Hey all, first time poster on this board and I don't mean for it to sound like a flame or a "this has been answered a million times already" thread but I value other people's opinons on martial arts and I'm posting in here because I don't know which areat to post this.
A little bit about me:
- I'm not a very big guy, I stand 5'6" and weigh in at a little over 160 lbs
- I like to take a beating (have played ice hockey competitively for over 20 years)
- I have a brief history of training in Karate
The Karate training gave me a bad taste in my mouth because the only schools that teach it around here are large chains such as USA Karate, National Karate, and ATA Karate and it seems as though they want your money more than they want to train you to properly defend yourself.
I am not trying to go out and look for trouble, what I want is to be able to defend myself and my family at all costs so I guess I am looking for an art that will allow me to throw debilitating strikes/submissions that will end a confrontation quickly and teach the other person(s) a lesson.
I have the Minnesota Kali Group nearby (Rick Faye) that teaches JKD, Muay Thai, Kali, Boxing, and Silat; I also have the Minnesota Martial Arts Academy (Greg Nelson) nearby that teaches Muay Thai, JKD, and BJJ; last but not least I have No Rules Martial Arts (Chris McCune) which teaches maily Kung Fu San Soo.
I know that 99% of the people I will ever need to fight are going to be taller and heavier than me so I want to make the old adage "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" come true.
Things I would like to get from training:
- Real life training scenarios. Traditional karate (from my experience) is all about cooperative opponents and I want to train with people who will not only resist but also try and counter
- Renewed self confidence
- A good overall workout
I realize that when it comes to martial arts (like many other things) what is right for one is not necessarily right for all but I value any opinions that you might have. Thanks.
A little bit about me:
- I'm not a very big guy, I stand 5'6" and weigh in at a little over 160 lbs
- I like to take a beating (have played ice hockey competitively for over 20 years)
- I have a brief history of training in Karate
The Karate training gave me a bad taste in my mouth because the only schools that teach it around here are large chains such as USA Karate, National Karate, and ATA Karate and it seems as though they want your money more than they want to train you to properly defend yourself.
I am not trying to go out and look for trouble, what I want is to be able to defend myself and my family at all costs so I guess I am looking for an art that will allow me to throw debilitating strikes/submissions that will end a confrontation quickly and teach the other person(s) a lesson.
I have the Minnesota Kali Group nearby (Rick Faye) that teaches JKD, Muay Thai, Kali, Boxing, and Silat; I also have the Minnesota Martial Arts Academy (Greg Nelson) nearby that teaches Muay Thai, JKD, and BJJ; last but not least I have No Rules Martial Arts (Chris McCune) which teaches maily Kung Fu San Soo.
I know that 99% of the people I will ever need to fight are going to be taller and heavier than me so I want to make the old adage "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" come true.
Things I would like to get from training:
- Real life training scenarios. Traditional karate (from my experience) is all about cooperative opponents and I want to train with people who will not only resist but also try and counter
- Renewed self confidence
- A good overall workout
I realize that when it comes to martial arts (like many other things) what is right for one is not necessarily right for all but I value any opinions that you might have. Thanks.