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Where can i practice hard/NHB sparring?

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  • #31
    well i guess your a mature 15....while that kid needs a little growing up to do...we all know tkd is a martial art...but you will find way more sport tkd dojos then you wil real tkd dojos so just drop it facts are facts.


    • #32
      That's your opinion. It is not a fact. Provide me with statistics or data of any kind regarding dojangs in this country and I'll maybe believe you.

      In Korea, almost every TKD dojang is the real deal.


      • #33
        we live in america kid not korea....all you gotta do is look around its notthat hard go too google and check it out.


        • #34
          Some instructors in my system teach in Korea. One of the biggest in seoul.

          And it isn't even WTF.

          In korea TKD is generally thought of as a sport for children. (it is the national sport of korea after all)


          • #35
            Yeah but for teens and adults its a hardcore martial art. I know. I've lived there and I was born there. Just like Muay Thai is THE sport/art of Thailand, TKD is THE sport/art of Korea.

            There are many competent TKD-ists in KOrea


            • #36
              JKD, what do you want me to search on google?

              I realize that we're living in America. My point is that Taekwondo was created to be martial art but now it is a martial art and martial sport. It is both, whether you like it or not. The tarnishing of TKD"s reputation comes from shitty instructors and bullshit practitioners, which is a more severe problem here than anywhere else in the world. The bastardization of TKD for commercial benefits has gone too far and is more severe in TKD than any other martial art. Why? Because TKD can be taken advantage of, as it is the most popular martial art with millions and millions of practitioners.

              I apologized to you, yet you still remain hostile...


              • #37
                lol im not hostile kiddo im just expainin how it goes.Yes tkd is bolth a ma and a sport i already said that several times.I just said its hard to find a good gym in the us bc of all the bs.....its the same with karate...kung fu and others.


                • #38
                  I suppose... unless you live where I live. NYC metropolitan area/north nj area. there's countless dojangs to pick from.

                  it's like one of those probability problems in math class... bad memories


                  • #39
                    i live in queens and train in manhatten.There are alot of bs mcdojos in NY.


                    • #40
                      You do TKD?


                      • #41
                        did many years ago....i switched to muay thai about 2 years ago after boxing for the last yew years before that about 5 years go.I love the spinning back kick to death though thas bout the only tkd i still use


                        • #42

                          hey, you might be using more TKD than you think. If you did TKD, then it's engraved into your mind - providing you've done it for a while.

                          Combing MT's explosive power with TKD's speed = deadly combination

                          Good luck there buddy


                          • #43
                            thanks you too bro.....i did tkd for about 4 years but i dont use that many kicks.....just the teep kick....thai kick and the spining back kick.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by tkd_person89

                              hey, you might be using more TKD than you think. If you did TKD, then it's engraved into your mind - providing you've done it for a while.

                              Combing MT's explosive power with TKD's speed = deadly combination

                              Good luck there buddy
                              There is no need to combine TKD with MT because MT is freak fast and powerful. If you don't believe me, go to a MT gym ,and you will see. One more point to add, you will use no TKD against a MT guy. Check it out yourself OK?


                              • #45
                                Wow you're a little biased there... You obviously have to idea what the hell you are talking about.

                                Since you are a noob, i recommend you go lie down and leave the talking to the knowledgeable ones.

