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Tell the truth...who has actually been in a street fight?

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  • #31
    You werent trying to cut me up or attack me by saying:

    I was " arguing the invincible merits of brazilian jujitsu."

    When in fact in the other thread I wrote this:

    "Bjj doesnt have the best mindset for self defense.
    In Ukes scenario the BJJ guy woudl most likely die.
    In Ukes scenario anyone would most likely die.
    BJJ is best ground style there is, it would end the fight most quickly. (If used with the proper mindset).
    BJJ doesnt have all the tools for self defense, it is extremely good at one of the five things I say would matter in a streetfight.

    Standup, Ground, Transition Area (clinch, takedowns, wrestling) MENTALITY, and physical size/condition"

    and in that very same thread you responded to this statement with :

    "Beautifully put.

    Thank you for your comments and taking the time to understand what I have written. You obviously have mastered a skill that many here have not:

    Reading ability"

    Then you go on to say that I am just an idiot arguing the invincible merits of BJJ, and your telling me that wasnt an attack when I so clearly from my posts, was not.

    I thought youd know better seeing as how you agreed with me there... guess you didnt think about this when cutting me up... which you were trying to do.


    • #32
      We've agreed on a ton of things, and in all of them I've never called you a nut hugger because you agreed with me. So, as I said before, if you want to blow it up, go ahead. Still doesn't take away from what we see eye to eye on.


      • #33
        Mike, I realize your not trying to make fun of me or anything, and I think what you are saying is true, in most cases.

        My point with Uke though is that while we agree on lots of things and he has even said so he just took a random and very stupid shot at me with the "arguing the invincible merits of BJJ" comment.... it was very stupid because he knows I dont do that because its something we agreed on.

        I dont think he realizes making stupid shots at people like this dont really help you out. He also says im trying to blow it out of porportion when I think he misunderstands the term nuthugger, it means you like something alot, or you like their ideas alot... I'm not actually accusing you of doing anything to someones nuts, I think your making a bigger deal out of this than it has to be.

        My point is dont make stupid shots at people and telling me what arguments I have made, when you know for a fact, thats not my stance.


        • #34
          quit cryin' like a little bitch already!

          Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
          Mike, I realize your not trying to make fun of me or anything, and I think what you are saying is true, in most cases.

          My point with Uke though is that while we agree on lots of things and he has even said so he just took a random and very stupid shot at me with the "arguing the invincible merits of BJJ" comment.... it was very stupid because he knows I dont do that because its something we agreed on.

          I dont think he realizes making stupid shots at people like this dont really help you out. He also says im trying to blow it out of porportion when I think he misunderstands the term nuthugger, it means you like something alot, or you like their ideas alot... I'm not actually accusing you of doing anything to someones nuts, I think your making a bigger deal out of this than it has to be.

          My point is dont make stupid shots at people and telling me what arguments I have made, when you know for a fact, thats not my stance.

          Alright already with the fuckin Sensitive Sally hour!


          • #35
            Are you fair he or she would not think someone was being very pleasant if they called him or her a nut hugger ?Is that a fact. In what way do I sound like that?Perhaps.
            My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input.


            • #36
              got to aggree with mike on that

              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              I hope you realize I was just poking fun. I meant no offense, truly. All I mean by the "If you can remember, you weren't there" statement is that it is a phiysiological fact that numerous systems limit themselves or shut down during periods of high stress. Some of these phenomenon manifest as auditory exclusion (the ringing you get in your ears when things get rough), shakes, dry mouth, and tunnel vision. Also, you tend to forget finer details and grossly lose any ability to judge distance. If you were to tell me a fight started with a guy swinging at your head, and then you took him down and beat on his face for a while, I'd have no problem believing you. It's when people say things like, "he spun me around with his right hand and swung a high punch with his left. He was standing in a right lead, and I shot down for a single leg takedown. I noticed his shoe was untied..."

              That kind of detail is the result of one of two things. Either the guy is making things up, or he's filling in gaps because he can't remember what happened in a real event. Either way, I have noticed over the years that war stories generally contain more invented details as real ones. I have also noticed that in what is likely upwards of 200 and something "fights" I've personally been in between working the bars for 8 years and security work for 11 or so, I still can't remember all the details of even the easy fights. I remember a lot more than I used to, and I'm a lot more relaxed - which probably makes things easier as well. But fine details are still lost, as are some of the bigger ones. Example: I was in a fight in a bar where I had to break a guy's arm over my leg. It was a really ugly arm bar, and didn't even resemble any kind of quality technique. When I gave the report, I swore up and down I had busted the guy's left elbow. Nope. It was his right. I even remembered the exact position we were in, and I was still wrong about which arm it was. So even the details you think you remember may be illusions.

