this topic could be in the kickboxing/mauy thai section as well as the boxing section but since this section gets the most replies/gettting hit is part of mma
here goes> every fight I've had I've had no problem getting hit in the head and never a problem with getting hit in the body, unless it's a liver punch or kick or a punch/kick to the sternum. However in sparing (wearing boxing head gear and sparrring gloves) when I first start sparring again if I've been away awhile I have problems getting used to being punched in the head, eventually after a few weeks this goes away and me and my sparring partners are happy to pound away on each others heads,why is it no problem for me to get punched in the head in an actual fight and not feel it, but feel it much more in hard contact sparring?Does this make sense? The only head problems I've had in fights or sparing is a ruptured ear drum from a kickboxing fight and I've got headaches twice from some head slamming sparring bouts.What's my deal do I just need more time in the sparring ring or what? Any advice would be great
here goes> every fight I've had I've had no problem getting hit in the head and never a problem with getting hit in the body, unless it's a liver punch or kick or a punch/kick to the sternum. However in sparing (wearing boxing head gear and sparrring gloves) when I first start sparring again if I've been away awhile I have problems getting used to being punched in the head, eventually after a few weeks this goes away and me and my sparring partners are happy to pound away on each others heads,why is it no problem for me to get punched in the head in an actual fight and not feel it, but feel it much more in hard contact sparring?Does this make sense? The only head problems I've had in fights or sparing is a ruptured ear drum from a kickboxing fight and I've got headaches twice from some head slamming sparring bouts.What's my deal do I just need more time in the sparring ring or what? Any advice would be great
