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Gothic martial arts?

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  • #16
    Also remember you are unique just like everybody else.

    and on a purely personal level.

    I will point out that the post I deleted was a wonderous attempt at deep thinking.


    • #17
      this thread is fucking usless

      1. most goth guys are fags or bi
      2. rich prepies suck
      3. and yes most guys would bang a goth chick unless she was like wearing white makeup or sleeping in a coffin or wanted to suck your blood.
      I'll give the b$%#* something else to suck though.
      PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #18
        first of all, cant we all atleast try to be civil about this? ive seen a few people attacking this guy without question. after all, what is martial arts about?

        second of all, id like to point out that i do understand that there is more to it than the shell. where i come from, a lot of people dress up like punkers and goths. i used to be one of them. the thing is that most of them only dressed the part. and they were hypocritical let me tell ya. theyre suppose to be excepting, but unless you dress like them, they dont except you. thats just screaming for attention and a beat down.

        later on, myself and many like me looked in the mirror, not just at the shell but at the inside as well, and wondered why the hell someone does this to themselves. one day i hope you see the big picture. lifes too short for segregation. we are all family and children under god (if you dont believe in him...replace the word god with martial arts). but, you might say he gave us freewill and made us in his own unique and beautiful image. he didnt put the metal in your face though. so go look in the mirror...then reply.

        now, im not attacking anyone here. ive had my share of metal in the face as well (i know its more than metal yeah yeah). im just stating the obvious. and if you get mad, then im sorry, but you have no room for rebuttel here so please dont attack me.


        • #19
          Threads like these are the reason people should never take internet forums seriously.


          • #20
            yeah if you didn't see this coming from the first post you weren't paying attention.

            I was waiting to give it the benefit of the doubt though.


            • #21

              I step out for just a few minutes and the whole place starts to burn. I just don't know how ever survived before my calming and self-effacing good humor...(shakes head, wonders off to find a popsicle)


              • #22
                Klignons rule

                My Klignon style will crush your Goth style.


                • #23
                  Dude, I'm not trying to be offensive. I can respect your board here. But there is a line when crossed I will strike back. Maybe I shouldn't have swore as much as I did, but in the heat of battle (be it verbal or physical) it can be hard to keep those thoughts on a PG13. But I will try if this happens again. Those people were very ignorant and insulting... And understand, reguardless of if mainstream society feels I'm good or bad for how I live, this is a way of life for me. And when people make threatening comments directed at my way of life, my beliefs, my family (yes I consider my fellow goth friends family, as you will see in any goth club you go to. We all face these same demons together) I'm not gonna take that lightly. I have a right to defend myself. I could care less what they think about me but they can keep it to themselves. I have the right not to have to read their biggoted rants.
                  And also, it's not like they weren't saying anything offensive. They should be subject to the same rules as I am.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    My Klignon style will crush your Goth style.

                    LEARN TO SPELL YOU NO-SPELLING RIGHT #@**&^%**%&!!!

                    Gahd! If there's one kind of people I hate more than any other it's you no-spelling-stuff-the-way-I-like people! Not that I'm bigoted or nothin', but no spellers are the worst, most stupid jerks on the planet!!!!!!!!


                    • #25
                      granted they wree not polite. that is why I asked everyone to be civil.

                      Anyone that has been here more than a few weeks knew what was going to happen as soon as you posted though. there is a low tolerance among the posters for things such as chi, sorcery. and other such concepts.

                      you have the right to your beliefs, they have the right to say you are full of crap, you can say they are full of crap. that's the way of things, I just keep things from crossing the line.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by gregimotis
                        LEARN TO SPELL YOU NO-SPELLING RIGHT #@**&^%**%&!!!

                        Gahd! If there's one kind of people I hate more than any other it's you no-spelling-stuff-the-way-I-like people! Not that I'm bigoted or nothin', but no spellers are the worst, most stupid jerks on the planet!!!!!!!!
                        I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The pahonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny ipromoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

                        The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lterter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig eh? And I awlyas tohghut slpeling was ipmorantt..! And for toshe of you wtih mroe tmie tahn ohrets you wlli ntocie taht not olny are msot of the wrosd a mses but smoe of tehm are cpmlpoetley msisseplt awsel...!


