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The ability to get hit

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  • The ability to get hit

    this topic could be in the kickboxing/mauy thai section as well as the boxing section but since this section gets the most replies/gettting hit is part of mma
    here goes> every fight I've had I've had no problem getting hit in the head and never a problem with getting hit in the body, unless it's a liver punch or kick or a punch/kick to the sternum. However in sparing (wearing boxing head gear and sparrring gloves) when I first start sparring again if I've been away awhile I have problems getting used to being punched in the head, eventually after a few weeks this goes away and me and my sparring partners are happy to pound away on each others heads,why is it no problem for me to get punched in the head in an actual fight and not feel it, but feel it much more in hard contact sparring?Does this make sense? The only head problems I've had in fights or sparing is a ruptured ear drum from a kickboxing fight and I've got headaches twice from some head slamming sparring bouts.What's my deal do I just need more time in the sparring ring or what? Any advice would be great

  • #2
    Probably you got more adrenaline kicking while your fighting and dont feel it, or you just dont notice it as much because you need to stay more focused on the fight...

    Or your fighting alot crappier people than you spar with lol.


    • #3
      Hmm, migth be because your head gets more shaken when hit by a, say, boxing glove, than when it is hit with a hard objekt...
      p.s. pardon me english...

      By the way, has it allways been like that, or has it come eventualy...
      some peple are resistant to pain, and damage.


      • #4
        Maybe your training partners are dicks.

        When I was training over in a certain, not to be named gym...I'd train twice a day with guys who would batter and bloody me, hit me in the liver intentionally, and nail me as hard as they could.
        When I had my fight...the guy only landed one good punch...and it wasn't shit compared to what the sadists I trained with dished out to me everyday.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Garland
          Maybe your training partners are dicks.

          When I was training over in a certain, not to be named gym...I'd train twice a day with guys who would batter and bloody me, hit me in the liver intentionally, and nail me as hard as they could.
          When I had my fight...the guy only landed one good punch...and it wasn't shit compared to what the sadists I trained with dished out to me everyday.
          so you were well prepared...
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I guess, I guess...
            "the more you sweat in peace time, the less you bleed in war."
            Doesn't really apply...because these guy's were bigger than the guy I fought (weight wise) and were trying to hurt me the same. They didn't know how to hold back.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Garland
              I guess, I guess...
              "the more you sweat in peace time, the less you bleed in war."
              Doesn't really apply...because these guy's were bigger than the guy I fought (weight wise) and were trying to hurt me the same. They didn't know how to hold back.
              you know what they say, that doesnt kill you ....leaves you sore as hell


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
                this topic could be in the kickboxing/mauy thai section as well as the boxing section but since this section gets the most replies/gettting hit is part of mma
                here goes> every fight I've had I've had no problem getting hit in the head and never a problem with getting hit in the body, unless it's a liver punch or kick or a punch/kick to the sternum. However in sparing (wearing boxing head gear and sparrring gloves) when I first start sparring again if I've been away awhile I have problems getting used to being punched in the head, eventually after a few weeks this goes away and me and my sparring partners are happy to pound away on each others heads,why is it no problem for me to get punched in the head in an actual fight and not feel it, but feel it much more in hard contact sparring?Does this make sense? The only head problems I've had in fights or sparing is a ruptured ear drum from a kickboxing fight and I've got headaches twice from some head slamming sparring bouts.What's my deal do I just need more time in the sparring ring or what? Any advice would be great
                well, the gloves have a bigger area of impact, and they really arent that soft. they are more protection for your hands, thats why u dont want to go too hard on the head when training. u can really get injured even with gloves. people have died from shots caused by gloved fists. go harder with the body shots if u want and make ur body into stone, but go easier on the head. u dont wanna get knocked out or break ur nose or jaw just in training. thats the most counterproductive thing u can do. u wanna be fast, fluid, and relaxed. u want to work on your techniques, like parrying, countering, delivering good combos and developing mobilty. harder contact every now and then is good just to get at taste of what its like having someone really coming after u hard, but for just reg training/sparring just go at 50-60 percent. just be light fast and fluid. develope skills and techniques. if u are constantly brawling and getting pounded by your partners, u have less chances to get a good look at whats really going on and experiment with things and find what works for u. u need to work with your partner, as he needs to work with u. if people are being dicks or going too hard, dont be afriad to tell them u want to go a little lighter because u want to work on some of your techniques. this is a polite way to have someone take it down a notch. dont worry about being a badass, just focus on learning technique. eventually u can go harder when u get better. taking punches to your head is good for you if they arent too hard, because they strengthen your neck muscles and eventually u can take harder and harder shots. too hard though, and injuries can result. also, just some experience in sparrring and training will get u used to taking hits. having punches come at u will become so routine that they will not bug u one bit and u will learn how to evade and counter them, or spot them and react before they even hit u.just keep training bro, and take it light. train with some cool people u are friends with, and work with eachother and develope good skills. dont partner up with anyone who has an ego, thats just a danger to u and not productive to training. u can turn up the intensity as u get better.

