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Gothic martial arts?
Registered User
- Jul 2004
- 1865
"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
"Personally whenever I see someone like that I want to choke the crap out of them.... Im still being serious here.
Please enlighten me as to why you do it so I can focus my rage on much more deserving individuals, if you happen to give me a good answer."
Now, say what you will but this doesn't sound like a hypothetical or progressive inquiry to me. It sounds to me like you started this. And since you were too ignorant to read my WHOLE post, I never once said that I don't use physical force when and where neccessary. There isn't anything wrong with knowing alittle bit about chi and magick also. So yes, I can back it up with a fist!
Yes, originally I did make an assumption, because of how many g-boys wanna act like hypocrites and preps and what not. But I also realised once I had time to calm down that making a generalization was wrong. So sue me, I got enraged in the heat of the moment. if it isn't g-boys starting fights like this out of a narrow mind,it's usually dumb hicks like you. Intolerant hicks aren't much better. I'm a southerner myself, but it was people much like you that came over to America and ran the indians onto reservations and enslaved thousands of African natives, and who burned "witches" at the stake (God forbid some of them may not have believed in Jesus because we all know how much proof there is that jesus is the savior *sarcasm*). And if you were living in those times you would probably jump on the bandwagon.
And for someone that knows absolutely nothing about magick you certainly can run your mouth an awful lot. I spell magick with a k at the end because I'm not talking about doing card tricks or pulling a rabbit out of a hat, there is a difference between magick and magic. Now, if you don't want me to bite back then don't bite in the first place. Your talking about wanting to choke the life out of me, I wish you were here so you could try!
And my comment about "better yet why don't you go to your local goth club and see how many limbs you come out with"... I think you were too stupid to catch my point. Why don't you talk to Jimmie Chipperfield, a goth who runs cyberkwoon. My point was that we're not as much of chumps as your stereotyping us to be, and I don't appreciate it. Because you pick a fight with the wrong one and you'll be in a hospital sipping applesauce through a straw. I'm gonna stop posting here because stupid people.... make me angry.
we're not as much of chumps as your stereotyping us to be
I mean, judging by your posts, your whole world view is about stereotypes.
I'm gonna stop posting here because stupid people.... make me angry.
Well if stupid people make you angry that explains alot, join the club. However unless you know of a new planet i dont see how your gonna escape em. I treat this forum as training it, ups my tolerance for all kinds of stupidty. I mean really how much actual Martial art knowledge is there on a forum, very few credentials are verifiable except for the obvious expert a##holes that tend to love to agitate. Many on this forum are very intolerant of anything that cant be mastered in 3 easy lessons. If I cant do it , it doesnt exist is the common idea.
Hey ya got bashed a bit,big're not gonna tuck your tail in are ya..?If you read alot of the old posts you'll realize that you sent out an invitation to be F***ed with...why take it personal?Nobody here really cares about what anyone thinks(negative thoughts)'s a place for information & humor.If you can't take this then how do you go through life..?Do you actually wish you can use magic to f*** up someone who opposes you..?By you saying stuff like "I'm gonna stop posting here","make me angry"...only adds credibility to some of these peoples comments on you & your whole deal.Now,don't be pissed with me man,I don't wanna wake up in the morning with a curse or something magical floatin around waiting to attack me.I got nothing against Goths...I come across em often because of my job (courier),I'm all over city ( of freaks & silly ass fools).I watched a movie & stuff with a Goth chic...couple of guys I know were telling me stuff about hardcore Goths they know of (devil-worshipping, f***in with candles,whippings,takin dumps on people as sexual pleasures..?)
She turned out to be a hot topic and nothing like the above.Anyways,about your wishful thinking (Goth martial art)...I'd like to see you try...doesn't seem possible but if it could work I'd be 1 of the first to learn it...that way I could defend myself if someone were ever to throw a magic ball or spit fire at me or somethin
...have fun dude,live a little...
Yeah, you have a point. But I think I might wanna try bullshido though. Do you know of anywhere where I could learn non-commercialised JJ or Muay Thai? I mean non-commercialised as in it doesn't try to make it family friendly and PG13. Most of the martial arts dojos around here won't teach the full, uncompromised arts. I personally can't find muay thai classes of any type anywhere around here...
The most I ever learned from one of these McDojos are alittle bit of watered down TKD/HKD. I mixed the TKD kicks and into my kickboxing, but two or three kicks and a few blocks and falls aren't really worth the money I paid for the classes. I have a tendency to judge an arts worth for me by how well I can fight with that art by itself, and with that little bit I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag to be honest.
Though I try to rely on a hard style (kickboxing) and a soft style (amatuer wrestling), I wanna learn another hard style and soft style. And I decided JJ and Muay Thai would be my next ones. Like I said though, I can't really find any decent JJ classes around here and I can't find any MT classes around here period. So I was wondering if maybe any of you know of a good teacher some place in the US, who maybe has some self-training videos or something?
Currently I know how to kickbox and wrestle, streetfight, and I have knowledge of pressure points well down, because I was trained by a marine force recon and a green berrett. After I learn MT and JJ I might study nubian wrestling also, because it looks brutal. Also I like Krav Maga. So I do know my arts, and none of it took me 3 days to learn. It took me almost three weeks to start seeing my skills develope at wrestling, and kickboxing took me about 2 weeks to start developing my abilities, and my military buddies had me learning and developing my skills for about 2 and a half years total. So this would be the first time I learn any complex MA with a ranking system (belts) in place that would actually further my abilities substantially.
I get why people are gothic in America and Europe. They live a Germanic type society where they're is a lot of pressure to "be somebody." They're way of overcoming the pressure is to rebel instead of giving in and fitting into societies mold. They want to become someone outside of "the system."
