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UFC and Pride

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  • #16
    well if thats so then why did Le Banner (an old favourite from K-1) fight in it, the bringing in of UFC fighters were just to promote the MMA style.

    Hell no! Master Martin Ducker (the man who taught me) is so effective with pressure points, he's so precise and so dangerous with them its quite amazing, he doesn't spar too much but sometimes gives a brief showing of his pressure point ability, when he hits with them its something you feel, obviously he doesn't do it to his full strength but just enough to get the picture, we here at KSW take pressure points highly seriously and CAN be used effectively in a street fight especially in close quarters or even on the ground. I sometimes spar with my friend outside of class and i am no longer allowed to use pressure points because he just can't beat me when i use them, if you don't beleive me then fine but they are highly effective in a lot of situations.

    And we all know a good kick in the balls has the ability to knock the tallest of men down.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kuk sool won
      says the biased one. K-1 has a much larger range of martial artists, just watching Heroes yesterday was ludacris, they had boxers to judo masters bizzare. In no way are k-1 and UFC/Pride are alike, IMO the fighters in K-1 are much better conditioned and have better ability with thier martial arts (apart from possibly wrestling, although i don't like wrestling i admire some of the ability them guys have)
      Point taken, but it's subjective... How do you know whose more conditioned? And what defines "better ability?"

      Originally posted by kuk sool won
      it just annoys me when people think that UFC/PRIDE is more 'realistic' or street like' than k-1, because frankly its not, neither have a great street like form.
      I don't seem to remember anyone from Pride, UFC or K-1 for that matter stating that what they were doing was street fighting... Do you?

      Originally posted by kuk sool won
      If it came down to street fighting a master of say, Kuk Sool Won (hehe) or Eagle Claw would murder those fighters just by using things like low blows or pressure point striking for example, brutal attacks that just can't be used in competition.
      And that's the ticker isn't it - it can't be used in competition... It's probably illegal in most parts of the world... I have the deadliest dim mak in the world, but you will never know, because it's not permitted in competition.

      Originally posted by kuk sool won
      Entertainment wise i think K-1 has a lot more to offer unless you like two toned men hugging on the floor that seem to take up the majority of the fight.
      I don't believe you have the marketing sense to determine which MA venue is more entertaining. You just seem to offer a bias opinion of what you like.


      • #18
        Originally posted by kuk sool won
        Hell no! Master Martin Ducker (the man who taught me) is so effective with pressure points, he's so precise and so dangerous with them its quite amazing, he doesn't spar too much but sometimes gives a brief showing of his pressure point ability
        And that's all we really needed to know.... BTW, how old are you, 10, 12, 13?...


        • #19
          wanna know why he dose not spar to much......because he cant pull off any of that stuff when the person in front of him is resisting him .


          • #20
            please take strong note of the 'IMO', 'in my opinion' and 'i think', im not saying now what it is but what i think.

            'Entertainment wise i think K-1 has a lot more to offer ' please take notice of the 'i think'

            when i was talking about the street wise thing i wasn't just talking about this particular thread, its in forums like these countless times.

            Maybe your regional dialect has a more semantic meaning to murder than mine but murder is more commonly used to describe a one sided affair than the actual phsical process of murdering someone, sorry for that misunderstanding. Pressure point shots and low blows are just as legal or illegal than throwing punches and kicks if its in a form of self defence, all Dim Mak isn't just designed for killing people but protecting yourself and others, i think that i could nullify many peoples attacks without causing severe damage.


            • #21
              quite the opposite

              Originally posted by JkD187
              wanna know why he dose not spar to much......because he cant pull off any of that stuff when the person in front of him is resisting him .
              He invites them to attack him in an aggressive manner like in say a street style manner, that could be subject to anything that could be said, weapon arts are useless because you never see anyone use a real sword and try and stab someone, thats simply an ignorant comment

              And pstevens for you to judge my master when you haven't seen him perform is again an ignorant display. My school is one of the best KSW schools in the world and no im not just saying that, we are 5 time UK champions and 7 time european champions consecutively. An instructor at the school recently won himself the title of world kuk sool won champion, to mock my masters teachings without seeing them and knowing of them makes you a sad man.

              BTW what are you to make these comments, 70, 80 , 90?


              • #22
                You think you can stop people from attacking without causing severe damage? are you joking? ... seriously?.... wow...

                If I am fighting you... and say you get one of your fancy pants moves off that disorients me, or throws me off balance, but doesnt cause damage.... I'm just gonna start trying to hit you again... shit man.. to win a fight you have to cause damage... unless you can completely control the person (wreslting or Jiu Jitsu, poking me in the ribs or something is not gonna paralyze me bud)... you have to cause damage to win...

                hell in all situations you have to cause damage, because the second you release control you are back at square one fighting again...

                Now dont get me wrong I believe in pressure points.. I just see the whole body as pressure points... for instance... hitting the head.. thats a pressure point... I use my fist to put pressure on it... etc...


                • #23
                  strong emphasis on the word severe, i wouldn't call being knocked out cold a severe injury for example, could be back up on your feet with just a killing headache in 10 minutes!


                  • #24
                    lol at samuraiguy's pressure point refference.

