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Tell the truth...who has actually been in a street fight?

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  • #16
    Thanks for the good posts

    The main reason I started this was to find out about unexpected elements that you can't train for. Also it's good to hear interesting stories. It seems like once a fight starts, style and technique probably fade away to some extent and it just becomes a "fight". I am not a martial artist, so I am not defending any particular style. I have studied [sic] Okinawan Karate in the past and found it to be good for developing technique. Overall it was a bit of a disapointment. I want to find a new style to try soon. The main thing I am wondering about is clothing. Say you are wearing a pair of blue jeans and tennis shoes. Does anyone know anything about kicking with shoes on. It seems like a street fight would mostly involve punching and might end up in a clinch.


    • #17
      I was thinking about posting the same thread. All these threads about using a specific art in a streetfight. You dont use your style, you just fight and do whatever you can to end it.

      11. Real fights aren't over until the winner says so.
      So very true

      5. People do not fight well while they're standing in front of a urinal peeing. See rule #3, and resort to ambushes when appropriate, possibly after applying rule #4.
      True story. A buddy of mine (we'll call him Roy) and I were at a bar, and he goes outside to pee. yeah I know, he went out back instead of in the bathroom. This kid that Roy used to go to school with had been messing with him all night. It was his 21rst birthday or something and he was acting really obnoxious. So Roys outside peeing and this birthday boy runs outside and punches him in the head. Somehow Roy got this kid in a headlock, and ran the kids head into the chimney. Roy hadn't yet had time to readjust from peeing, and he still has this kid in a headlock. Roys jumping up and down yelling "What are you doing?", etc, all sorts of yelling, punching him in the head and choking him out. Then the kids friends walk out there to break the fight up and they see Roy with his pants half-down choking this kid, blood all over. Roy knew all these kids so it wasnt like he got jumped. Poor birthday boy took the most embarrasing beating I could ever imagine.


      • #18
        11. Real fights aren't over until the winner says so.
        Another thing to add to this.

        Even when the fights over doesnt mean you're safe. People get smashed up and then humiliated, or dragged around, raped, beat up some more, beat up the next day. Etc. By losing you put your faith in whatever the winner wants to happen to you. You're not out of danger till your home.

        My dad used to have this saying about fighting. He said that when two people fought the winner put "An Indian Sign" on the loser. Wherever that came from I dont know. But basically, for the rest of the losers life he would remember being beat up by the other guy and will always fear him.

        One of my friends brothers is a real mad mofo. 2 time felon, sicilian, really jacked, ex-gang member, used to deal cocain, used to sit with gatti in prison, been stabbed-shot, and in more fights than I could ever imagine. Literally people in town here his name and start with him to see if they can take him. They don't. I'm like a little brother to him because I'm his little brothers good friend. He told me once how he won so many fights. He said never give up, always get up and keep fighting. He said it intimidates most people, The rest just get worn down. Eventually he'll win.

        You gotta realize there are people like this. If you start a fight over some stupid crap at a bar, this might be the guy you end up fighting. Not a good situation to be in.


        • #19
          i got into it with some asian kid when i was in highschool. he hit me, i hit him, we pushed eachother around abit and it looked like it was over. he pretended it was all done, and when i was walking away he chucked a snapple bottle into the back of my head. it make a small gash in my head, and it bled all over my back. i learned that "the fights not over even if u think it is" the hardway.

          also in school, i once walked up to some kid and gave him a str8 up tkd spin backkick in the chest, and sent him to the ground once. i had learned that training at a mcdojo when i was like 12.

          i also fought a huge ass bosnian kid once who mistook me for someone who had talked shit about him. i remember hitting him has hard as i could in the face and it barely made him flinch. at one point my shoe came off and i picked it up and tried to use it as a weapon, bringing it down on his head repeatedly. but he was way big and gave me a beating regardless.

          these were all when i was a younger and didnt have much training, other than like a year at mcdojo learning karate when i was 12. nowdays i never get in fights and avoide them as well as bad situations.

          btw tanto, howd u get into all those altercations? was it your line of work or something?