                btw, there are always gonna be shots that hurt no matter how good u are, but thats just how it goes and sometimes u cant do anything about it.


                • #9
                  ok thanks

                  heres the deal, I've always fought guys the same size or bigger in the ring, my sparring partners have been of all sizes cause I'm just happy to get as much time as I can, most were friendly and control was there but we have so much fun that things esclate but we never hurt each other bad, the only two times things have gotten wierd was one guy, who was a nice guy and said I'd never hurt you but you need to learn /start getting black eyes and bloody noses you don't want to be a creme puff do you, this guy meant well but after a few rounds I was wondering when the round would be over and if I'd get through it without him busting my nose, defense, defense, well black eyes are fine cause I've given them to myself on occasion for fun but bloody noses are a problem since my adniods were enlarged at birth so most of the blood goes into the back of my throat my nose/it will probably break before it bleeds much, one time in a street fight a small amount of blood came out after be punched very hard there. Another time I was sparring in tkd class and I said to a guy we'll be going light(kinda encouraged) all of the sudden he hits me hard and I responded in kind, things esclate and now we're going at it like you'd do in a gym, I'm having fun but he's getting an ass whoooping, he stops and freaks out and says let's go right now, you think you are so bad I'll throw you down and fucking wail on you man, I'm shocked I thought we were having fun but he's pissed the instructor takes us both into the office but the guy's still going nuts so the instructor tells him to leave, he storms out then he comes back and get's in my face and says to me you and me outside right now shit head, the instructor gets in the middle of us and says go home, I never saw the guy again and I kinda wish he came back because I liked him , I thought we were having a good time but I guess not, it wasn't that big of a deal, a friend of his told me he felt really bad about the whole thing, how wierd.


                  • #10
                    also, and I dont know if this is the case. But most people can only throw a couple bare-handed punches to the head before their hands start hurting and they start throwing lighter punches. With gloves on you can hit someone in the head all day long without hurting yourself. I'm not sure if this is whats going on...but its a possibility


                    • #11
                      This is such a stupid thread, "abuility to get hit" like you train to get hit or something... Wouldnt it be better to train in something that will prevent you from being hit?


                      • #12
                        Or something. You don't say.Yes.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tameo
                          This is such a stupid thread, "abuility to get hit" like you train to get hit or something... Wouldnt it be better to train in something that will prevent you from being hit?
                          Yo, hello?

                          If you seriusly go into a figth, with the mindset that you are not to be harmed, you will loose...

                          To win a battle, you need to be ready to get hit, if it furthers your goal!

                          Seriusly, have you ever ben in a figth?


                          • #14
                            everyone please take a chill pill

                            Yes, defense is #1, I'd rather not get hit at all and that's why I never directly stand in front of an opponent, I always use foot work and angles to avoid him getting a radar lock on me and throwing the big bomb, I'm no fuckin dummy in the ring but if some one gets in on you or puts you on the ropes or in a corner you need to know how to wether the storm as rodney king would say


                            • #15
                              I am chilled...

                              No pain. No gain!

                              If you enter a battle with defence as your first priority, then you cant have had many real figths...

                              ofcourse, I dont like to be hit either, but, sometimes I will be, and probably it will win me the figth... Unless its against Kai, who can knock me down in one super swift jab...

