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Joe won! Or did he?

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  • #16
    Why think about more rounds? because the UFC didn't used to be so bogus. I loved it when fighters couldn't stop at all and the fight just went as long as the two of them could beat each other up.


    • #17
      Luke definately should have got that decision - did anyone catch joe try to cop out with that "I was hurt, but we didn't want to tell anyone" crap. Also Diego beat Diaz hands down, despite Diaz catching Diego and cutting him - diego did catch diaz a couple of times - look at his face for proof - if it went longer Diego still would have won.


      • #18
        that's a tuff call,
        Diaz is in way better shape. 2 More rounds who knows?


        • #19
          Good call by the judges

          I was pulling for Diaz, but I Think Diego was a lot more agressive throughout the bout. That's the problem with submissions. If you nearly get one, there's no sign of it - it looks like the other guy has supurb defensive skills. But if you nearly knock the other guy out, that stays in the judges' minds.

          I think for Diaz to have won the decision, he would have had to have done a better job of controlling Diego - spent more time on top (even though defensively his guard skills are awesome).


          • #20
            In the Joe Stevenson fight, Joe clearly one... what could they give that fight to luke on?.. the two shots that kinda stunned Joe a bit, which Joe immediately mounted an offense after.

            Joe had superior position, and superior striking on the ground, and superior takedowns throughout the whole fight... and when about 13 of the 15 minutes of the fight were on the ground.. then that equals a win...

            I really thought Joe was gonna molest luke, but luke put up a lot better fight than I anticpitated.... the one thing I think is funny, is everyone talks about how well luke did for not getting the shit kicked out of him on the ground, then they say he should have one...

            "It was amazing he was able to hang on, and not get owned on the ground!"

            "Oh yeah he should win for that"

            As for Diaz and Diego, I'm not sure, I knew the judges would give it to Diego, because he had the top in most gaurd situations... it was a strange fight because Diaz's gaurd was awesome, he was both offensive and defensive from it... I've never seen someone so active on their back, he also won what little stand up there was.....

            The extra help he was talking about... well its because Diego is the TUF star and UFC wants to build him up as a legitimate fighter... they arent going to go out and have people take a dive to do it... but... thats not to say they wont push the guy ahead in their favor... for instance...

            Forrest Griffin vs Elvis Sinosic... when that fight ended, do you really think Elvis wasnt defending himself, sure he was losing, but he was on his back, he had his hands and legs up in a defensive position, and forrest just threw alot of wild punches....

            I think the ref was told if you see anyway where it can be claimed Forrest has one, give it to him so he doesnt end up losing and killing his rise to stardom.

            (BTW I still think Forrest would of won and I'm not knocking him)...


            • #21
              I Think luke should have gotten a contract but i dont think he should have won He can be a good fighter but he needs some ground skills
              I was going for joe by the way


              • #22
                Too close to call, but I think Luke should have got the decision. Here is my reason... Joe is a monster on the ground, but he couldn't submit or hurt Luke.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ninjaiboy22
                  Does any one think even Diaz won, Sanchez did not really control the fight. The hardest blow to either man was the kick to Sanchez's face.
                  Did you see how bad Diaz cut him up. Sanchez was dripping blood during his interview with Rogan!

                  your an idiot...sanchez controlled the fight the WHOLE time.

                  sanchez also cut nicks head pretty damn bad.

                  im not a big fan of either...but diego won. the fact that you question that win lets me know that you eat your boogers.


                  • #24
                    ^wtf man? lol that was one of the greatest fight's i've ever seen in the UFC simply because of the absolutly incredible display of skill from both fighters.... of course we are going to question the win because we all love our own styles man... and that was the purpose of the UFC, to see which style was the best. And my booger shooting attack has knocked out many


                    • #25
                      Kinda stunned? He got hurt, and Joe couldn't return the favor - it wasn't that Luke kept from getting beat down on the ground, it's that Joe couldn't beat him down on the ground (his turf) whereas standing Luke still owned him.


                      • #26
                        Joe won he controlled most of the fight and one punch didn't change the pace of the fight, Luke had a huge opportunity, but he didn't do enough to win. Samarui guy already summed it all up.


                        • #27
                          Sanchez had a small cut over his eyebrow. I don't remember where Diaz was cut but he was bleeding everywhere, even on Sanchez's face.

