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Fighting Dirty

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  • #16
    I do think there's such a thing as fighting dirty, even if it's on the street.

    Alot of you talk about street fighting as if it's always life and death.

    I've seen plenty of street fights that didn't involve more than two persons, didn't involve weapons and didn't go on till one of them where KO'ed.

    In a fight for your life nothing is dirty, but in a "testoterone/pissing contest" street fight I do think that there's such a thing as fighting dirty... and I think it's okay to fight dirty


    • #17
      Something to live by in a street fight.

      Don't ever worry about what the other guy is going to do to you. Just worry about what you are going to do to him. And, the guy who is willing to die, to go all out, is the one who usually wins.

      You can't worry about what they are planning to do to you, because it will make you timid or less concerned about your plan. Instead, you must fight all out, with no regard, and be willing to do anything. Otherwise, you are fighting at a disadvantage. You never know what the other guy can do.


      • #18
        Two words come to mind: "Rabbit Punch"


        • #19

          That kind of goes without saying. It's not much different from the ring. If you are overly concerned about what your opponnent is gonna do, then you loose the initiative and therefore the advantage in the fight.


          • #20
            Originally posted by blackbelt22 View Post
            Is it ok to fight dirty in a real fight?
            Depends on the situation. If it's a barfight, generally no. If you're attacked on the streets, you do what you need to.

            Example - I used to always carry a knife on me when I came home from work - I worked in a very bad part of town. And believe me, if someone attacked me, I was ready to use it.

            However, in bar brawls, generally people only throw blows. Unless they escalate the fight themselves, I keep it clean - no groin shots, no eye gouging, etc... Just punches and maybe throw them to the ground (but don't stomp em out).

            The problem is this - if a drunk guy fights you, most people are going to let you guys go at it 1v1. However, if you start eye gouging and pulling dirty shit, people WILL jump in and send you to the hospital.

            If you're in a dark alley, that's a completely different situation. You fight to survive, not for ego.


            • #21
              However, in bar brawls, generally people only throw blows. Unless they escalate the fight themselves, I keep it clean - no groin shots, no eye gouging, etc... Just punches and maybe throw them to the ground (but don't stomp em out).

              This is possibally the stupidest thing related to ma I have heard in awhile what bar fights have you been in as a customer or bouncer did they take place on sesame street


              • #22
                Oh, and you've seen a lot of fights that involved eye gouging, head stomping and death have you?

