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Problems with my right foot with roundhouse kicking.

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  • Problems with my right foot with roundhouse kicking.

    I broke my ankle about 1 1/2 years ago on my right foot. and i have recently recieved a punching bag for xmas. When ever i start doing roundhouse kicks on the bag after about 10 i get swelling just above my right ankle.

    could this be something to do with conditioning or a problem due to my previous injury?

  • #2
    I had a similar problem to that. I had accupuncture (spl?) done and it worked like a charm.


    • #3
      Well, I am no doctor, but first off, I would quit kicking your bag for a while.
      Sounds like your ankle is still not completely healed.
      It might be that you still have some problems with the ligaments and tendons around the ankle.
      Best to go see a sports medicine specialist/orthopedic surgeon. Get some recommendations since a surgeon's speciality is of course, to cut you open to fix what ever is wrong. Many surgeons feel that there course in life is to cut you open but many times its un-needed surgeries.


      • #4
        Take some time off from hitting the bag. You could also experiment with making contact with the shin as a thai boxer would, but I would see a doctor.

        What kind of treatment did you receive for your ankle?


        • #5
          1 stop kicking the bag

          2 Go to the docter, if there is someting wrong stop kicking

          3If youre foot is good still learn how to do thaikicks, it will hurt your shin in the begining but the thaikick is far more powerfull than the tkd kick. It will relaese the presuure of youre foot.

          Thaikicks will help, i had a exident when i was a kid (still a scar on foot) and i can do thaikicks whitout a problem


          • #6
            I agree. Use your shin, Thai-style. Love those kicks.


            • #7
              Originally posted by duchman
              i had a exident when i was a kid (still a scar on foot) and i can do thaikicks whitout a problem
              duchb!tch, your birth was an "exident". don't they have rubbers in amsterdam?


              • #8
                Ask youre dad the king of faygots


                • #9
                  i would but he's busy pluggin' yo momma. it may take a while, too.


                  • #10
                    Well why not ask youre brother since faygotish is in the famely


                    • #11
                      i know that "faygotish" is quite common in amsterdam, but not where i'm from. oh wait, hold on. my dad's asking for change for a dollar. he want's another hour with yo momma. you go dad!


                      • #12
                        I know that you have problems whit youre boyfriend but please i'm not gay.

                        P.s I don't live in Amsterdam you morob


                        • #13
                          oh, my fault, i just thought that since you are dutch, that you are naturally gay(it's o.k) and since amsterdam is known for it's "faygotish", well what i am trying to say is your momma has a stanky cooch.


                          • #14
                            Will you two PLEASE stop.
                            You guys are ruining every thread with that stuff.
                            Please stop.


                            • #15
                              Yea, I am gaining interest in the Muay Thai style so I will start practising thai kicks instead. Its just hard at the moment because I spent so long kicking the air in a certain way that its just my habit to contact that bag with that part of my foot.

                              After my foot was healed I had physio therapy for a while and that was it.

