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Krav Maga training

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  • Krav Maga training

    Has anyone ever trained Krav Maga? I plan to at some point, but I don't know how they train.

  • #2
    i train krav maga. its a good system for self defense but i must admit its is over hyped.


    • #3
      please tell me how you guys, train, obviously it varies from place to place but how is it? do you guys spar/submission grapple/do kata/ do jumping jacks... or what? I have no idea, please enlighten me!



      • #4
        Classes last for about an hour. They begin with a warm up and stretching. You then move to practicing combatives with a partner holding a punching pad, or kicking shield. This will aid in building up your cardio as you continously strike the pad. Increasing your capacity to spar or roll in later classes. In addition your partner builds up his ability to take a strike. This will become important when you start the body forging drills. Class will usually end with learning various choke defenses. As well as practicing 360 instinctive defense blocking techniques. This would be standard level 1 (beginner) training.

        I hope this helps you out.


        • #5
          yeah it does, im thinking about what to train in that i might be able to teach police officers later in life. That may be a carrier I would like, I'm not sure though, its no good if i cant move up in it and make a legitimate impact.


          • #6
            honestly krav maga seems like a great system ....but if your gonna spend the time and energy go with muay thai ....very similar in some ways ( knees and elbows) ....muay thai has better devastating techniques ( not the sport techniques) or......use them both and combine them...imagine a proficient krav maga expert who is also proficient in muay thai thats f#!kin deadly shit!! .......


            • #7
              Originally posted by georgie
              honestly krav maga seems like a great system ....but if your gonna spend the time and energy go with muay thai ....very similar in some ways ( knees and elbows) ....muay thai has better devastating techniques ( not the sport techniques) or......use them both and combine them...imagine a proficient krav maga expert who is also proficient in muay thai thats f#!kin deadly shit!! .......
              i"ve trained in Krav Maga and you will find many similarities to Muay Thai. A lot of the kicks are the same, use of knees and elbows, even some of the blocks. I think most "modern" martail arts are using Thai style kicks these days. Personally I think its a good system. It emphasises getting the beginner a good set of basic techniques to work very quickly and a lot of it is designed around instictive movement. Learning some Muay Thai would be good also, but I'm one for studying as many techiques as you can and developing your own style. What works for one person may not work for another.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BB Wolf
                i"ve trained in Krav Maga and you will find many similarities to Muay Thai. A lot of the kicks are the same, use of knees and elbows, even some of the blocks. I think most "modern" martail arts are using Thai style kicks these days. Personally I think its a good system. It emphasises getting the beginner a good set of basic techniques to work very quickly and a lot of it is designed around instictive movement. Learning some Muay Thai would be good also, but I'm one for studying as many techiques as you can and developing your own style. What works for one person may not work for another.
                so i said try em both see what you like and what works for you.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  I have trained in KM also. Do more HaganaH now. but as was said, we do alot of pad work, mitt work, we do do full contact sparring and most of our stand up fighting is very similar to MT. We start out warming up, then we do whatever self defense drill that are on for the day, could be chokes, could be multiple attackers, knife defense, etc. Its very no-nonsense. The key to it, as with all styles is make sure you have a good and competent instructor.


                  • #10

                    What is HaganaH?


                    • #11
                      I think I was thinking about KM because it deals with disarming and knives and such, and if I were to train police I would want to have some knowledge about that stuff, though I will still be into sportive JJ and other striking arts.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by danfaggella
                        I think I was thinking about KM because it deals with disarming and knives and such, and if I were to train police I would want to have some knowledge about that stuff, though I will still be into sportive JJ and other striking arts.
                        i think learning a proficient knife defense nowadays is vital in todays society...everyone should know the basics of knife defense many people pull knives nowadays it certainly wouldnt hurt to know some descent moves......gun defense is great too !


                        • #13
                          Yeah, and I think that training armed forces is a legit job, and Krav Maga offeres self-defence stuff I don't think I could find in another single martial art


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Kravist05

                            What is HaganaH?
                            Haganah is another form of military based Israeli Martial Arts.


                            • #15
                              Haganah is kind of a more advanced form of Krav Maga. It's founder, Chief Mike Kanerek, named the style after the Haganah Units in Israel which his adoptive father served in after going to Israel. Chief Kanerek himself eventually served in the Israeli Military and eventually in the infamous Gholani Brigade. Anyway, He found that some of the knife defences in KM were good, but in some cases, needed to be somewhat updated and modified and more realistic. Being trained in KM as well as MT, BJJ andfull contact Karate, he kinda of took effective tactics from a variety of different styles, made some modifications and kind of put it all together into what we call Haganah.
                              The Civilian version is commonly referred to as F.I.G.H.T (Fierce Israeli hand to hand tactics)
                              You cna check out the website
                              The dvd's are good, but I always recommend going to a good school and training under someone competent in the style

