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blood during training...

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  • blood during training...

    Maybe im just super paranoid about this, but does anyone worry about other peoples blood during training?
    -i'd hope that no one would train with hiv haha, but are there any other blood diseases that can be passed by their blood touching your skin or maybe a small cut on your skin? or can it not be passed that easily?
    -i was always curious about amateur mma events and if they do any blood screening or testing?
    -will soap and warm water be enough to cleanse the skin afterwards?

    THANK you!!

  • #2
    oh yeah, what about street fighting? anyone paranoid about busting up your knuckles on someones face? or a pimp spitting in your mouth? haha


    • #3
      You're not alone... I don't like other people bleeding on me! I usually wash with an antiseptic soap after rolling just to cut down the risk of getting minor skin infections, etc.

      You can catch Hepatitis B from blood contact with an infected person. Its a lot more infectitious than HIV and is potentially fatal, although there is a vaccine available.

      A lot of doctors recommend that you get vaccinated if you participate in contact sports such as BJJ, boxing, rugby, particularly if you travel abroad to train as some areas (eg south america) have very high infection rates.

      Oh, hi all, btw. I'm new here.


      • #4
        hey spanner, welcome

        I'm no so worried about blood, it usually getson my shirt or something. I always shower after grappling/boxing anyways, its a good idea.


        • #5
          the only blood I am worried about it when it gets on my new white Gi's (I just bought 2 new ones) and get stains them.

          I'm more worried about dip sh its that have ring worm and don't stop training to let themselves heal.....


          • #6
            John Rambo

            "I don't have time to bleed..."


            • #7
              "I don't have time to bleed..."

              ...I think Jesse "the Body" Ventura said that in "Predator", not Stalone in "Rambo".


              • #8

                I hear you brother. I went to a workshop once and partnered up with a guy (and end up with him all night). About ten minutes into the seminar his track pants ripped and he went a changed into shorts and when he came back he had big sores all over his legs. AAARRRGH!!!

                At my own club I would have sent the guy home but I had been invited down as a guest to another club so I felt rude saying I wouldn't train with him (I wouldn't make that mistake again).

                I went home after and washed myself in a bath full of disinfectant.

                The guy hosting the seminar also spotted someone with ringworm so he never even rolled with us (I dont blame him).



                • #9
                  You need not be too concerned. Anyone who is healthy enough to be rolling is not going to have near enough HIV antibodies in his blood to infect another.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SweepEm
                    the only blood I am worried about it when it gets on my new white Gi's (I just bought 2 new ones) and get stains them.

                    I'm more worried about dip sh its that have ring worm and don't stop training to let themselves heal.....

                    I hear that. For some reason whenever I wear my white Howard comp single someone always bleeds on it... never happens when I wear my white MKimono or Gameness.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bligh
                      "I don't have time to bleed..."

                      ...I think Jesse "the Body" Ventura said that in "Predator", not Stalone in "Rambo".

                      Oh yeah, he did. I could have sworn it was a Rambo quote too. Thanks for the correction.

