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Gothic martial arts?

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  • #46

    Originally posted by Fake137
    Currently I know how to kickbox and wrestle, streetfight, and I have knowledge of pressure points well down, because I was trained by a marine force recon and a green berrett. After I learn MT and JJ I might study nubian wrestling also, because it looks brutal. Also I like Krav Maga. So I do know my arts, and none of it took me 3 days to learn. It took me almost three weeks to start seeing my skills develope at wrestling, and kickboxing took me about 2 weeks to start developing my abilities.


    Too funny!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Snake137
      So I do know my arts, and none of it took me 3 days to learn. It took me almost three weeks to start seeing my skills develope at wrestling, and kickboxing took me about 2 weeks to start developing my abilities, and my military buddies had me learning and developing my skills for about 2 and a half years total.
      must be a fast learner


      • #48
        pressure points?

        Hey snake i see you know pressure points, whats your favorite pt combo and why? That stuff intrigues me. dont seem to see much serious discussion on this forum about them.


        • #49
          Dude, your obviously compensating your lack of IQ by throwing it on me, you ignorant piece of ______.
          As for the soft style. I don't know how much you know about MA but a soft style is a grappling art, a hard style is a striking art. So go ______ yourself. because I know where I wrestled you couldn't punch or kick someone.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Snake137
            Dude, your obviously compensating your lack of IQ by throwing it on me, you ignorant piece of ______.
            As for the soft style. I don't know how much you know about MA but a soft style is a grappling art, a hard style is a striking art.
            Kid, you have no clue what you are talking about. But please do go on; its pretty interesting to watch your little 'performance'.


            • #51
              I Love This Forum.......


              • #52
                Originally posted by Snake137
                Dude, your obviously compensating your lack of IQ by throwing it on me, you ignorant piece of ______.
                As for the soft style. I don't know how much you know about MA but a soft style is a grappling art, a hard style is a striking art. So go ______ yourself. because I know where I wrestled you couldn't punch or kick someone.
                How old are you again?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by NaTurE-of-WaTeR
                  I Love This Forum! Can I get a witness?!?

                  Originally posted by gregimotis



                  • #54
                    Ok dumb______ I'll say it again. A soft style is a style that relies upon takedowns, submissions, grappling, and that sort of stuff. And a hard style is usually strike-based martial arts. Are you taking notes? Because I can give you some good examples of both. Soft styles including JJ (or bjj if you prefer), aikido, wrestling, hap ki do... And hard styles are usually any form of boxing or kickboxing, TKD, etc. I soft style can have a few striking manuevers, but it relies mainly on other methods (such as some styles of judo or aikido, but teaching strikes in lets say, ju jutsu can be rare). This is beneficial because by practicing a hard style with a soft style you have something to utilize in a strike situation, or a grapple/takedown situation.
                    But I'm gonna stop writing here because you retarded _______s _____ me off. So instead I'm gonna adopt your approach. *Puts my fingers in my ears* lalalalalalalalalala.


                    • #55
                      you are mistaken regarding what a hard and soft style is. It has nothing to do with it being a striking or grappling art.


                      • #56
                        Soft / Hard

                        Dude.. In the rest of the world a soft Martial art would be classified as a Internal Martial art, think Tai Chi Chuan, It is called soft because it uses internal linkages to connect the whole body to strike as one and also makes use of Chi(much to the amusement of many on this forum) while Hard or external Arts are MT, Karate etc. This is a VERY simplified discription not intended to explain every style or all thier qualities. Many Systems start out hard and end up soft Shaolin For instance , while others start soft and end Hard most of the internal styles work this way.


                        • #57
                          See this guy is a complete moron, doesnt even know what hard and soft styles are.

                          I also appreciate how he keeps calling me out on the internet and saying "I wish you were here so I could beat you up" or things along those lines.

                          I'm not going to say I can kick your ass over the internet, because im not an E-Thug, or in your case an E-Goth. Trying to make yourself look like a badass over the internet because people cant touch you, what are you twelve.

                          Second of all I think its funny that you look forward to learning arts such as Krav Maga, BJJ, and Muay Thai. You go onto insult me and say you can kick my ass, yet you want to start learning what I already have knowledge of?

                          Another thing is you called me an ignorant hick because I said I was more of the farmer type. I am not a hick at all, if you werent so ignorant you could see farmers are probably the most down to earth people and dont run around shooting off shotguns driving around in crappy old pickups. The farmer I know best drives a brand new 2006 truck and works at a telecommunications company when not farming, he sure is a big hick.

                          Not only that but you compared me to the people who "stole" the indians land, and enslaved africans. First of all I dont even live in america dipshit so I dont even come close to that. I dont agree with any of the black slavery stuff or any prejudiced based on race, or sex. I do have prejudiced towards stupid people however. This is why I hate goths.

                          I believe you also said something about how you didnt mean a bunch of gothic people fighting one person, but a really good gothic martial artist fighting one person. Uhhh... guess what son, there are good martial artists in all walks of life you knob, not just goths.

                          BTW I called you son, not because im older than you, which im not, but because on a mental level your like a child. Evidence of this is all your stupid posts, such as trying to tell people the wrong things about soft and hard martial arts.


                          AND FINALLY, TO MR GREGIMOTIS!.

                          My Kling-on comment was a joke, Im shocked to see that you didnt get it.

                          And yes I have done BJJ, so why would that make me need to change my signature.

                          "I choke people, I dont poke people"

                          Jeez you would think a person who learns BJJ would want to choke people and not poke them....



                          • #58
                            Originally posted by SamuraiGuy

                            AND FINALLY, TO MR GREGIMOTIS!.

                            My Kling-on comment was a joke, Im shocked to see that you didnt get it.

                            And yes I have done BJJ, so why would that make me need to change my signature.

                            "I choke people, I dont poke people"

                            Jeez you would think a person who learns BJJ would want to choke people and not poke them....

                            I Got it, I was just running with the joke is all. I was trying to add a little humor to an overheated thread.... And sorry about the sig. thing, I could have sworn it read "I don't choke people. I poke people". But, um, I see that I was incorrect... which sort of impairs the humor... err, yeah. gonna go sit in the corner now.

