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Last night at Grappling...

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  • Last night at Grappling...

    Bunch of things which happened last night, just wondering what some of your guys thoughts are on this.

    Firstly, If I have 5 grappling classes under my belt, and someone has two years? Who should win... probably the guy with two years.... except I OWNED him.
    Seeing as how its all about technique and that I dont really see how I could dominate him. Took me about 20 seconds to get an armbar, he tapped. We started again, I threw him in a guillotine, he tapped, then we started again, I got the mount, rolled him to his back and rear naked choked him. After that I put him in the side mount, had his arm wrapped around his own neck and was in thee "Triple attack position" when time was up.

    I really dont see how this could work out, im prolly a year older than him (guess) but he had a girlfriend who looked my age. Prolly 10 more pounds.

    Another thing, when grappling in sparring, in basically a Ju Jitsu class (its not referred to as Jiu Jitsu, just grappling) should I get bitched out for wrestling someone? The usual instructor was busy so some lady taught, and she generally takes the classes, but I got bitched out for not rolling back and putting him in my gaurd but trying to throw on a head lock from the top. This is against someone who is 50 pounds more than me... so... I thought it was the best strategy.

    Third and last, if Im rolling with you, and we are in the side mount, me on top with both my elbows across your body, and one is just like on your face, or near your face or close to it. (This is not intentionally just ended up there). Is it right for me to get bitched at and say "Your not allowed to put your elbow there" I wasnt digging it in, I didnt even think about it being there... should I worry about that or just keep doing what im doing, no one else has complained.... and I dont complain when someones elbow is in a place I dont like, thats kind of the point isnt it.

    Oh well any thoughts on this I'd like to hear... it was a wierd night.

    Long post eh haha.

  • #2
    side mount, me on top with both my elbows across your body, and one is just like on your face, or near your face or close to it.

    I've been out of the loop as far as grappling for a couple years but... why shouldn't you have your elbow on the face? Is cross-face not legal anymore?


    • #3
      Was the other guy a lot smaller? Have you done any grappling before e.g. wrestling.

      As for being told of for your movement go with what they teach you or leave. If they want you to use certain tactics then do it. You will learn something if only what doesnt work for you but will give you practise in other areas of your game and a new perspective.
      Ive always been taught to try and keep the top position if at all possible, especially against bigger guys and that was from a BJJ brown belt, but different people have different views.

      Elbow in the face eh...I dont like rolling week in week out with people who would do that to me in the gym so wouldnt do it to others.


      • #4
        Is it right for me to get bitched at and say "Your not allowed to put your elbow there" I wasnt digging it in, I didnt even think about it being there... should I worry about that or just keep doing what im doing, no one else has complained.... and I dont complain when someones elbow is in a place I dont like, thats kind of the point isnt it.

        :: what i dont understand is why there is rules of grappling here...allowed not allowed ...i think grappling is all out war to the tap out or the choke hold..i can see the not allowed to grab someones you know what but having elbow here or arm there ....thats confusing me about your post and instructor...


        • #5

          -you can irritate the guy all you want, thats part of the game....but i suggest getting your arm behind his head so you can control him and keep him from rolling into you and getting to his knees and/or replacing guard


          • #6
            It was actually a woman who complained about the elbow thing.

            Once again the elbow was not intentional, and I wasnt even doing anything with it so I dont think she had any right to complain.

            For the kid that I owned, I have only taken 5 grappling classes... I dont have any formal wrestling, judo or ju jitsu training or anything like that. I was about a second away from getting a triangle choke on a blue belt too that night, but he rolled me over and made me tap out with a shoulder lock, if only I had extended the hips.

            Someone said go with what they teach you or leave, im learning what they teach me so I can use it if I need it. If I wanted to fight from the gaurd or side mount I would be using what they taught me, but while I can get top control im going to do it, the usual instructor will let you do whatever works.. guess she just wanted to prove she was good or something and bitch me out about ju jitsu.


            • #7
              that sounds kind of lame to me that they would bitch about it. You should try to get familiar with the guard though.. The elbow in the face as long as it isnt intentional. I mean when someone gets side mount or is in side mount on me i put in elbow into their neck to create some space. I dont see anything wrong with that. You might want to ask some people you have rolled with if it bothers them.

