Is it ok to fight dirty in a real fight?
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Fighting Dirty
Originally posted by BoarSpearThe ONLY dirty techniques are the ones the OTHER guy uses.
Originally posted by mixwellI think in a real fight there is no fighting dirty.. YOu have to do what you have to do to survive even it is by fighting "dirty"
Bad guys never fight fair. Muggers, for example will tend to pick their targets, wait for the right moment when you least expect it, utilize weapons, bring a friend, etc. Same with most street thugs and hoodlums.
Fighting "fair" is something that would get you killed against a determined and violent attacker.. Always fight dirty!
Originally posted by Tant01This question is relative. "Dirty" as in not saying on gaurd to your opponent? Or dirty as in planting IED's in the path or roadway?As for Planting IED's well..thats war and there are certainly no rules in war except one ,that whoever wins gets to write the history books. yes there is a such thing as a geneva convention, but you need a lawyer these days to see if you qualify for its protections.
How would you define a dirty technique? please name a couple. Eye gouges , groin strikes and or rips, knee strikes , elbows,stomps , spitting, biting, screaming in ear or ripping it off,biting off noses slapping ears etc these are the things that define a fight, they usually go in between the punches and kicks and throws, chokes and bone breaks or other assorted mayhem that defines fighting.Fights are for survival IE NO RULES, If there are rules its a competition. if the reward for "winning" is anything other than survival or escape from immediate danger its a sport. And yes there are and should be rules in sports, they are for fun and profit(personal growth as well as financial reward) .Oh and entertainment of course.
SUPER dirty!
Originally posted by BoarSpearDude, on gaurd? .....
LOLNot very sporting is it? More like dominating your victims with strong arm tactics or a deadly weapon. And the whole host of "less lethal" alternatives. Squirt him in the face (eyes) with crazy glue... that's pretty dirty! Another "secret" Modern Ninja Metsubushi technique?
When he tries to wipe it off his fingers stick to his face! ...eyes glued shut, hand stuck... that's gotta be dirty?
Sticky yes ,funny undoubtedly but dirty ? No ...not to mention the backfire alternative, suppose he has time to grab you and superglue himself to you? and now since u blinded him blind he starts stabbing/shooting u? maybe not such a good idea...but would be funny in a jackie chan flick.
Originally posted by Warrior189So fighting one-on-one then out of no where someone comes over n start beating on you or the person your fighting against. So thats not a dirty fight?
As my grand daddy Wayne always used to say; "ain't no such thing as a fair fight."
of course, he said alot of other shit too, such as when one of my friends asked him if he'd ever killed somebody in the war...
his response; "well, we weren't over there to ****'em."
tough old man...
I remember another this is priceless...another old man started bitching at my friends and myself about lighting off fireworks around the 4th...and my gramps overheard and went over there and bitched the guy out...hard-core. I thought he was gonna beat the other guy's ass.
seriously folks...what the ****?
I can one up that...I work in a restraunt.
(one third ground dried thai chillies, two thirds wasabi powder, let sit in fish sauce for a few days...just enough fish sauce to soak it, not enough to completely masserate it, let dry, crumble and mix with fine sand/silt.)
Somebody fucks with you...kapow. Just blow a little in their face.
Originally posted by GarlandCRAZY GLUE?!!
seriously folks...what the ****?
I can one up that....
I wish I was joking! I've seen so many "things" used to inflict pain and trauma it's not even funny anymore.
It might have been "Super" glue. You know, bonds skin instantly... But you could smear some on your hands if you've never seen for yourself what it does...(DON'T get it in your EYES! ) *See warning label
I've used it to "fix" minor cuts that needed closing... it works.