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UFC and Pride

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  • UFC and Pride

    What a load of kiss

    I like it when people mention this crap in forums and say its the creme of Martial arts, is it buggery, its a bunch of gym leapin' geezers that think they are 'ard.

    I prefer to watch true martial arts even if they are restricted in some ways, K-1 and S-1 for example, even pro wrestling bushido (anyone seen that god damn they are crazy). UFC fighters wouldn't go near k-1 because they know that they wouldn't stand a chance. Although i did see one UFC fighter in it, can't remember his name but he had won UFC titles in his own weight then moved up and won it in the higher, any way his record 0-2, he had been knocked out twice then retired from it, thats a prime example of how poor UFC is, with the exception of wrestling and maybe jujitsu it hasn't no martial art ability at all sorry for the burnin' just had to say it

  • #2
    So you are saying under K-1 rules the UFC guys would lose... yeah... makes sense... the majority of fights in UFC are won or lost on the ground, I believe its about 55-65 percent of victories in the ufc are by submission ( is my source)....

    submissions happening on the ground... K-1 you dont go to the ground.... for instance...

    Randy Couture... hed get lit up in pride if he could only box and kickbox... but the K-1 guys would get lit up in UFC if he could take them down and punch their faces in....

    its like telling a UFC guy to go win the Abu Dhabi.... he obviously wont... cream of the crop grappling vs a mma fighter... is just like K-1 vs UFC, cream of the crop striking vs a mma fighter...

    The point being, they are two different things so dont try comparing them dumbass

    sorry for the owning.. just had to say it...


    • #3
      You think K-1 can't go to the ground?

      They have bleeding torny's for all round fighting, dumbass, the rules are changed to the likings, the supposed 'kickboxers' in UFC can't get thier legs past thier knees, i'd like to see Couture run in like steam train against the likes of Musashi or Bruanner, lights out before he could even through a punch.

      Sorry for owning ya


      • #4
        Yeah you got some amazing strikers in there in that K-1...

        check out the K-1 legend and superstar Mirko Cro Cop fighting the lowly lowly load of kiss Pride FC's heavyweight champion....

        Im not sure whether you know what happened or not... but dont make me go and find the picture of CroCop running away from Fedor...


        • #5
          do you guys think that the MMA guys are skillful? i mean they obviously have good techniques that work but are they good technicians? or are they just the guys that are young, hard & want to fight?

          guys like couture with sweet technique & experience show how important being a technician is. but which is more useful? which to aspire to?


          • #6
            Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
            Yeah you got some amazing strikers in there in that K-1...

            check out the K-1 legend and superstar Mirko Cro Cop fighting the lowly lowly load of kiss Pride FC's heavyweight champion....

            Im not sure whether you know what happened or not... but dont make me go and find the picture of CroCop running away from Fedor...
            Don't forget those amazing strikers such as Bob Sapp and Butterbean!


            • #7
              It all depends on what you find interesting to watch. You like K-1. You like having a certain martial art performed within the confines of a certain set of rules.

              I like UFC and Pride. I like seeing multiple martial arts, alone and in combination, used within a set of less restrictive rules.

              Take any sport and over time it's going to be homogeneous. Look at how basket ball used to be played in the 70's vs how it's played now. When you look back in 30 years it will be just as different.

              When UFC first came out everyone was doing their own thing. Now to be successful you have to incorporate many things. Everyone is pretty much the same now: they have a standup game and a grappling game. That will continue until someone innovative comes along with the "next best thing" for everyone else to immitate.

              It all depends on what you like watching. Put a street baller in the NBA or an NBA player on the street and they will get owned. Take a sport fighter out of their environment and the same will usually happen (skill and weight being equal)


              • #8
                Most of you seem to think K-1 is all stand up, its not, take Hero's for example, a tourn for MMA fighting, the guys in K-1 seem to have so much more class than those in UFC, to me all you need in UFC is a big ol punch and you seem to win because thats all that happens, some huge fella runs at another huge fella they fall to the ground and one of em beats the other in the face, there's no good reversals, no good techniques, its just a street brall, but thats just my opinion, sorry that heat just came from watching another UFC fight that frustrated me.


