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The ability to get hit

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  • #16
    are you nuts

    Originally posted by Zell
    No pain. No gain!

    If you enter a battle with defence as your first priority, then you cant have had many real figths...

    ofcourse, I dont like to be hit either, but, sometimes I will be, and probably it will win me the figth... Unless its against Kai, who can knock me down in one super swift jab...
    I think you misunderstand so I'm not going to read you the riot act here, I give as good as I get and then some and my default mode is always of a brawler, so if my fight plan goes wrong I'll just revert back to brawl mode which I'm perfectly fine with, but at the same time using one's head/defense is a smart way to go, YOU CAN"T WIN THE FIGHT IF YOU'RE LYING ON THE *****ING DECK KO'ED BECAUSE YOU HAD POOR DEFENSE, GET IT!!!. AS FAR AS YOUR STATMENT YOU CAN'T HAVE HAD MANY REAL FIGHTS


    • #17
      Defence can be offence at the same time, you parry a punch and attack at the same time, making your attack more effective and decreasing your chance of being hit. Sure being able to take a hit is usefull if you suck at MA or the person your fighting is more skilled than you, but i always thought that one of the goals of MA was to hit your opponent and not get hurt yourself.


      • #18
        but i always thought that one of the goals of MA was to hit your opponent and not get hurt yourself.
        It is. But dont you feel better after you get hit the first time? Usually I'm a bit nervous about fighting. For some reason that first hit calms me down. OK..thats over with, lets get the fight on.
        You cant fight and not get hurt. Its a good idea/goal, but it just doesnt happen unless your fighting a child or something.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
          I think you misunderstand so I'm not going to read you the riot act here, I give as good as I get and then some and my default mode is always of a brawler, so if my fight plan goes wrong I'll just revert back to brawl mode which I'm perfectly fine with, but at the same time using one's head/defense is a smart way to go, YOU CAN"T WIN THE FIGHT IF YOU'RE LYING ON THE *****ING DECK KO'ED BECAUSE YOU HAD POOR DEFENSE, GET IT!!!. AS FAR AS YOUR STATMENT YOU CAN'T HAVE HAD MANY REAL FIGHTS

          This has turned out to get rather "tempered"...

          When I mean real figth's, if you loose, you dont just lay there on the deck...
          You're screwed...

          What I tried to say, from the start... Is that you should practice getting hit, because, the reality is that you will...

          And ofcource defence is important! I do my evasions, blocks and deflecting as much as the next guy...

          I just mean you cant win, nor survive, if you have not trained your body and your mind, so that you can get hit sometimes, witout being a total wreck...

          I don't know about you, but I've never won a real figth, where the other guy did not land one or two at me...

          My cinserest apologies, though, I seem to have angered you...


          • #20
            Originally posted by HtTKar
            It is. But dont you feel better after you get hit the first time? Usually I'm a bit nervous about fighting. For some reason that first hit calms me down. OK..thats over with, lets get the fight on.
            You cant fight and not get hurt. Its a good idea/goal, but it just doesnt happen unless your fighting a child or something.
            Finnaly, someone who actually know what they are talking about...


            • #21
              the harder you train, the easier the fight


              • #22
                ok maybe we got off on the wrong foot

                Originally posted by Zell

                This has turned out to get rather "tempered"...

                When I mean real figth's, if you loose, you dont just lay there on the deck...
                You're screwed...

                What I tried to say, from the start... Is that you should practice getting hit, because, the reality is that you will...

                And ofcource defence is important! I do my evasions, blocks and deflecting as much as the next guy...

                I just mean you cant win, nor survive, if you have not trained your body and your mind, so that you can get hit sometimes, witout being a total wreck...

                I don't know about you, but I've never won a real figth, where the other guy did not land one or two at me...

                My cinserest apologies, though, I seem to have angered you...
                first off some times you can't get up off the deck like when you're unconciousss or are in so much pain you can't move(just ask one of my opponents about that tee hee ) so some things are out of you're control
                only thing you said that pissed me off was you haven't had many REAL FIGHTS I percived that to mean you were disrespecting me as a fighter and since I never did that to you that's not very polite.If I never had many REAL fights how then did I get a ruptured ear drum, a soft ball sized hemotoma on my shin ,a damaged knee from getting kicked in it,or a completely destroyed ankle ALL from FIGHTING, still once I have 2-5 surgeries on it I'll be ready for the ring again in the mean time I'm trying to get back down to my perfect fighting weight of 220lbs and training 2 hours a day but wish I could do 4 hours a day and run but that's life.In the end I always come back for more and I always win, I didn't mean to get pissed but when I felt you disrespected my acomplishments in the ring that I've payed my dues for, it made me made, any way no hard feelinmgs and I hope you get what I was trying to say


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
                  ruptured ear drum, a soft ball sized hemotoma on my shin ,a damaged knee from getting kicked in it,or a completely destroyed ankle, 2-5 surgeries, I always win
                  Wow man work on your defence!
                  So is it 2 or 5 surgeries? there is a big difference between 2 and 5 if its in surgeries,


                  • #24
                    stop it!!! quit being a smart ass!!! LOL

                    Originally posted by Tameo
                    Wow man work on your defence!
                    So is it 2 or 5 surgeries? there is a big difference between 2 and 5 if its in surgeries,
                    defense has nothing to do with my injuries, you play, you pay and it's all good bay bay,I'm in this game foe life, it's confusing + I really don't give a **** what they do to me as long as I can get back in the ring and start having fun again, if it's only reattaching some tendon or ligament(1st surgery) and then evacuating and scraping some tendon or ligament and taking someting out (2nd surgery) then maybe fusing 2 bones in my foot together there's like 2 major bones in the ankle and I damaged one damit (3rd surgery)
                    then we get into the area of tendon transplants (worse case scenario) that'll be like 4 or five sorry for the confusion actually alot of my foot shit came from training for fights bang bang bang run run run plyo plyo plyo LOL but the ear,hemotoma and knee all came from fights, I regret nothing except that I couldn't hand out more beatings but alass, oh wait that's an angry thought(thus unproductive) and I'm not suppose to think like that any more , sorry
                    have a great weekend guys.


                    • #25
                      As said, sorry, I'm just so sick of people who say they can figth, and have never realy been in a real figth...

                      I meant no dis, I just am quite used to be like that...

                      And I know it's usually werry little you can do, when you are beaten to a bloody pulp in the street, and only reason you get away, is because you:
                      a) have friends who get you away.
                      b) the cops come and they run.
                      c) they are done with you, for now...

                      As said, did not mean to be an asshole...


