Just wondering how you grapplers out there rate yourself as lovers. Do you think a fighting mindset and a sexual intimacy mindset can mix? Do you spend more time thinking of how to break someones arm than bring your woman to orgasm?
Seduction is indeed a time consuming practice like any other. Most women in my opinion would probably be a little intimidated by a martial artist/grappler whose mind is on how to win fights. Unless she's a teeny bopper chances are the thought of you blowing up at a stranger because he comes on to her might make her even more apprehensive about forming a love/lust relationship with you.
Now its key that a great looking bod is a huge factor in being a sexual magnet, but that can simply be attained by workouts at the gym not m.a. Also I'm talking about forming a relationship with the beauty of your dreams not some average looking woman hopping on a bus.
How many men here consider them superb lovers, devoting similar or more amounts of time to the pursuit of womanly orgasms, romance, and love as they do to their m.a. goals. Being such different pursuits its hard to believe one can actually help the other.
Seduction is indeed a time consuming practice like any other. Most women in my opinion would probably be a little intimidated by a martial artist/grappler whose mind is on how to win fights. Unless she's a teeny bopper chances are the thought of you blowing up at a stranger because he comes on to her might make her even more apprehensive about forming a love/lust relationship with you.
Now its key that a great looking bod is a huge factor in being a sexual magnet, but that can simply be attained by workouts at the gym not m.a. Also I'm talking about forming a relationship with the beauty of your dreams not some average looking woman hopping on a bus.
How many men here consider them superb lovers, devoting similar or more amounts of time to the pursuit of womanly orgasms, romance, and love as they do to their m.a. goals. Being such different pursuits its hard to believe one can actually help the other.