                • #9
                  One punch is all it takes.. a normal human being can't take a well landed punch, your opinion is biased, Mirco Crocop did very well in k-1 and isn't doing that good in UFC. I like watching UFC more to study the mixed technique, but K-1 is also fun to watch. Saying UFC sucks and K-1 is good is just stupid, they are both sports, not real life street fighting, if you are only talking about entertainment then that is your opinion only, not everyone elses, however, like i said they are both sports and when it comes to real life both of them wont give you the exact same outcome.


                  • #10
                    cro cop fights in pride.....not the ufc and hes 18-3 i think that is a great record seeing as how he has only lost too the top two guys there and a fluke loss to randleman.


                    • #11
                      Sorry meant pride. >>


                      • #12
                        Just for the record im not knocking CroCop just saying it can go back and forth.. K-1 guys can beat pride/ufc and pride/ufc can beat K-1 guys...

                        oh and if you think UFC is all about the guy with the big punch.. your pretty mistaken... watch Tanner vs Franklin 2... that was a great fight.. kinda one sided in the end.. but a good display of technique...

                        or Van Arsdale vs Couture, the first round especially, some great wrestling there...

                        you are prolly just watching TUF 2 and making judgements on that....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kuk sool won
                          What a load of kiss

                          I like it when people mention this crap in forums and say its the creme of Martial arts, is it buggery, its a bunch of gym leapin' geezers that think they are 'ard.

                          I prefer to watch true martial arts even if they are restricted in some ways, K-1 and S-1 for example, even pro wrestling bushido (anyone seen that god damn they are crazy). UFC fighters wouldn't go near k-1 because they know that they wouldn't stand a chance. Although i did see one UFC fighter in it, can't remember his name but he had won UFC titles in his own weight then moved up and won it in the higher, any way his record 0-2, he had been knocked out twice then retired from it, thats a prime example of how poor UFC is, with the exception of wrestling and maybe jujitsu it hasn't no martial art ability at all sorry for the burnin' just had to say it

                          For all the flamin' you're doing, your point is pretty stupid... K-1 is just another UFC/Pride wannbe now. K-1 is trying to get guys from UFC and Pride to go there... But in fact, guys from K-1 are trying to make a name in UFC/Pride... Futhermore, K-1 guys, with a few exceptions make an impact in MMA...


                          • #14
                            says the biased one. K-1 has a much larger range of martial artists, just watching Heroes yesterday was ludacris, they had boxers to judo masters bizzare. In no way are k-1 and UFC/Pride are alike, IMO the fighters in K-1 are much better conditioned and have better ability with thier martial arts (apart from possibly wrestling, although i don't like wrestling i admire some of the ability them guys have) it just annoys me when people think that UFC/PRIDE is more 'realistic' or street like' than k-1, because frankly its not, neither have a great street like form. If it came down to street fighting a master of say, Kuk Sool Won (hehe) or Eagle Claw would murder those fighters just by using things like low blows or pressure point striking for example, brutal attacks that just can't be used in competition.

                            Entertainment wise i think K-1 has a lot more to offer unless you like two toned men hugging on the floor that seem to take up the majority of the fight.

                            Yes people like Bob Sapp seem to be fools that just through punches but Sapp has actually started to adapt his style abit and use things other than the big hook, although its not elegant he's throwing kicks to the knees and sometimes above the groin! I can see myself as a pureist though so thats probably why.

                            But when it comes down to pure entertainment Pro Wrestling Busido wins everytime, its brutal sometimes and the rules are even less than those of MMAK-1 and UFC rules, the point system that sometimes is implimented can be annoying but it rarely comes down to it. The tag team matches are brilliant, although its called PRO WRESTLING busido the majority of it is Martial arts.

                            anyways thats just my opinion and i accept your's also


                            • #15
                              just for the record people who fight k-1 mma came from ufc shooto pancrase and pride.....hero's mma started last year and every fighter there fought in one of more of those org's before getting into the k-1 mma scene....and ur joking bout the pressure point and nut kicks thing right?

