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Escape from the mount

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  • Escape from the mount

    I know the main escapes from the mount, which are the upa and bridge, and the push elbow. However, I'm having trouble when some big guys get the mount on me. I'm ok against inexperienced people, but if they have trained a bit at all, they can usually make it hard to upa them over, or create enough space for me to recover the guard.

    Any advice on how to deal with big guys who get the mount on you, who also know what you are trying to do to escape? Is it a matter of waiting for the right time (ie. when they are not based strong on one side), or could I not be upa'ing strong enough?

  • #2
    Originally posted by shamster
    I know the main escapes from the mount, which are the upa and bridge, and the push elbow. However, I'm having trouble when some big guys get the mount on me. I'm ok against inexperienced people, but if they have trained a bit at all, they can usually make it hard to upa them over, or create enough space for me to recover the guard.

    Any advice on how to deal with big guys who get the mount on you, who also know what you are trying to do to escape? Is it a matter of waiting for the right time (ie. when they are not based strong on one side), or could I not be upa'ing strong enough?

    Some guys can wiggle underneath and go out the backdoor, like get enough space and slide your whole body underneath and get out. Kenny florian and Nick Diaz do that shit in the Octagon.
    Or, just dont get mounted


    • #3
      The easiest escape from the mount is grabbing the wrist...if you cant control it with one hand use a 2 on 1 grip...and bridge and roll to the side of the wrist you grabbed...its worked 100% of the time for me.


      • #4
        I do try to grab the wrist, but some guys are a lot bigger than me (many of the guys in my class have 60-100 lbs over me), and I can't seem to shake them off, even when I think they are not based on one side.


        • #5
          Try the two in combination - use the bridge and roll to get the other guy to put his leg out to brace himself, then do the elbow-knee. If he pinches his knees tight to avoid the elbow-knee, then flow back into the bridge-and-roll.


          • #6
            Originally posted by aseepish
            Try the two in combination - use the bridge and roll to get the other guy to put his leg out to brace himself, then do the elbow-knee. If he pinches his knees tight to avoid the elbow-knee, then flow back into the bridge-and-roll.
            I am 144lbs and therefore 99% of the time I am sparing with guys heavier than me. A few comments that will hopefully help. Firstly to bridge and roll you have to wait for the right time. It is very very hard to just do this escape when you want unless you are stronger and heavier than your oponent. Get good at defending and don't be in a rush. When you do bridge have your heels right up tight to your butt and bridge for all yo uare worth. Oddly the slower you bridge now thatt better you will be iin the long run.

            Second, If you are a smaller guy, going out the back door is a good call. Your oponent will normally need to have his kness right up under your armpits. Use you hands on his chest to push him up towards your head. Then bring you feet in under his armpits. Now straight you legs pushing him forward and you going out the back. Make sure you turn your head to one side as you go out the back so as not to crank your neck.

            Third, if I really need to get out I use the elbow escape. Works every time. But you still have to wait for the right time. If he is sat square and not attackiing your chances are slim. Let him attack defend well. When his weight is off to one side escape the light side, Being so small I have had to get real good at escapeing under half guard too.

            The method above Bridge then elbow escape is great too. It works a treat but you need to be quick and keep the pressure one.

            Don't get to used to doing one escape and abandon the rest though. Keep practising them all!

            There are others but these are the ones I find best. Hope this helps.

