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for fighters only what would you do

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  • for fighters only what would you do

    today at 2;45 central time I have an orthopedic apt with the best fot and ankle doc in my state he's the shiznit.I he can do the 3 surgeries which could allow me to piviot on my right foot thus making me a kickboxer again, hopefully it will allow me to practice wrestling shots and be puti n ankle submissions but that may be a pipe dream. I'll probably be told "no you're screwed for fighting", have a happy halloween LOL. Even if I'm told it's over I'm severly tempted to fight anyway which will probably result in even more permanent injury(I've already been through 2 years of injury hell which included 3 stints in a wheel chair for mounths at a time crutches 24/7 and walking with a cane) despit this I still fell I'm a serious P-I-M-P in da ring and I've still got that slick ass game. So as fmr or current f.c. fighters what would you do, would you risk another 2 years of injury hell to style and profile and walk the isle whoooo(sorry for ther rick flair reference)
    no It's not worth it you've given up enough of yourself physically
    yea go back and fight again playa, you gotta have your fun kid
    I don't know
    see a shrink
    dial 1-800-GET-LIFE
    get some normal hobbies, have you tried collecting stamps

  • #2
    Start the serious study of the principle of "Ju". Ie...Ju-jitsu or Ju-do. It is the "clashing" type energy that causes injuries. The SBG guys call it NABT.
    -Non Attribute Based Training. That means emphasizing timeless principles like timing and sensitivity to attain victory. I'm sure this seems simple, and everyone has heard this sermon before.

    But it amazes me how many people practice jiu-jitsu the same way they would Thai boxing. Strength, aggression, conditioning...its ridiculous. Really understanding and applying the "ju" concept is the higher level of mastery.

    Funny is the young guys who train "hard style" and love the fighting element until a major injury...which is usually also a major blow to the ego...this finally gets them to question what this path is really about.


    • #3
      If I were you, and in what I understand your situation to be, a severely damaged ankle that has been repaired but could be reinjured... I would have to say....

      Well... I would probably do just BJJ... not sure if you do that.. it wont be nearly as hard on your ankle as kickboxing... and the pressure and stuff you put on it by throwing and wrestling might do some harm.. although there are a few things, triangle... etc.. which might impact on your ankle in bjj....

      Personally if my choices were to run serious risk of injuring myself with further life consequences by taking MMA (on the feet and ground) ... or to get by with relatively no chance of seroius injury while doing just ground... I would probably opt for just the ground...


      • #4
        Eh do something which dosen't include alot of pressure on the ankles, possibly with the least sparring as possible, I mean i would still practice but I probably wont fight, if you have another 2 years of injury that means you will lose another 2 years of fighting just because you didn't wait a couple of months.


        • #5
          I believe that the question was would you continue competitive fighting, not what would you do for a bit of sport.

          For me the answer is no. Your body has already given you a warning. The next injury could be permanent. Imagine if you were caught in a heel hook or ankle lock. You may be unable to walk (or train AT ALL) for the rest of your life.

          Time to give it up dude. You have another 50 years to live and you dont want to do it with constant pain.



          • #6
            yep it's O-V-E-R

            I still want to train mma and kb though, poor doc I think I ruined his halloween, he just kept looking at the mri and shaking is head and saying you've put on alot of miles for 28, I wouldn't do surgery on you even if you were my own brother because it's not worth putting you through it because you're not going to be happy with the results.Oh *&&*&*#$##$$# I think to myself, didn't think things would end like this, kinda been in a weird state sense then, in my mind if you can stand and you've got a pulse and you're breathing you're good to go for fighting Any ideas about how I can still do mma and other ma training????? Any input would be great


            • #7
              Dude there is a kid that wrestles that has no forarms or shins. Like a giant nub man. If he can do what he loves you can too brother. Follow your dreams. PEACE!


              • #8
                work on boxing , judo or jiu jitsu and some can still be very formidable with all these .....especially boxing...try low kick arts like savate and even try somethin you havent like sambo or even JKD ....well rounded fighters are formidable fighters....i have a bad knee from kyokushin which prevents me from high kicks so i took up boxing and im enrolling in BJJ ....i personally think im better than i was as a fighter cuz of it....and so can you....dont forget fighting and its training is about 70% mental and 30 % dont give up.


                • #9
                  Buy a gun Buy a gun Buy a gun


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OmaPlata
                    Buy a gun Buy a gun Buy a gun
                    lol i had to laugh at that =p

                    I'd follow the advice of those above who suggested to find a martial art that would be low-impact on the areas of the body you screwed up.

                    But quit altogether? I personally couldn't do that. I'd have to keep on doing what made me happy.


                    • #11
                      So what do you plan on doing blue wave?

