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Rich Franklin VS. Nate Quarry? your opionions

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  • Rich Franklin VS. Nate Quarry? your opionions

    This weekend there are gonna be alot of great fights in the ufc pay per view. Everyone is saying that Rich franklin will beat Nate quary and he will just walk all over him, but alot of people don't really know quarry background. He has been training with team quest and randy coture for about 7 years, so he has great skills, and with his skills thats why he is getting a title shot so soon. I know all of you will think I'm crazy, but I think quarry will beat Franklin. It willl be a battle but I think he will end up winning. There really is only one way to see who will win though, we all shall see come saturday.

  • #2
    Franklin will completely dominate him, its over before the first round is done. Mark my words


    • #3
      i'ma laugh when rich goes out and f's with quarry's head


      • #4
        I personally see Rich as a more cerebral fellow, and though he is expected to win, would like him to win simply because I love brain over braun, not to say quarry is stronger, but he seems like more of a brawler adn a brute than rich to me.


        • #5

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          • #6
            hehe... that's why they call him Rich "Ace" Franklin...


            • #7
              Nate Quarry

              Have you guys seen nate quarry fighting before??? I seen him on the UFighter but he has a busted anckle.. j


              • #8
                I'm a really big nate quarry fan

                He's in the ankle club and he's a class act with good all around skills I think, but rich franklin is gonna bring it to him that's foe sho if he wins it will be an upset.


                • #9
                  I predict: Franklin by submission.


                  • #10
                    Franklin. Submission or stoppage.


                    • #11
                      Franklin by whatever he chooses to do.Nate said he wants to pull out some old school team quest gnp....but either way ground or standing he screwed.He has a punchers chance though so we will see.


                      • #12
                        well i was wrong franklin kicked quarry's ass


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JkD187
                          Franklin by whatever he chooses to do.Nate said he wants to pull out some old school team quest gnp....but either way ground or standing he screwed.He has a punchers chance though so we will see.
                          yea tell who is the king!!!!!!


                          • #14
                            damn dude, franklin destroyed nate like it was nothing. he didnt even break a sweat. we all knew franklin was gonna dominate, but man that was a mauling. quarry never even had a chance.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by OmaPlata
                              Franklin will completely dominate him, its over before the first round is done. Mark my words

                              Who is this Omplata guy, he sure can pick fight outcomes, must be why he makes the big bucks, hes always right!!!!!!!!!

