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Did Martial Arts help you land a chic?

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  • Did Martial Arts help you land a chic?

    Or if you already have a woman did you have to actually use your skills in a real world situation to protect her?

  • #2
    uh...yeah. Especially the mai tai training.....


    • #3
      Still working on Cakegirl.


      • #4
        Nope there's quite a few guys with pony tails though.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JaredExtreme
          Still working on Cakegirl.
          lol sadly she's the only girl into martial arts I know. There out there just not where I train.


          • #6
            no chics?

            There are no martial arts groupies?


            • #7
              try and find a hot bjj chick so u can have sex in all kinds or rediculous positions for hours on end.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GQchris
                There are no martial arts groupies?
                they're out there but alot of them have missing teeth and dumbo ears like me.


                • #9
                  hmm i might have to try that


                  • #10
                    If you're looking for hot women, join TKD, karate or kung-fu... There are a lot of women who subsribe to these forms of martial arts. Most women don't like BJJ because of the contact.

                    However, I do recall rolling with a gorgeous gal once. She had a nice tan, great abs and a sport bra underneath her gi... Needless to say, I remained in the guard.


                    • #11

                      What's the use of Martial Arts if you don't have a beautiful woman. After all, isn't the art useful for defending her against some unruly thugs or drunkards?


                      • #12
                        Perhaps you have an illusion about oh i dunno, the real world? and women and certainly the martial arts...

                        A) the martial arts are about self defense (brawling in bars n shit to impress women not included) and personal perfection....NOT SHOWING OFF!!! besides which the better martial artists dont need/want to advertise the fact that they can fight...

                        B) women can learn to defend themselves and thier own honor, it aint yer job...if a woman would like you to risk possible death (the idiot who offended her honor may shoot you when you challenge him) and certain jail...All because some guy called her a bitch (maybe she was ), she probably isnt the greatest catch anyway.

                        C) By all means enjoy training in the arts, but if you treat it as a tool to make friends and meet chicks, thats all it will ever be....and in the long run friends who like to get in bar fights and chicks who like thier guy to fight for them aint really your friends.

                        D) yes being fit and confident (not an egotistical jerk reeking of testosterone) in your abilities may help you meet interested parties (whether you be male or female) but a bad attitude is a bad attitude and drops 10's to 2's IMHO.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the wisdom.


                          • #14
                            one word of advice

                            DON"T GO OUT WITH CHICKS YOU TRAIN WITH(no matter how hot she is)Especially IF YOU'RE A FIGHTER, TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!!!!!!
                            also obvious but don't date chicks at your job i.e. coworkers and don't date customers trust me on these as I've done all three and came to regret it big time and most of the guys on here can back me up on this opinion.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
                              DON"T GO OUT WITH CHICKS YOU TRAIN WITH(no matter how hot she is)Especially IF YOU'RE A FIGHTER, TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!!!!!!
                              also obvious but don't date chicks at your job i.e. coworkers and don't date customers trust me on these as I've done all three and came to regret it big time and most of the guys on here can back me up on this opinion.
                              Yes x 3.

                              Women are like rare, exotic tropical birds and we guys are like bird watchers. You've got to be very carefull around them. Once they find out you're watching, they fly away by the