          • #20
            Originally posted by EmptyneSs
            btw tanto, howd u get into all those altercations? was it your line of work or something?

            Or something... Lets just say I had issues. My (ex) wife was a meth head...


            • #21

              I managed to avoid the screwdriver as it was thrusted at my mellon, just move like Ali and you cant get hit.
              But the last fight I was in...........When I lived down at the beach the place I was renting was sold to a new owner, the guy wanted to evic me and my roommate, but we had a lease with the new owner, so to make a long story short....this asshole landlord goes to the police (who question me later) and makes up shiit about me that I never said or did, totally made up (now this is a very very bad thing to do to someone who hasnt done anything wrong to you). So he then gets a restraining order against me, knowing I would be pissed about the lies to the police. So Im trapped now, I cant beat the fucker up because I look like the bad guy (with the lies he told the cops and the lies in the restraining order) so the bastard has me pickled. In all honesty I did nothing to this desevre this, so anyway I move out. Then a couple weeks later, Im down at the beach near where my landlord now lives (in my old place) and I see the fucker in the liquor store, and he tries to flag down a meter maid to call the cops on me because he has a restraining order, after I still had siad nothing to him as of yet. So I get into my car (Im with a friend who can fight) and the landlord is in the alley holding his groceries in 1 hand, yelling at me "want a piece of me?" So I get out and go up to him ready to pound him, but he just stands there wanting me to hit him so he can "tell" on me like a baby. So I dont, I get into the car and look in the mirror, and loo and behold, the landlord is behind me writing down the license plate number. I tell my friend to back me up. NO MORE GAMES FELLAS, NO MORE TALKING, ARGUEING, ANYTHING, ITS TIME FOR A BEATDOWN! I come up behind him, he turned his back to me, and I grab what I thought was a notepad he was writing on, but it was his wallet!!!! Holy shit, I toss it into traffic and proceed to throw rights, lefts, uppercuts.........all to my amazment connected PERFECTLY. This guy drops like a sack of potatoes into the front of this liquor store, I walk up to him so I can stomp his head into the groud, but the owner of the liquor store is looking at me who knows me, so I decide not the maim the fucker, and as I walk to my car I see the landlords sunglasses in the road and I stepped on them and crushed them. That was 7 years ago, I had no BJJ training, but I didnt need it. Never heard from the guy again.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                7. People who can accurately recount all the details of their fights weren't actually there.
                Yet the elaborate posts just keep on coming.


                • #23
                  I've been in about twelve "street fights" (some were indoors.. heheheheh)
                  Most get broken up before anything real crazy happens.
                  I've only been in about 4 that have gone the distance.
                  I've been jumped after the initial fight twice...
                  and I've been hit with brass knuckles, rocks...sticks...had shit thrown at me. (not actual shit...but stuff.)

                  I also used to box with drunk kids (all kids I used to chill with) for shits and giggles (or once bareknuckle, 2 at the same time for half a bottle of Crovossier)...which sometimes got out of hand, and tended to escalate into them being choked out, elbowed in the face, or knee'd in the liver and kidneys.


                  • #24
                    I am 31 and the only one i have ever been in was in high school. I had no martial arts training, he did. I was 17, he was 23. I was smaller...just a little. I was talking about him, so it was my fault. When I saw he got pissed I tried to walk away. He stepped up, told me he was gonna kick my butt (dumb on his part) I punched him in the face and then tried to walk away. He got up told me the same thing again, I punched him in the face then threw him into a shelf. I walked away, he came running at me with a screaming front kick. I side stepped caught it and put him on his ass with an upper cut. I put my knee in his chest and raised my fist, then got up and walked away. My boss came around the corner (did I forget to mention that I worked at his grandfathers grocery store as a bag boy) and asked me what was going on. Before i could answer, he sucker punched me from behind. I then turned lost it and threw him to the ground and pounded on his face till I was pulled away by 3 guys. So remember, Martial arts doesn't make you invincible. It doesn't make you good. It just means that you are trying to be more prepared than the other guy. Don't start fights, but FINISH them, and do it quickly.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Uke
                      Yet the elaborate posts just keep on coming.
                      While I agree with most of Mike_Brewers statements.. you dont have to hug his nuts Uke.

