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Did Martial Arts help you land a chic?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tom Yum
    Those are the wrong kinds of women to be in relationships with.

    However, if you decide to take that road, those kinds of relationships usually take care of themselves when the excitement dies down. You get the "Its not you, its me" speech if she's somewhat feminist and you don't have to do anything .

    Hey Tom I agree 100%, but it seems people want flair over substance. The poster whanted to get women by virtue of MA well that's what you get. It is like getting women becuase you have a nice car....enjoy while it lasts but it doesn't last long and if that is what someone wants well they get what they get and if not.....welll they get what they get


    • #32
      Originally posted by IPON
      Hey Tom I agree 100%, but it seems people want flair over substance. The poster whanted to get women by virtue of MA well that's what you get. It is like getting women becuase you have a nice car....enjoy while it lasts but it doesn't last long and if that is what someone wants well they get what they get and if not.....welll they get what they get
      That's modern dating for you.

      Its better to just sit back at times and watch things...'ve got to be the ball...


      • #33
        Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
        the reason you don't pick em up at work or the school is because 1.the environment turns into a giant game of flirty flirty grab ass, and 2 ALL your personal bussiness will be the subject of much disscussion by EVERYONE!!!!
        Do other activities outside of m.a. to get women I'm sure you can think of a few: bars, clubs, other sports for singles, social clubs, political stuff, school(be careful there) ect. ect. ect.
        YOU'RE MY BOY, BLUE!!!!!!!


        • #34
          yea dude but.....

          Originally posted by Sircnay
          Don't get me wrong blue wave.

          I loooooooove teaching kids. It's so much more refreshing because they try their best to do what you want them to do. And you can be as cheesy and stupid as you want and they'll just love you so much more for it.

          It's just that, it's also a great way to pick up chicks.
          Most women have a much better b.s./game running detector than guys do(wish I had one as good as most women do and I'd have saved myself mucho drama in the past) so if you're runing a game or not being geniuine with them you'll probably be found out a.s.a.p. irregardless of the game she's probably gonna run on you anyway
          you don't want to get schooled by some chick about who can run the most game trust me on that one.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
            if you're runing a game or not being geniuine with them you'll probably be found out a.s.a.p. irregardless of the game she's probably gonna run on you anyway .
            So true.

            Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
            you don't want to get schooled by some chick about who can run the most game trust me on that one.
            You ever watch Fatal


            • #36
              The moral of the story:

              Don't trust the people with boobies.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Sircnay
                The moral of the story:

                Don't trust the people with boobies.
                Does this also apply to men with man boobs?


                • #38
                  ESPECIALLY man boobs.


                  • #39

                    I take it Martial Arts won't help one bit? Seems like it won't even matter. What's the use of being the baddest on the block if all it will get you is going to the movies by yourself?

                    You mean to tell me the dedication, discipline, physical fitness benefits of studying MA will not have an effect when trying to land a babe? What's the point then? You could be the baddest UFC dude but if you're dateless on Friday night, that ultimately sucks.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by GQchris
                      I take it Martial Arts won't help one bit? Seems like it won't even matter. What's the use of being the baddest on the block if all it will get you is going to the movies by yourself?

                      You mean to tell me the dedication, discipline, physical fitness benefits of studying MA will not have an effect when trying to land a babe? What's the point then? You could be the baddest UFC dude but if you're dateless on Friday night, that ultimately sucks.
                      There's always hookers.


                      • #41
                        Yeah but as uncle ben told Peter Parker:

                        With great hookers comes great STDbilities.


                        • #42
                          that's because they are different than us

                          Originally posted by GQchris
                          I take it Martial Arts won't help one bit? Seems like it won't even matter. What's the use of being the baddest on the block if all it will get you is going to the movies by yourself?

                          You mean to tell me the dedication, discipline, physical fitness benefits of studying MA will not have an effect when trying to land a babe? What's the point then? You could be the baddest UFC dude but if you're dateless on Friday night, that ultimately sucks.
                          That's the human condition my friend, here's a few things I've learned 1. life is not a plesue cruise 2. life is not a popularity contest 3. many people die tragic senselees deaths when they are young for absoluteyl nothing 4. people break up with each other, people hurt each other and don't idealize people because they can rarely live up to your expectations take people as they are not as you want then to be.
                          BTW women are completely different than men emotionally and don't spend their time thinking about sex24/7, fighting, sports(especially fighting sports) guns and getting piss drunk like 24/7 like guys do. ain't tesosterone a beeoch.Example I could take the biggest metro type whimp on the planet and say just a few things to him in public and I could make him so mad via tesostrone/the "manly thing" that he'd swing on me.


                          • #43
                            You're My Boy Blue!!!

                            "don't idealize people because they can rarely live up to your expectations take people as they are not as you want then to be."

                            This is the best piece of advice that I have heard before but need to be reminded of over and over again. Looking back on the past, and all of the women I have loved before, this is so useful to burn this advice in your heart/mind. It would save someone a lot of heartache.

                            I am still a young man at 30, but I feel like I've come a long way in terms of my emotional growth.

                            By the way, this post was meant purely for humor, because I really am a jackass at heart.


                            • #44

                              the page I had just written that was good, but just got erased so I'll try again here's my prob with women
                              I've never asked a chick out /picked a chic up they always ask me out, I don't go looking for them I just seem to stumble on them and I've never had a female friend cause every female I've been "friends" with was hot and we always ended up hooking up, the girls I've dated were always 7's,8's, or 9's but like 0 in the personality/caracter development dept, so things always blow up in my face cause I can't be a game player/or do any of the tit for tat sh** that people do to each other in relationships,I'm not going to be like that in my personal life.So the next chick that asks me out if I hear stay away alarm bells going off I'm not going to act on it, if I can't respect her/admire as a human being(only met 1 chick like that in my life but it didn't go any where, best wishes though) then I'm not going to act on it, I will not go through any more drama cause some chick has a stank personality but is hot, never again!!!!


                              • #45
                                I have met a sexy/hot woman that is very down to earth and easygoing as far as her personality. They are rare and hard to come by, but they are out there.

