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Bas Rutten's stand-up fighting

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  • Bas Rutten's stand-up fighting

    I was just watching Bas Rutten's video that compliments his audio cassette workout. When Bas demoes his basic stance, it looks squared off and with a long step, kind of like a forwad stance from karate. I also noticed his straight body punch and round kick have qualities that remind me of karate. It even looks like he has a little snap in his roundkick. Now I know Bas, in addition to his MT background, has a dan ranking in kyokushin, but the video section titles are "boxing" and "Thai-boxing". Bas' palm strikes during his Pancrase days look like they have a karate flavor. I also have a video clip of Bas prepping Stiebling for a MT fight. The video is shot in a hotel room or somebody's house. While working the pads, Bas chambers a few, not all or most, of his punches into his upper chest/armpit area, like a kyokushin fighter.

    Now, my questions have nothing to do with the quality of Bas' stand-up (I believe that is without question). I was wondering if other MT camps had a stance and body mechanics similar to Bas, or if this is his kyokushin training coming through?

    My knowledge is very limited in this subject, so I'll apologize in advance if I am posting something very stupid or already discussed.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    good post bro its ok.Bas like to use wide stances because he likes to have alot of power in his lead hand as well as in his rear.He domonstartes the difference in alot of his material.I also noticed in his lethal street fighting dvd he puts alot of shoulder rotation into his punches which makes them hit with alot more force.Alot of slight differences in stance and hand placment add lots of speed and power into blows....i also noticed that when hes in his stance he likes to sometimes keep his knuckles facing outward which also gives you alot of shoulder rotation in the blow.I have not seen many other people or camps use his style of striking other then georges st pierre and sometimes david loiseau....i know georges has a background in kyokushin.