              You don't want to have people in the class not like rolling with you.. As far as you owning the blue belt, I dont know. Maybe he was going light on you ? haha.. Sometimes some of the purple and brown belts will let me get into dominate positions and they like to work their defense or sometimes they will leave openings to see if I go for them.

              I like that because it shows that they are willing to let me learn and see if my mind is thinking in the right directions. However one time I rolled with my friend (who doesnt train or anything) and I pulled him into my guard and he was like jamming his arm into the side of my face.

              It was odd because no one in my class had done that.. I simple just grabbed his arm though and took it off. I dont see the big deal with the elbow thing you mentioned. Just keep at it and try to learn as much as they teach you..

              Take care


              • #8
                Lol no he wasnt going easy....

                he was however, an old man who hadnt been to grappling in a long time because he taught a karate class during grappling lol. Didnt want to bring that up though lol.

                He was trying to get me though the whole time.


                • #9
                  Okay wait... in five classes you've learned side control, arm-bar, rear-naked choke, guillotine, guard, and triangle choke? Plus picked up enough mobility to use them? I mean sure, that much stuff might have been covered in five classes, but having practiced something a few times and being able to put it into action under pressure are two entirely different things.

                  If you've got no related experience, and you've managed all that in five classes, then you may have found your calling. There are people (the rest of us hate them ) who can just instantly assimilate the technique.


                  • #10
                    Does wrestling my two year older and physically larger (even now although im stronger) on a trampoline count as experience? lol thats the only thing I can think of...

                    oh and I guess watching UFC has shown me a few things too, for instance weve never gone over the rear naked or triangle choke yet.


                    • #11
                      Just something I forgot, whenever we do practice techinques, we will learn like... I dont know 5 escapes when we are on our back with someone in our gaurd. I wont really remember them about a half hour later, but when the opportunity is there while grappling I can just pull it out of nowhere?? Dont know where that comes from.


                      • #12
                        wait now gregimotis he could have seen a lot of it.. Before I started BJJ i had watched soo many UFC's and I also have some BJJ instructional videos and some books. I know how to do the triangle even though it has not been taught in class. I also knew to pull guard and all that and side control. I think I had a good mental knowloedge on BJJ before joining maybe samurai did as well. Sounds like you have some visual knowledge also samurai as you referred to the UFC also.

                        I think most of the teqniques i do i remember.. When we watch the teqnique being done we then practice it slowly 5 times each side, then we practice from that position for 2 mins straight rolling. Most of the stuff I have learned seems to stick with me. There are some things I forgot though. I would like to refresh on.. When you go to class a lot though, it seems like you learn soo much and you don't have time for it all to sink in, but eventually it does.

                        I find myself thinking about it at night sometimes when im not doing anything or when i am laying in bed.. I am soo hooked on BJJ.. I have never had as much passion for anything like I do for this.. Everyday I look forward to going to class. Its soo fun.. haha ok sorry.. Cant wait to go to class today !!



                        • #13
                          You must simply be a natural prodigy. With those kinds of skills you'll be a black belt before you know it. Don't give up now.

                          I sometimes have grappling classes like that too, but before I know it the Aloha Sunscreen Bikini team shows up to work no-gi. Somtimes Oprah shows up too and then I awake with a start...


                          • #14
                            Yeah because I'd lie about almost getting a triangle on an old man who doesnt grapple anymore, and putting my elbow into some womens face and getting bitched at by some lady. I'd dream about it too... of course.

                            I never said I had any special abilities or picked anything up super quick, I said I forget things, and it was gregimotis who said I can assimilate techniques easily....

                            You wouldnt happen to be a blonde women with short hair who bitches people out when they get an elbow in an uncomfortable place while grappling would you? Because its the internet I wouldnt think you were her naturally.. but the way you post... kinda reminds me of a bitch.


                            • #15
                              haha you did that elbow thing to a girl ? Thats too funny.. Too bad I never get to roll with girls.. Theres one girl that goes to the beginner class but she only rolls with her husband or sometimes she doesn't roll at all.