              That said, I stand by my observation.
              All my bouncing altercations kinda blur together but the altercations in my front yard are crystal clear, as are all my ring fights which I remember blow by blow, is it memory or is it memorex thank goodness for video taping ring fights, it makes a great thing to watch with buddies and 9 million beers, it's much funnier when it's you throwing down on videotape LOL.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                I've seen them and been in them. Some things I've learned:

                1. They all suck. Nobody "wins."

                2. They don't all go to the ground. In fact less than 20% in my experience have ended up as grappling type confrontations. Far more were ended with solid sucker punches or weapons from standing ranges.

                3. Weapons and sucker punches/pre-emptive attacks are better than just about all other strategies if you've got your mind set on fighting.

                4. People would rather back down than fight most of the time. If you can let them do so without looking like they're cowards, they will.

                5. People do not fight well while they're standing in front of a urinal peeing. See rule #3, and resort to ambushes when appropriate, possibly after applying rule #4.

                6. All the training and technique in the world means exactly hot doo-doo when faced with a determined, aggressive, tough fighter who wants more than anything to do you harm. If you cannot equal or exceed his mindset and resolve, training won't have a chance to factor in. Fighting is a mental "game" first. Developing an underhanded nature with regards to fighting is helpful too.

                7. People who can accurately recount all the details of their fights weren't actually there.

                8. You can "win" a fight and still be laid up for a couple of weeks recovering.

                9. The guy who can think under pressure will beat the guy who just reacts 9 out of 10 times.

                10. Getting shot hurts right away. Getting stabbed doesn't. Getting punched is something you can get used to. Damage, not pain is what stops people. If your techniques rely on so-called "pain-compliance," you'll get your ass kicked. You have to shut down bodily systems, not just irritate them.

                11. Real fights aren't over until the winner says so.

                12. Cops will never understand why you got into it with someone, so shut up and quit trying to explain it. Or don't get caught in the first place. See rule #5 regarding the art of the bathroom ambush. Levelling a guy with a beer bottle or trash can while he's "preoccupied" and then skating out the back is acceptable in some situations.

                13. People who talk about fighting and "doing whatever it takes to win" and then complain about how unfairly others fight piss me off. It tells me they lack character and true integrity of belief.

                I'm sure there are more lessons, but these are some of the more repetitive.
                you sound like my teacher . . .


                • #38

                  Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                  I dont think he realizes making stupid shots at people like this dont really help you out.
                  What I don't think you realize is that I don't need help. I'm not selling anything on this forum. I have not asked anyone to sponsor or advocate my ideas or opinions. That is why I am not here on this forum "pushing" one particular art like some people.

                  Whether or not people choose to train intelligently is of no consequence to me. Everyone here can wrestle on the ground or strike poses in a fight if they like. That's their business. I'm here to exchange and discuss, not gain support in a debate that was really more common sense than politics.

                  And now, it seems that you're trying to explain how "nuthugger" isn't an insult so that it will seem that I took offense unjustifiably.

                  No big deal. Just drop it and move on. I can't believe we're still talking about this.


                  • #39
                    Streetfight July 4th-5th 2002 Damsel in Destress

                    It was warm time of the year. My family and I were out back getting ready to shoot some fire works off. As the evenning progressed we were shooting off fire works. And the neighbor started complaining about how there were bottle rocket sticks landing in there yard.

                    So we agreed that in the morrning where there is more daylight that we would come over and pick them up they were cool with it. So the AM comes and we are up cleanning there yard and ours too. And we got alot of compliments on the firework show ect.

                    So another neighbor from across the street started yelling and blabbering something. They were a new family in the hood. So I and my good neighbor are looking at each other like what the hell???

                    So we walk over to see whats going on and this guy and girl are arguing. And the guy is like mind your own F****** business. We are a good 50 yards or more away. I put my tail gate on my truck down and sit down and my neighbor sits also.

                    We are giggling at the whole thing that is going on. And talking. Then the guy that is arguing with his girlfriend. Slaps her knocks her out cold. Me and Tom just flip out. Tom is my neighbor. By that time I'm on the phone calling the police. And we are walking towards the guy that just slaped his girlfriend.

