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Where can i practice hard/NHB sparring?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sport_person89
    Don't ever call TKD a sport....

    Is this your Clint Eastwood moment, lil' fella?


    • #17
      How about starting with the easiest route and ask your instructor. While we do have point sparring in schools and some tournaments I do not and have never taught for that. I have no problem upping the contact level.

      now when i want to up the contact level I go to the BJJ group that I train with. Most of which are also TKD blackbelts or JKD guys as well.


      • #18
        no they dont'... you're clearly wrong it's both sport and art. why don't you know what you're talking abuot before opening your mouth


        • #19
          lol jubaji.. gotta work on the insults there shit-for-brains


          • #20
            well if you want full contact your in the wrong art/sport.....hows that? tkd you will be hard pressed to find people who are willing to do that kiddo.


            • #21
              Good luck tkd_person89. I really hope you become a good fighter. I really don't give a damn if you think my beliefs are shit but lets see where yours are going to take you.


              • #22
                Ok we will see then. Taekwondo was created to be a martial art and it is still is a martial art with sport aspects. So its a "martial art sport", I guess.I don't know why yo're implying TKD is ineffective, any truly good martial artist knows it's the man, not the art.


                • #23
                  I implied it was a sport. Not an ineffective art. TKD gives you extremely good flexibility and I think its a great base art for people, but I don't give anymore than that.


                  • #24
                    And I don't care what you think. Have you ever done TKD yourself? For how long?

                    I especially hate people like you that want to fit in so they join the bash tkd bandwagon just because everybody else does it. You need to get it through your head that it's just as effective as any other standup style (besides maybe MT and San Shou), and that it's both art and sport. Not just sport.


                    • #25
                      Hmmmm well i've done TKD for over 20 years now. Of the three main systems of TKD the only one i haven't formally studied is ITF.

                      WTF= sport Very little martial remains, if the focus remains the olympics then it will cease to be a martial art.

                      Sorry but it is individual. For some it's a sport, for some it's a delivery system, for some it's an exercise program. Other's a weight loss program. Sometimes it's even a strange babysitting program.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tkd_person89
                        And I don't care what you think. Have you ever done TKD yourself? For how long?
                        You obviously do if your taking the time to reply to me.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tkd_person89
                          I especially hate people like you that want to fit in so they join the bash tkd bandwagon just because everybody else does it.

                          I've been hating TKD since i studied it when I was little for a few months and stopped because I didn't like it. When I took other arts I noticed TKD was worse(IN MY OPINION). So don't tell me I want to join the "bash tkd bandwagon". You know nothing about me and nothing about my knowledge, I only stated an opinion yet you talk out of your ass talking like its a fact. And notice how you get all worked up when someone states an opinion you don't like, you gotta accept peoples thoughts without being so hostile, and you think I really give a damn if someone on the internet hates me?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                            Hmmmm well i've done TKD for over 20 years now. Of the three main systems of TKD the only one i haven't formally studied is ITF.
                            Heh man like I said I don't like TKD but I'd be damn sure if you studied it for 20 years you'd be able to use it effectively.


                            • #29
                              blitz the kid is like 15.....dont waste your breath bro.


                              • #30
                                I'm 15. I don't see your point, I don't act one bit like him