                        • #27
                          Well if they can't embrace enough knowledge and open mindto see that there is more to martial arts than fighting then maybe this isn't the right board for me to post on, because I prefer to discuss martial arts with people who know something about martial arts. Chi and energy flow, philosophy, and in some instances, historically speaking, even sorcery have been a strong part of martial arts. It's also about knowing *when* to use force, not beligerantly going apecrap and bashing peoples' brains in at random or through a prejudice bias. It's those types that most dojos rightfully try to keep out of their training regimens for fear of obtaining a bad name. I think I'm gonna look for a different board dude, no offense to you... I just don't have a high opinion of many of the people (not all of them) who post here.


                          • #28
                            Wow, dont go on the internet for a day and the thread runs away without you.

                            I'd appreciate it if you didnt leave and actually replied to this, without just trying to flame me or anything.

                            Okay, so first of all you started bashing me when I asked in a civil manner why you do it. I never saw the deleted post so if you explained it there, I missed it and would like to see it again. From what I've read youve never explained it, just started attacking people.

                            You brought up Shaolin Monks, and do I think their use of Chi, and other forms of "magick" (spelt "magic" by most people by the way), adding the K doesnt make you grand dragon sorcerer of the 13th level of the exodus or something.

                            Well personally, I think in a fight , their Chi, their sorcery , their magic, were useless. Maybe their philosphies on life, and trying to avoid confrontation were good. But they werent casting Hexes as I mentioned before, and they werent throwing people around with their minds.

                            As I said before I fear a punch more than magic. I dont think the shaolin monks were a bunch of pussies, because they could also punch to back up their "magic". If im not mistaken in my first post I said I dont think the magic would work or be useful. You on the other hand went ape-shit. Try to calm down.

                            Oh and I gathered in your deleted post that you called some people Rich Abercrombie thugs or something like that. I would say im more of a white kid/farmer type more than anything. I dont listen to rap music, and I dont wear super baggy clothes or anything like that.

                            You also said that you if one of us went into a big group full of all your goth friends im gonna go out on a limb and say you have anywhere from 5-20 friends. I may be mistaken, if so please correct me, but anyway im gonna assume you know 5-20 goth people who are yoru friends. Now if we went in their you say it would be interesting to see how many limbs we come out with.

                            I hate to break it to you, but not even your "magick" is gonna save you from fighting off 5-20 people at a time. Youd need a AK-47 or something for that. Thats a moronic statement, its like saying "if you came to my school, and you lipped off the entire class to the point of us all wanting to beat you up, youd get beat up pretty badly"

                            It also makes me wonder about the limb comment, what are you gonna try to do, bite my arm off with your vampire powers or something.

                            Anyway please respond, preferabbly without moronic flames such as
                            "**** YOU ABERCOMBIE THUG"


                            "YOUR A FUCKING PUSSY ASSHOLE,"


                            "Once again your writing checks with your mouth your @$$ can't cash."

                            (the last one you actually said jsut to refresh your memory)

                            im confused at this once again comment, and the hwole cheque that my ass cant cash, I never said Id do anything, or had anything to prove from my post.

                            With the whole Once again, when in the blue hell did you ever reply to anything I've said, or comment on anything I've said, or even read anything I said, I think when you wrote this you had 6 posts, you probably didnt even know there was a samuraiguy on this board until I posted in your thread.

                            Dont give me this once again shit.

                            Please respond to everything above!


                            • #29
                              [QUOTE=BoarSpear] it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny ipromoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

                              huh! learn something new everyday....

                              (uh, you did get that I was making a little joke about that klig-non thing i hope)


                              • #30
                                everyone and all their lame styles and groups, trying so hard to fit in. why cant people just like put on a shirt, and some jeans and a pair of shoes and be chill? we got kids wearing trenchcoats trying to look like hobbits, wiggers walking around with their pants around their knees with blunts behind their ears, little girls walking around with little dogs in their purses trying to be like their idol, paris hilton whos only claim to fame was her porno tape, and the metro abercrombie guys with their gay ass pink shirts and flipped up collars trying to emulate ryan seacrest. its one big cluster **** of confused, stupid ass people trying to show off and look down on eachother. yeah, be individual and all, but u dont need to turn yourself into a fucking character, just chill. just put on some pants and a shirt and chill. have a beer and be yourself for fucks sake.

