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gross mma and grappeling stories
Registered User
- Jul 2004
- 1865
"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
Today I was rolling with a guy and he tried to flip me and put his foot on my groin and shot me up into the air with it..... and when I looked down there was blood all over my pants...
beat that... I dare you....
A new guy was moving way to fast, he tried to pass my gaurd by breaking my guard, jumping to his feet and then lauching himself over my legs. Apparently his package was tangled in his boxers and as he lunged he landed on my knee. He ended up with a three inch gash in his penis.
Killed his social life for awhile.
Originally posted by SamuraiGuyToday I was rolling with a guy and he tried to flip me and put his foot on my groin and shot me up into the air with it..... and when I looked down there was blood all over my pants...
beat that... I dare you....
You still in one piece?
Originally posted by eXcessiveForceA new guy was moving way to fast, he tried to pass my gaurd by breaking my guard, jumping to his feet and then lauching himself over my legs. Apparently his package was tangled in his boxers and as he lunged he landed on my knee. He ended up with a three inch gash in his penis.
Killed his social life for awhile.
Registered User
- Jul 2004
- 1865
"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
Originally posted by majorfufui dont have to worry about a three inch gash in my penis because mine is only two inches
Oh, and im happy to say, after getting kicked in the groin and looking down... to find my pants covered in blood... scary moment... it was just from scabs/gashes on my knees from submission wrestling.... constant matt rubbing... it was really freaky for a second though.. and a ton of blood from a little thing in the knee.
I've pissed blood. That sucks.
The most disgusting and painful thing I've ever witnessed was somebody failing a deadlift with waaaaaaaayyyyyy too much weight. They didn't get the thing off the ground, all I heard was a rip and a fart.
Can you say "prolapse".
Registered User
- Jul 2004
- 1865
"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
haha id shit myself laughing if I saw that... would be so gross....
wouldnt you just stop trying to lift the weights if you felt your bowels going...
hmmm well shti monday night football is on.... we will continue our discussion of gross ass things happening later lol
Registered User
- Jul 2004
- 1865
"a few User CP's that are pretty significant ones(like a BoarSpear or SamuraiGuy one). " - GracieHunter
I choke people, I dont poke people. -- Me
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in, I refuse. -- Foo Fighters
I want a girl that spends more time on her back than Royce Gracie.
I'll knee you in the face like your name was Josh Koschek -- Me
its not small in length.. its just so skinny... like a pencil.. or a NOODLE!... everyone knows its the width that matters... hahaha...
Noodle dick... noodle dick... noodle dick!
haha great movie...
one time in mma class I'm rolling with this guy who's mma trunks reaked so bad it smelled like he hadn't washed them and trained in the for 3 days then this guy gets me in an arm bar ands cuts one directly in my face and blames me while I'm lying coughing and trying not to throw up on the mat.
another timei n mma class I grappled a guy who was shirtless who hadn't taked a shower in 2 days and had trained, he wore no deodrant and his arm pit hair which was long ended up in my face like right next to my mouth, I said dude and then he put on deodrant and said see now I'm all minty fresh LOL
another time in boxing/kb class a boxer guy was sparring in the ring and got hit in the nose alot, afterwords he proceeded to to blow out both his nostrils on the canvas blowing bloody snot everywhere which I later slipped on during sparring, the first day of kb training I looked down at the canvas and saw what looked like someone had take a paint brush full of brown type paint and slung it all over the ring like a jackson pollack paniting, I then realised it was blood, lol yes this was gonna be great stuff I thought to myself.