                      Not everything he says is the gospel, If someone can recount the details of a fight theyve had good for them, its not like its impossible to remember what happened...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        Short fights, yes. Long, drawn out, detailed fights (meaning more than say, five or six elements) - you're making shit up.
                        HEHEHE if youre in a fight and worth a damn it should happen too fast for the logical thinking mind to keep up, thats the whole point to burning movements into reflexive actions if you have to plan or think about your fight you havent put in the proper training before hand, at this point you should be on instinct and therfore you aint gonna recall all the details that make a great story


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                          While I agree with most of Mike_Brewers statements.. you dont have to hug his nuts Uke.

                          Not everything he says is the gospel, If someone can recount the details of a fight theyve had good for them, its not like its impossible to remember what happened...
                          I don't agree with everything that anybody says, but real recognizes real. If you've had any experience and read what Mike wrote, you'd feel like "Been there, done that" or "Aint that the truth". So instead of calling me a nut hugger, maybe you ought to get off mine and learn something from his post instead of arguing the invincible merits of brazilian jujitsu.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Uke
                            I don't agree with everything that anybody says, but real recognizes real. If you've had any experience and read what Mike wrote, you'd feel like "Been there, done that" or "Aint that the truth". So instead of calling me a nut hugger, maybe you ought to get off mine and learn something from his post instead of arguing the invincible merits of brazilian jujitsu.
                            Real recognizes real.... well hmmm I seem to remember in the other thread you wouldnt tell anyone what your style was.... as for me I'm real, I know I'm not some great Martial Artist, I wouldnt even call myself good, actually its all relative, and im prolly a -3 out of ten compared to the best in the world... I admit when I dont know shit, whatever I say in this forum is real to me... you hiding your past experience isnt all that real bud... you could be some 13 year old claiming your a ex navy seal....

                            "Been there done that"... "aint that the truth"... so what if you cant remember what goes on in your fights... maybe some people can.. not everyone is the same... thats like saying.. if you cant remember everything that happened to you today eating lunch you werent really there....

                            How exactly am I on your nuts too, a nut hugger is someone who likes the person, I.e. your a fedor nut hugger, cause you like fedor (thats just an example, you prolly like... fricking... Wes Sims or someone, cause hes REAL)

                            And then you say im arguing the invincible merits of BJJ, what are you fucking stupid, or do you just not know how to read... I brought up points against your argument that you dealt with, and you completely agreed with one of my posts... how am I arguing the invincible merits of BJJ, when I clearly said in my "summary of the thread"... the BJJ guy would get killed...

                            I thought you were a bit more intelligent from the other thread, I was agreeing with you in it, but you try to turn it into an argument, I'm giving respect to Judo and cross training, and offering up reasons why it may not be used in mma... and you try to cut me up...

                            You need to learn to read or learn to comprehend what your reading... fucking douche...


                            • #29
                              Posted by Mike_Brewer:

                              "Hey, let's not fight guys. Samurai is just a little sheltered, that's all. He didn't think I'd actually make an arrow head out of a beer bottle either. By the way, Samurai, did you check out the pics on the tactical forum?"

                              I actually did think you could make an arrow head out of a beer bottle... I just thought you were crazy for knowing how to do things like this... and to tell the truth I was actually more interested in the spear... haha... I did check out the pics... and im about to go look at the tactical forum again in a bit...

                              And I am a little sheltered... I live in Canada with the closest "city" (500 000 people) about 20 minutes away... Id rather be sheltered than be around douches like Uke all my life though.


                              • #30
                                Don't be an idiot, SamuraiGuy. No one tried to cut you up. I didn't appreciate the "hug his nuts" comment. But if you want to blow it up into something that it wasn't, do so.

