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Gothic martial arts?

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  • Gothic martial arts?

    Hey, check this out... I came accross something I originally thought might have been a gothic martial art, called Dead Souls... Well in reality it was a dance, a show of some sort. But (as a real goth myself I might ad) I think it would be awesome if there were a gothic martial art it would likely look something like this:
    1. self defense art
    2. magickal practices and intellectual ability (sorcery, healing, devination, philosophy, and pain compliance) and meditation
    3. virtue and wisdom before use of force
    4. alternative values code of honor
    Most likely the self defense form would be based around magickal properties, much in the way many martial arts are based on animal characteristics or energy flow. Which would make it unique.

  • #2
    poor bullies won't know what hit'em.


    • #3
      Is that a compliment or is that an insult? Your either complimenting me or your making a very sarcastic stereotype.
      I'm gothic, lived this lifestyle for over 10 yrs. and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not depressed or suicidal, and I don't cary a gun under my trench coat. I might be small but normally when bigger men think they can get the one up on me they usually have a big surprise coming for them. Although I do believe in using good judgement before the use of force. Sometimes force is neccessary.


      • #4
        This is an honest and completely serious question.

        Why do you do all that gothic crap?

        Personally whenever I see someone like that I want to choke the crap out of them.... Im still being serious here.

        Please enlighten me as to why you do it so I can focus my rage on much more deserving individuals, if you happen to give me a good answer.

        Im still serious, and eagerly awaiting a reply.

        As for the whole mental, magicka stuff, you could try it... but... I'm still gonna fear a punch to the head over a "hex" or.... "jinx" or... curse?

        Now please explain to me why you do what you do!


        • #5
          goths are weak minded in my opinion, how about GET OVER YOUR PARENTS DEVORCE YOU FRUIT, i did, i dont have to wear my angst on the outside.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Snake137
            I'm gothic, lived this lifestyle for over 10 yrs.

            Then maybe its time to grow up, kid.


            • #7
              There were gothic martial arts already.
              The Huns drove the agrarian Goths off their land onto Roman soil, where they were barely protected.
              The Goths were killed by the Romans, and their woman were made into slaves.
              apparently their art didnt work so well.

              Some Goths escaped to western Europe and lived there for a while becoming the visigoths, before returning to attack Rome. They destroyed rome in 401AD.

              Catholisism eventually overtook the visigoths and eventually in law and politics the Romans became Gothic; the Goths in social life and religion became Roman.

              You can check that all out on the history channel

              Now you say that your a goth. Where do you come up with all these fantasies of what that means? Using Magical forces and such. The Goths never did that! Before you say you belong to a group, you should know that groups history and what you stand for. I dont think your a goth at all, just a guy that wears black clothes and paints his fingernails to match his underwear.


              • #8
                I kind of like the romanti-goth style although it would never work for me. I refuse to put on make-up and I am too lazy to put much effort into shopping for clothes.

                I <3 Amy Lee


                • #9
                  i have no real set criteria for women to think they are hot, like hair color or clothing style or makeup ect.. like i know many people who say things like "i would never go out with a girl who as BLACK hair", when in fact there are plenty of awsomely bangin black haired girls out there that im sure they would go out with.


                  • #10
                    I also want to know what is the draw to all this goth crap - er - stuff (see, that's a friendly joke). What are you guys doing besides dressing up funny? I'm a guy who try's to give people the benefit of the doubt, and maybe you could help me out a bit.

                    You know what it looks like to the rest of us, right? It looks like when a child gets upset about something and then continues that fake crying routine for as long as anybody will pay attention. In a three year old it's kinda cute - in a 'grown-up' it's self-absorbed whining.


                    • #11
                      Better yet, take this attitude to your local goth club and see how many limbs you walk out with still attached!!!


                      • #12
                        Ok.... Unlike some of you I'm not trying to generalize, so maybe I was alittle wrong to assume you were all rich ambercrombie "thugs". Atleast *I* can admit that. But repition speaks loudly, and it's been mostly rich g-boy @$$holes who act this way. I'm not racist at all though, I'm not the one judging people anyhow. I mean, goths come in all colors. I say this because I know how with me making my generalization against you as stereotypical rap fans, which is often twisted into trying to make me sound prejudiced. But I'm not, as I said goths come in all colors. And I'm not saying every rap fan is like this either, theyr not all stuck up, ignorant and hypocritical. Not all of them, but alot of them are too.
                        If my earlier assumption was correct then most likely your the ones I hear bi**hing about not wanting to be judged, then you turn around and judge people like me for similar reasons. In America we call that hypocracy... Look it up in the dictionary if your "so cool" that you lack the IQ to comprehend what this means. Whoa, I just used the word comprehend, it must be a foreign language. Well I'm done ranting.


                        • #13
                          Oh, and to Samurai Guy, I suppose the shaolin were a bunch of c*nts because they practiced sorcery right? Oh, they can't practive sorcery AND fighting arts, so they must be pansies who hide behind an altar?
                          Once again your writing checks with your mouth your @$$ can't cash. Learn something about it before running your mouth, and maybe you would realise that magick is more than putting a hex on someone. In fact some forms are against using hexes. Magick can also be used for other purposes.


                          • #14
                            To me Goth people are the most deep thinkers they see beyond life n think of death not as a bad thing just a new beginning of new life (when I say that they'll be reborn or something like that). As for shopping for clothes it will be real easy just find anything black or any thing dark. For the goth girls to me their the most down to earth people, they ain't worry about how they look or what people about them n I find most goth girls kind of sexy. For the record I'm not goth too me they're pretty bitchy n they can't never let things go. As for the goth martial art, good thing theirs no such thing they might jump on you n bite your ear off not like what Tyson did to Hollyfield they might take the whole thing off or suck your blood.


                            • #15
                              Notice this is a moderated forum. While we are fairly tolerant here please be aware that it is a family forum. Please conduct yourselves accordingly.

                              Second please remember everyone is entitled to their opinion. Whether you agree or not is fine but please be civil to eachother.