                    We get down to were the girl is. And the guy is like "What you two some kinda like uh come to the woman when she is hurt". Something along those lines. I say "yeah you need to be slapped like you slapped her". He said F*** both you I will take you both out. Tom and I look at each other. I'm like F*** this mother F*****.

                    So before Tom could throw a punch. I had this scruffy dude on his Ass. Tom tees off on his head with a kick to the face. Then he comes back with wild punch at me. *Duck* I get in the boxing stance. Dude like I know how to box. I said bring your ass.

                    He throws a right. I throw left hook he catches it in the chin. Falls down trys to grab me around the waist on the way down. I'm in the mount posstion by now. GAME OVER!!. Hes fling his arms around get off me get off me. Punch punch punch punch punch, Elbow Elbow. I knocked the dude out. Hes bleeding layed out on his grass lawn.

                    Then the cops show up. Tom had to tell the police officer that I was defending myself after the guy took wild punch at me. After all the Yes I still pressed charges. I dont belive that the woman should have got slapped. And the guy got sent to jail even after he went to the hospital.

                    Sucks for him. Only thing I got was a scratch where the guy was fling his arms around when I mounted him. And my right small knucle was swollen for little while.


                    • #40
                      Satarday Night Fights Friends VS Batchlore Party!!

                      True Story

                      Friends and I were out having drinks at a local bar. We were feeling kinda toasty. We Decided to leave. We all came in a SUV. So we had a driver for the night. I asked everyone where is Jimmy and DJ. They tell me that the had to go to the restroom.

                      So all of a sudden Jimmy comes running up to the SUV. Saying DJ is arguing with someone on the other side of the build. We all look at each other shit!!!! So we all like a pack of dogs run to the other side of the bar. I and a friend drive the suv to the other side of the building.

                      DJ is arguing with 3 guys next to a tour bus. Jimmy and Ricky are already there. I jump out of the ride. Make my way over. There blah blah blah at each other. DJ remind you us a big buff black dude. He grabs the smallest guy scoops him up and body slams him into the concrete. I'm like **** here we go. One of the guys of the 3 bangs on the side of the bus.

                      Remind you that there are only 6 of us. like 3 guys turned into 15 guys. That walked off the bus. I'm like screw! So Ricky grab the first guy that walks off the bus. BOOM Smokes his ass. Lays him out!. And there crawling over each other to get out of the bus.

                      I take a step back away from the crowed. Because I'm still tipsy. Jimmy gets grabed from behind. And almost doubled teamed. I smoke one of the guys in the face with a steping side kick. And Lit one guy up. DJ Yells Yeah Wrestle Maina!! I'm laughing. Ricky yelling at me to do some karate. I'm like ding ding MMMOKKKAAAYYYHHH! LOL. So we all just start smoking these 15 guys. I'm getting hit there getting hit.

                      The I Put this one guy in a triangle choke. Ricky, Jimmy, DJ, couple of other friends that Ricky brought. Were meleeing people left to right. It was insane. After choking this one guy out with a triangle choke. I stand up DJ is behind me getting triple teamed. I rear back and let a elbow go. Bouncing this poor dudes head off the side of the bus.

                      Then all of a sudden these guys were like get back on the bus, get back on the bus. They all go running back into the bus. I got a busted lip and a puffed cheek. We all look very hansome by then lol. And I'm yelling bring it on you fucking pussys. We had these guys running. DJ was chassing this one dude around the parking lot. But he made if back to the bus before DJ could get a hold of him.

                      After they got on the bus and we were leaving. They were calling us back to fight. I told Jimmy lets get them so we started running full sprint to there bus. On the way I'm stumbling around picking up beer bottles along the way. They get in there bus and close the door. I and Jimmy start chunking bottles at the bus. By that time our friends are yelling at us to get in the SUV.

                      So we do haul ass. Get back to the pad. More drinking. I'm patching myself up. I'm getting people iced down for there bumps and cuts. That was a crazy night. You should have been there.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Uke
                        What I don't think you realize is that I don't need help. I'm not selling anything on this forum.

                        Yeah, right..............................


                        • #42
                          How's Ricky doing?

                          I haven't talk to Ricky in a while. It's been years since we had that class together. Tell Tom I said hi.

