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Excessive Self-Defense

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  • Excessive Self-Defense

    I want to know if as martial artist we have the responsibility not to use our techniques to excess in a self defense situation. If we have the ability to kill our opponent and not kill our opponent does a self defense situation give us the right to take the life of our agressor. Do we have a responsibilty with our technique to do everything in our power first to dispose of the situation non-leathaly before we resort to leathal techniques? Does the fact that the other person is trying to kill us give us the right to kill them? Or are we only lowering ourselves to their level? Is it our responsibilty to take our years of training and protect not only ourselves from harm but the very person who is trying to harm us?

    Does the simple fact that killing the agressor is easier and quicker make it the right thing to do in a self defense situation?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Eyegouge
    Does the simple fact that killing the agressor is easier and quicker make it the right thing to do in a self defense situation?
    Unless you're a member of law stand a pretty significant chance of getting royally fucked for it.
    Killing somebody is really, REALLY drastic. And, unless you can't comprehend it, PERMANENT.


    • #3
      It all depends on the situation.....if a guy at a bar cusses you out and decides to swing at you....there is no need to cripple or kill him....just stun him long enough to get away or you could try and restrain him and put him to sleep with a choke...or just ktfo him.Now if this same scenario involved a guy cussin you out and then he pulls a knife or gun/other conceled weapon out then it no longer becomes and issue of should i? it become either flight or fight.....get the hell outta there as quick as possible or put this guy down hard....if you have to cripple him...ktfo him....kill him w.e i dont care if my life was on the line id bash his skull in with a chair and eat his damn brains if i had to.I value life thank you very much .The law however is not on our side.....they think that martial artists are superhuman and can stop anyone(S) with out lethal that is def against us but when it comes down to protecting the life of another or yours....**** law!


      • #4
        And then what happened.Is this a riddle?I am just making conversation.

        I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
        Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.Why now? It could be true I suppose."It" being what?Where can I get the hell outta there as quick as possible or put this guy down hard?But I don't have it.
        In the context of ktfo him, I don't understand "Try saying that with more or less context."Killing is wrong.:-) That is interesting:
        said value life thank me very much.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JkD187
          It all depends on the situation.....if a guy at a bar cusses you out and decides to swing at you....there is no need to cripple or kill him....just stun him long enough to get away or you could try and restrain him and put him to sleep with a choke...or just ktfo him.Now if this same scenario involved a guy cussin you out and then he pulls a knife or gun/other conceled weapon out then it no longer becomes and issue of should i? it become either flight or fight.....get the hell outta there as quick as possible or put this guy down hard....if you have to cripple him...ktfo him....kill him w.e i dont care if my life was on the line id bash his skull in with a chair and eat his damn brains if i had to.I value life thank you very much .The law however is not on our side.....they think that martial artists are superhuman and can stop anyone(S) with out lethal that is def against us but when it comes down to protecting the life of another or yours....**** law!

          I've heard that "better to be tried by twelve than carried by six" shit so often that it makes it seem rational. It makes sense...and under the RIGHT circumstances could perhaps be justified. But how many of those "kill or be killed" situations is the average person going to encounter?

          All I'll say after that is witnesses, no body.
          Quicklime, shovel, desert...
          Lethal force is something that should be used only for when it's needed...(even though, most of the time, if it's a true lethal force justified'll probably be maimed and the other guy killed.)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sensei Saki
            And then what happened.Is this a riddle?I am just making conversation.

            I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
            Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.Why now? It could be true I suppose."It" being what?Where can I get the hell outta there as quick as possible or put this guy down hard?But I don't have it.
            In the context of ktfo him, I don't understand "Try saying that with more or less context."Killing is wrong.:-) That is interesting:
            said value life thank me very much.
   lack intentionality and cognitive states, so **** off.
            If you have the capacity to look stuff up on the web, check out articles on the "Chinese box".
            You'll get my drift. (why do I keep anthropamorphizing your sorry ass.)
            You can compute, but you can't comprehend.


            • #7
              Alot of SD guys love to talk about the right mindset to be in to kill someone and so on and so forth....but exactly like garland said how many of them actually had to use those skils to cripple and maime? very very few have actuall "real"world experience.To paraphrase what Jim Wagner said in an interview "I was trained in counter-terrorism scenarios and thought that i would never actually go on a real world mission.After 9-11 i participated in over 145 mission on planes and not once did anything out of the ordinary happen.If something did happen my training would have qualifued me to try my best to do something about it".If you have to use lethal force it will prob only be ONCE in your life if any.....The odds are basically a million to one.Thank you garland!


              • #8
                I'm not worried about the chances of using leathal force in a real situation. It's happened to someone somehwer lol. But seriously. What gives us the right to take that person's life? Just because we can? We have the training not to take his life and stop him too. Why whould that not be the better decision. (taking a side 4 sake of argument)


                • #9
                  Personaly, I try not to kill people when I don't have to. If there armed - it's no longer a question. I'm probably jaded from multiple combat tours in the military. But in America, if forced to fight - I'm going to end it as quickly as possible. Unless I'm dealing with a crackhead, or an enraged pcp fiend, a broken bone will end it. No one dies, and most of the time they'll recover almost as good as new. To little patience for choke holds, if it goes that far I'm going to kill someone. Atl least I can always claim PTSD in court.


                  • #10
                    Eyegouge, you can get someone pull a knife on you and tell you to give him your wallet. What would you do, your reaction is to save yourself not to save him, he is the bad guy here, you have to do whatever it takes to get out of this situation. My example was the most common I think, what if when you grow up someone threatned to rape your wife and pulled a knife too maybe even a gun, you have to do whatever it takes to stop him, if you keep him alive then man you are a good person, but chances are your reaction is gonna be something that will be 100% going to stop him.

                    And yeah like JKD said, the odds are a million to one(actually its more but thats a big number).


                    • #11
                      where's Boar i wanna hear what he has to say?!


                      • #12
                        He'll reply, he always does!


                        • #13
                          give them your wallet, offer them a copy of the bible, and be sure not to hurt them...remember always turn the other cheek...violence is for the bad the light. i suggest prayer as soon as the situation starts...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by blitz
                            Eyegouge, you can get someone pull a knife on you and tell you to give him your wallet. What would you do, your reaction is to save yourself not to save him, he is the bad guy here, you have to do whatever it takes to get out of this situation. My example was the most common I think, what if when you grow up someone threatned to rape your wife and pulled a knife too maybe even a gun, you have to do whatever it takes to stop him, if you keep him alive then man you are a good person, but chances are your reaction is gonna be something that will be 100% going to stop him.

                            And yeah like JKD said, the odds are a million to one(actually its more but thats a big number).
                            I throw my wallet at the fucker and then I run.
                            My life is more important than the paper in my fucking wallet.
                            If I find out somebody raped anyone I know...well...I dunno about that? Perhaps they'd buy a plane ticket somewhere nice and never come back??


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by thedonbreakyour
                              No always kill your opponent. even when arguing which is better Clearisil or Bacutane. Always kill your opponent or the fight isn't done,

                              wTF are you going to kill? Jimmy who 'dissed' you at the m and m concert? Give me a break. First start with a real fight then worry about killing someone.

                              Let's all hope that you are the one killed so you don't procreate.

                              Dude, you're mean.

