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Q to wrestlers/judoka

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  • Q to wrestlers/judoka

    When I watch college wrestling, I see a lot of single/double leg takedowns, and almost nothing else. There are so many throws that are interesting to me and seem effective. Are there some hip throw judo moves/ greco roman lift/trip moves in college wrestling? I would really love to mix it up, especially with the lift/trip (kinda starts as a front bear hug, except I dont know how to get into a front bear hug.... or how to lift effectively...)


  • #2
    Depends on what weight class it is... lightweights 140- down are going to shoot shoot shoot, the heavier you get the more tie ups there are and more headlocks, belly to belly suplex's, and just clinch throws.... about getting into a front bear hug, you have to pummel in and just get in there man, force your way in, it's not that hard to get a body lock. I liked popping up an elbow on my opponent in the clinch and slipping to his back and throwing him. You just need to get the guy a centimeter off the ground, you don't have to lift him real high, once you get him just a tiny bit off the ground then just twist and throw as hard as you can toward the ground man.


    • #3
      Originally posted by danfaggella
      When I watch college wrestling, I see a lot of single/double leg takedowns, and almost nothing else. There are so many throws that are interesting to me and seem effective. Are there some hip throw judo moves/ greco roman lift/trip moves in college wrestling? I would really love to mix it up, especially with the lift/trip (kinda starts as a front bear hug, except I dont know how to get into a front bear hug.... or how to lift effectively...)


      There is a full compliment of throws, sweeps, etc. in wrestling. If you are watching college wrestling you need to take into account that at a certain level the wrestling game becomes more and more strategic as skill levels rise to a certain point. The wrestlers at that level are very likely to have strong enough defense that you are not gonna see a lot of junk that you would see with a couple of high school kids going at it. You are also less likely to see the kind of gross mismatches that are so common in HS wrestling. That's why, frankly, a lot of people find college wrestling boring to watch. Keep watching though, I suspect there is a lot more going on than you realize just now.


      • #4
        i enjoy is a lot more than HS wrestling, the skill levels are so much higher. I just wanna work in some stuff other than the doubles/singles that seem to be the gospel truth of wrestling. I never see leg sweeps/trips, or even any greco stuff in college wrestling, is it becuase its inefective without a gi for trips, and that legs are better than body for grabbing and takedowns all the time?


        • #5
          Originally posted by danfaggella
          I never see leg sweeps/trips, or even any greco stuff in college wrestling, is it becuase its inefective without a gi for trips, and that legs are better than body for grabbing and takedowns all the time?

          Its a matter of what is highest percentage and puts you in the least vulnerable position if it doesn't work, versus what is less likely and easier to defend. Throws, sweeps, etc work great, but against someone with a solid defense they are much lower percentage and riskier than a good leg shot. What you often end up seeing with two well-matched wrestlers at that level is a tactical battle to set up the best possible shot, and then a physical battle to finish or counter.


          • #6
            that is what i see, and its legs legs legs. i hope to find a place for trips and such, even if its not a common thing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by danfaggella
              that is what i see, and its legs legs legs. i hope to find a place for trips and such, even if its not a common thing.

              Unfortunately, you are more likely to see such things when the competition is a significant mismatch.


              • #8
                I think it mainly has to do with stance and the fact that if you mess up a shot there is still a chance you can recover and get back up into neutral position. But if you mess up a throw or a trip then it is pretty much over since you usually set yourself up for a pin or a takedown. With college the stakes and pressure is a lot higher so I guess you will see a lot less high risk moves.


                • #9
                  Bjjexpertise@be - I don't think the issue is as much high risk as much time and control. Greco-Roman is very specific type of wrestling that not everyone gets involved. The set-ups for Throws throws can take a while espesially if you are not used to throws, though you may see suplexes in college. Now the shoot (or my favorite high crotch or even ankle picks) can be very quick and place you in the best position for back points and possible pin and allow you maintain control


                  • #10
                    good point ipon.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by danfaggella
                      When I watch college wrestling, I see a lot of single/double leg takedowns, and almost nothing else. There are so many throws that are interesting to me and seem effective. Are there some hip throw judo moves/ greco roman lift/trip moves in college wrestling? I would really love to mix it up, especially with the lift/trip (kinda starts as a front bear hug, except I dont know how to get into a front bear hug.... or how to lift effectively...)


                      watch the randy couture-tito ortiz fight.

                      randy is awesome out of the clinch, ( "bear hug" ).

                      try to find a greco roman fellow to help you out. i would say judo, but a lot of judo is dependant on a gi.

             can come to the university of central oklahoma and i will hook you up with a few judo buddies to teach you non-gi moves.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by danfaggella
                        When I watch college wrestling, I see a lot of single/double leg takedowns, and almost nothing else. There are so many throws that are interesting to me and seem effective. Are there some hip throw judo moves/ greco roman lift/trip moves in college wrestling? I would really love to mix it up, especially with the lift/trip (kinda starts as a front bear hug, except I dont know how to get into a front bear hug.... or how to lift effectively...)


                        watch the randy couture vs tito fight.

                        randy is awesome out of the clinch, ( "bear hug" ).

                        try to find a greco roman fellow to help you out. i would say judo, but a lot of judo is dependant on a gi.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by danfaggella
                          When I watch college wrestling, I see a lot of single/double leg takedowns, and almost nothing else. There are so many throws that are interesting to me and seem effective. Are there some hip throw judo moves/ greco roman lift/trip moves in college wrestling? I would really love to mix it up, especially with the lift/trip (kinda starts as a front bear hug, except I dont know how to get into a front bear hug.... or how to lift effectively...)


                          watch the randy couture vs tito fight.

                          randy is awesome out of the clinch, ( "bear hug" ).

                          you really need to find an experienced greco-roman wrestler to work with, certain things need to be shown not explained.

                          i would recomend judo, but a lot of judo is dependant on a gi. (i think judo guys can go standup/clinch with anyone, but getting use to a gi in training isnt very good for mma or street defense)


                          • #14
                            watch the randy couture vs tito fight.

                            randy is awesome out of the clinch, ( "bear hug" ).

                            you really need to find an experienced greco-roman wrestler to work with, certain things need to be shown not explained.

                            i would recomend judo, but a lot of judo is dependant on a gi. (i think judo guys can go standup/clinch with anyone, but getting use to a gi in training isnt very good for mma or street defense)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by zhorner
                              i would recomend judo, but a lot of judo is dependant on a gi. (i think judo guys can go standup/clinch with anyone, but getting use to a gi in training isnt very good for mma or street defense)
                              the gi is great for self defense. everyone on the street wears clothing if u havent noticed. most people u get in fights with on the street wont be wearing board shorts only and no shoes.

