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Tell the truth...who has actually been in a street fight?

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  • Tell the truth...who has actually been in a street fight?

    I think its funny how often the subject of street fighting comes up. I'm not bashing people who discuss this because I am one of them. I guess its natural to wonder about "real situations" when you study martial arts. I am interested to know how many people have been in, or seen a real street fight. The average person with a normal career and social life, doesn't find himself in too many streetfights. I am interested to see how MA techniques actually play out against an opponent with no MA background or fighting training.

    (I hope you all appreciate the fact that I didn't talk about running away or magic markers lol, or not getting in the situation in the first place. Its common sense.)

  • #2
    I have been in a few fights inluding two that inolved about 30 people. One fight one resulted in a broken hand. I have seen many more. Unfortunately fighting has become the latest trend at the local weekend races.

    At the time I was doing World Oyama Karate which I had been doing for about 2.5 years. I through a few punches to the head and a knee. The first punch is the one that broke my hand.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ncaltruist
      ... I am interested to know how many people have been in, or seen a real street fight. ....

      Why? Will it add credibility to our opinion? Usually I just show the big scars...


      • #4
        hmmm somehow this thread strikes me as a desperate attempt to save a belief in a system that its followers want so desperately to be invinceable...


        • #5
          street fights

          is that difffernt from altercations with customers when bouncing cause then it's like 300 but if it's in my non-work life then 1 I lost in school and probably some as a kid that I can't remember.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BoarSpear
            hmmm somehow this thread strikes me as a desperate attempt to save a belief in a system that its followers want so desperately to be invinceable...
            No kidding.

            Stories you never hear (read) I got hit by a car and woke up in the hospital two days later... The guy did 6 years for attempted murder.

            I got smacked so hard on top of my head that I dropped straight to my knees for a few moments to figure out what hit me. It felt like I was hit by a ton of bricks but there was only one brick... The guy that threw it ran away after I stood up again.

            A crowbar hitting your shin will smash through your jeans and take a big chunk out of your leg but might not break the bone(s)...

            A screw driver is a shank that can kill you, I got one of those stabbed in my left hand but he was aiming for my head...

            My first knife fight was against my own brother, he had a knife, I did not...

            You want to see my scars?


            • #7
              oh no

              Originally posted by Tant01
              No kidding.

              Stories you never hear (read) I got hit by a car and woke up in the hospital two days later... The guy did 6 years for attempted murder.

              I got smacked so hard on top of my head that I dropped straight to my knees for a few moments to figure out what hit me. It felt like I was hit by a ton of bricks but there was only one brick... The guy that threw it ran away after I stood up again.

              A crowbar hitting your shin will smash through your jeans and take a big chunk out of your leg but might not break the bone(s)...

              A screw driver is a shank that can kill you, I got one of those stabbed in my left hand but he was aiming for my head...

              My first knife fight was against my own brother, he had a knife, I did not...

              You want to see my scars?
              it's getting disturbed up in here again


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tant01
                No kidding.

                Stories you never hear (read) I got hit by a car and woke up in the hospital two days later... The guy did 6 years for attempted murder.

                I got smacked so hard on top of my head that I dropped straight to my knees for a few moments to figure out what hit me. It felt like I was hit by a ton of bricks but there was only one brick... The guy that threw it ran away after I stood up again.

                A crowbar hitting your shin will smash through your jeans and take a big chunk out of your leg but might not break the bone(s)...

                A screw driver is a shank that can kill you, I got one of those stabbed in my left hand but he was aiming for my head...

                My first knife fight was against my own brother, he had a knife, I did not...

                You want to see my scars?
                dude i thought i was unpopular!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BoarSpear
                  hmmm somehow this thread strikes me as a desperate attempt to save a belief in a system that its followers want so desperately to be invinceable...
                  Brother, you ain't lying.


                  • #10
                    Err in the last year I fought a kid, he didnt have any MA training except boxing his considerably larger, and more athletic brother, amazing linebacker... and I had a bit of training, I threw out a jab, he brought his hand up, it hit me in the mouth, but it wasnt a punch, I wrapped my arm around his head ala the guillotine position, he tried to trip me to the ground, I went with it because I wanted to go to the ground... I guillotined him, he tried to drive forward to pass my gaurd... I just held on , he choked for a bit ,I left....

                    EXCIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTINGGGGGGGGG... lol....

                    Another kid tried to fight me when I was in grade 7... after throwing him on the ground repeatedly he gave up... 3 months later he had to give me a secret santa present haha.

                    Fought a kid in grade 5, cant remember much about it... something about barely being able to see cause of rain and mud, but I think I won... maybe... not sure.

                    A kid punched me in the face with his baseball glove on, so I through him on the ground and droped the knee on his ribs lol, what a noob... this was also when I was in grade 5....

                    I had alot of fights in grade 5.... I've seen a ton of street fights too.. but those were just highschool fights mainly ... so meh...


                    • #11
                      And that was the gospel truth. Especially #7, #11 and #13.

                      What I liked most about that post was Mike Brewer told it like it was, without having to defend or protect the reputation of any one art. Simple common sense.

                      Nice post Mike.


                      • #12
                        damn Mike! DIRTY POOL!!! I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK.

                        Although #s 3 and 5 probably werent what they meant when they said the highest art is to fight without fighting

                        but #12 is gospel.


                        • #13
                          I live in Glasgow in Scotland, so most fights aren't fights at all. One guy stabs another when he isn't looking or when he tries to walk away. Once i was at a party at a house of a wealthy girl from my school. Next morning a dead guy was found outside her house. Stabbed to death. Not related to the party though. Personally i've never been in a fight or seen one.


                          • #14
                            Imagine that...

                            You mean there is NO SUCH THING as a fair fight?


                            • #15
                              I use my karate every day......the self controll part of it....
                              a wise man once told me that i'd meet alot of people in my lifetime who deserved a good smack....but it's not your job to give it to them.....

