniques. this guy has some experience under his belt. im glad he beat the crap outta that peice of garbage skin head.
      Yep, I'm totally with you on that one. I wasn't sure if the guy was really a "skinhead" in the white supremacist context, or just a guy with a shaved head. Either way, the latin looking dude brought it!


      • #4
        I'm guessing that with the red flag that had the blurred out "logo" in the center hanging in the background that he was garbage in that context.

        There were some good camera angles in there too. At the end it almost looked like a movie how the camera was right on the ground and looking up at the guys face. I thought at first that the skinhead would have tried to push the camera away, but I'll bet he was pretty tired at that point .

        I liked how the bigger guy was dropping the knee to the head on the ground. A much better way to attack that area than to risk breaking your hand punching.

        sweet vid.


        • #5
          he shoulda hopped on the skin heads back and put him to sleep, more humiliatng that way


          • #6
            I personally think that being allowed to continue to attempt attacks only to have your efforts negated and earn you a puch/knee/etc. to the melon a bit more of a blow to the ego. If someone gets my back, sinks their hooks and locks in a choke, there's nothing I can do. However, to allow me to try to get at them and still F^ck me up, then I'd feel pretty low.

            If I thought somehow that BJJ was the be all, end all of martial arts I may feel differently though. Not that grappling doesn't rock or have it's place. I'd just feel stupid if I was allowed to attack and it wasn't effective.


            • #7
              Originally posted by THT
              I'm guessing that with the red flag that had the blurred out "logo" in the center hanging in the background that he was garbage in that context.
              Good eye. I wasn't even watching that.

              Well here's what I liked about the vid:

              the guy in the blue had a nice straightarm counter to the opening haymaker of the skinhead and then socked him in the face pretty good. After that he maintained his composure, kept his upper body upright and just waited for the opening to thread that cross to the chin in that knocked the skinhead down. After that he kept great posture, kept his hooks close and tight (even though they didn't connect he kept good position).

              I liked how the guy in blue ducked under the next haymaker and countered with a right hook to the face which left him with one underhook from the back, which he exploited nicely (happened right in the change of camera angle).

              I noticed that he struck open hand to the face and closed fist to the body, which was smart, and at the very end punched the guy in the neck instead of the head, protecting his hands. I'm guessing that one right fist to the side of the skull must have hurt his hand plenty, and he went back to playing it smart after that.

              What I liked especially was that the guy had the class to stop when the skinhead was out cold, something I'm not so sure would have happened if the fight had gone the other way.


              • #8
                All quite true ahoym8e. I was pretty impressed with the opening slip to "meet my fist" straight that was employed. All in all a very entertaining video, with some pretty good lessons for a streetfight.


                • #9
                  Unworthy? I dont know where that came from, or really what your implying with it....

                  As for the video.. the mexican guy or.. blue shirt... looked pretty good and knew what he was doing, at least alot better than the white guy.

                  I was glad he didnt bother to kick him in the head when he was on all fours at the end.... and I was thinking those knees when he was on the ground looked pretty devastating.

                  Its actually a street fight video I havent seen.. I thought I had scoured the net for em all... if you guys find anymore post em up.... but only if theyre "worthy" lol... (I have no idea what makes them worthy).


                  • #10
                    Yeah the Mexican's knee strikes towards the end were indeed good and devastating. The both though, seemd experienced in fighting. The skinhead was throwing some good low kicks just needed them to be more effective.
                    Yes, I beleive the guy was a skinhead. I noticed the Nazi flag in the background. also, if you look close, you will notice Viking tattoos which are common among white supremists.


                    • #11
                      worst lowkicks ever. My 3 year old has better lowkicks than that guy...

                      Yeah, he does look like a white supremacist. prolly had a sixpack before trying that crap too (since they're so smart).


                      • #12

                        A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.Your 3 year old has better lowkicks than that guy?Mmm. I get it. does look like a white supremacist.What happened to it?


                        • #13
                          of beer, not sixpack abs...


                          • #14
                            there are a lot more fight videos.. if you go to then go to the videos section there is a fights section.. theres like 171 fight videos and some other ones that are pretty cool also.


                            • #15
                              Will proceed to check that out right now, I have seen ALOT of fight videos though.. ah well even if I get one new one itll be worth it.


