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the movie in hell

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  • the movie in hell

    what a hell hole prison but when jean Claude van Damme bit the guy in the throat after getting thumped on a bit that was the tightest self defense scene of all time in a movie especially the screaming like an animal after, finally a fight scence that doesn't take place in the land of make belive, blood sport was on last night lol very obvious the the Fight cordinator didn't know diddly about real fights but oh wel prove me wrong

  • #2
    haha I saw the movie a while ago... It was pretty cool.. There was one scene where they were like grappling outside in the mud or something.. So did you like the movie ? Bloodsport is better though IMO


    • #3
      the fight scenes in this movie were pretty good. i noticed that in some of them van dam uses ju jitsu. he breaks that one guys shoulder with an americana shoulder lock in one of the scenes. looks like van dams been training in bjj and grappling.


      • #4
        Originally posted by EmptyneSs
        the fight scenes in this movie were pretty good. i noticed that in some of them van dam uses ju jitsu. he breaks that one guys shoulder with an americana shoulder lock in one of the scenes. looks like van dams been training in bjj and grappling.

        Of course he has, I mean NO ONE else teaches shoulder locks or grappling