I was borderline gothic when I was in 8th grade. And the above description is pretty much why I was that way. But, then I grew up, made some normal friends and found out I can have a better life like them, with them. I learned to lighten up and relax. I feel pity towards gothic people, they're a prisoner to their own mind.
I mean hey, if you think black cloths are cool, whatever. But, I learned that I like fitting in, I like being excepted I like people to be positive towards me and where bright colors, like orange and green.
Originally posted by Snake137Yeah, you have a point. But I think I might wanna try bullshido though. Do you know of anywhere where I could learn non-commercialised JJ or Muay Thai? I mean non-commercialised as in it doesn't try to make it family friendly and PG13. Most of the martial arts dojos around here won't teach the full, uncompromised arts. I personally can't find muay thai classes of any type anywhere around here...
The most I ever learned from one of these McDojos are alittle bit of watered down TKD/HKD. I mixed the TKD kicks and into my kickboxing, but two or three kicks and a few blocks and falls aren't really worth the money I paid for the classes. I have a tendency to judge an arts worth for me by how well I can fight with that art by itself, and with that little bit I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag to be honest.
Though I try to rely on a hard style (kickboxing) and a soft style (amatuer wrestling), I wanna learn another hard style and soft style. And I decided JJ and Muay Thai would be my next ones. Like I said though, I can't really find any decent JJ classes around here and I can't find any MT classes around here period. So I was wondering if maybe any of you know of a good teacher some place in the US, who maybe has some self-training videos or something?
Currently I know how to kickbox and wrestle, streetfight, and I have knowledge of pressure points well down, because I was trained by a marine force recon and a green berrett. After I learn MT and JJ I might study nubian wrestling also, because it looks brutal. Also I like Krav Maga. So I do know my arts, and none of it took me 3 days to learn. It took me almost three weeks to start seeing my skills develope at wrestling, and kickboxing took me about 2 weeks to start developing my abilities, and my military buddies had me learning and developing my skills for about 2 and a half years total. So this would be the first time I learn any complex MA with a ranking system (belts) in place that would actually further my abilities substantially.
Originally posted by Snake137Is that a compliment or is that an insult? Your either complimenting me or your making a very sarcastic stereotype.
I'm gothic, lived this lifestyle for over 10 yrs. and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not depressed or suicidal, and I don't cary a gun under my trench coat. I might be small but normally when bigger men think they can get the one up on me they usually have a big surprise coming for them. Although I do believe in using good judgement before the use of force. Sometimes force is neccessary.
Well I think your a dumb.... I've already been warned for swearing... Well anyways, your stupid for not listening to my whole post, because I never said bjj wasn't ju jutsu, I just said that they took judokan ju jutsu and twirked up one or two little minor things and called it thiers. If you have a bmw and someone takes it, it's still a bmw.
And as a matter of fact I am nearly 26. I'm sorry, I don't see how a few minor details that are hardly noticeable make it any different or new. Ju jutsu, like any martial art, has a certain strategy, certain movements, a certain philosophy behind it. Kodokan Ju Jutsu took it to the ground, and for many years before people in the states or in the west learned of kodokan jj a kodokan master taught it in Brazil. So a bunch of Brazilian students claimed it as theirs. There would be alot less confusion in introducing new arts to the martial art community out of that region if stuff like that wasn't taking up all the study resources. And who knows, maybe Brazilians have something we haven't seen yet that can whoop some butt.
If everyone was focusing on Isreali Kenpo too strongly we wouldn't have been as likely to have been introduced to Krav Maga, which is in my opinion a far more brutal and effective MA, because the resources for studying Isreali MAs would be chock full of info on Isreali Kenpo. I mean, kenpo is basically kenpo. I agree with the idea of evolving the martial arts, but right now we should work on learning what styles already exist in the world so we can choose which ones to evolve in which order, and people would have a better selection in choosing an art which suits them best (because there would be more choices available).
I atleast wanna know the names and some basics to as many styles as I can so I can choose best which ones I should study. There could be a style somewhere that I might never hear of, that if I knew it I could be really good with it, and maybe it could revolutionize my martial arts abilities. But unless I know atleast a name and a few basic facts governing it then I won't ever have the chance to learn it.
And I say this because I see so many "Great Teachers" who teach what they claim to be new, and it's just judo or kenpo, or kung fu. People like Chief Adrian Roman for example, I use this one because of the hot publicity surrounding him because he was exposed. You've got a bunch of fraudulent teachers with backgrounds in judo,kenpo, and/or kung fu, who are claiming to teach people something new. And it's a load of bull. BJJ is not essentially any different than kodokan ju jutsu, they just call it Brazilian instead of Japanese. Both kodokan and bjj take their opponents to the ground, they both use joint breaks, takedowns, nerve holds. They both teach how to turn a larger opponents strength advantage into the judoka's advantage. So they use the same basic strategy. What's the big difference? The way you position your thumb in a certain block? I'm just guessing here.
Originally posted by WayfinderI get why people are gothic in America and Europe. They live a Germanic type society where they're is a lot of pressure to "be somebody." They're way of overcoming the pressure is to rebel instead of giving in and fitting into societies mold. They want to become someone outside of "the system."
goths seem to have no point in their scene.. I mean punk stands for rebelling against certain political views and skinheads (non racist) were about working class.. I have no idea what the goth scene stands for.. I never really cared for goths because most of them are posers anyways and I never came across a real goth person..
In MY opinion goths are expendable (no offense) I don't see how goths are rebels either when the go into hot topic and buy their clothes just like everyone else.. The funny part is that all those clothes are expensive as hell to ! I don't think that anyone can be origional anymore.. everything as far as fashion has pretty much already been done.. I just dress with whatever taste I have and what I like.. I dont give a toss about what other people think about the way I dress either, but I do dress rather normal